
Demon 'N Dress

Mina is a 23 year old lady whose personality is best described as thoughtful, she likes to have a plan for what she does, and the clothes to match. As an example, after coming home from work she changes into a maids outfit to clean, she also will dress in a mechanics outfit to work on her car. Mina wasn't sure why her great grandpa(Gramps) left her the house when he died. Mina was never really close to Gramps, but knowing the reason wouldn't help her. Mina has to clean up her new home now. The basement was empty besides an old painting her great grandma(Granny) painted, the contents of the painting is just a landscape with Gramps lying beneath a tree while their kids run around him. The first floor would take the most work, clutter to the roof in most rooms. The second floor would be easier, the only things up there was stuff rarely needed. The last to be cleaned was the attic. Mina had never actually been in the attic, so she would wait until everything else was cleaned to go in.

 Mina had worked really hard to get the first floor clean, it seemed in Gramps' old age he didn't go up the stairs a lot. Mina remembered that when she stayed at this house as a kid her and Gramps would play mostly on the first floor or the basement. The first floor took Mina three weeks to clean out, but nevertheless she got everything put in its right place and the right place for all of it was the basement. Mina found a lot of things she never imagined Gramps being into, things such as a copy of the Necronomicon, a box of screenplays for classic movies, and a book about mirrors. 

Mina now had to clean out the second floor which would be easier than the first floor, but old people keep everything and they live a long time to collect, so Mina had her work cut out for her. The second floor provided some quality finds like old chess books, notebooks holding the score counts from all the games he played, and strange jewelry. Granny sure had strange taste.

Mina was excited, finally her time had come, she would get to go into the attic, but what to wear. Mina wracked her brain, thinking and thinking, until finally two days later she knew what to wear. Mina, dressed in her urban explorer clothes she had never worn before, headed into the attic. The attic contained one large wooden crate with a sheet over it. After the sheet came off of the crate it was revealed that there was a full body mirror laying on top of the crate. Mina reached her hand out and touched the mirror, but instead of feeling the cold glass at her fingertips she felt something warm. Looking at her hand, it had gone through the mirror. Mina pulled her hand back and the mirror rippled like water then became still. Mina was curious, and wearing the right clothing, so she was about to push her head through when another head came through, this of a younger boy no older than nineteen based on appearance. The boy as he walked through spoke, "Who are you? Wait nevermind what year is it?" Mina answered but had a question of her own, "It is 2018, but now you answer my questions. What is the deal with this mirror? Why are you here? Where does the mirror go? What is going on?" The boy answered "Well 100 years not bad old man, on to your question I am an ancient sumerian demon, kinda, and well 100 years ago when I was 18 I made friends with a young looker at the time by the name of Bernard. Some time passed and we had a gamble of sorts, not to go too far into it, but I needed some power to help me become real and he wanted that power as well, for something or another, so we bet that power on a game of chess and I lost. Now from there me and Bernard made a deal that I would work for the next girl in his family line in exchange for the power after he dies. Bernard used that power he gained to make a safe place for me so that we didn't both die where we found the power, and that safe place was this mirror. Downside was that the mirror was one way and Bernard didn't know how to open it back up. I think that covers everything, now do you know where I can find the owner of this mirror?" Mina, a little overwhelmed, started to explain how she came to own the mirror and that she was the next girl from his bloodline. Bernard and his wife only had two sons, and those sons had five sons, and the second of those sons had her as his third child.

Now downstairs with tea, and Mina wearing traditional tea serving clothing, listening to the Mina family line the boy finally said, "So, Mina was it, looks like you just got yourself a new ancient sumerian demon. I need to see Bernard's grave and after that I am all yours." Mina said, "What do I need you for?" 

"Well if your great grandfather was the same man I knew then he was fighting the good fight up until he died, and that means his enemies are now your enemies. I can keep you safe and teach you to fight all at the same time, by the by my name is, well... call me Oliver." 

"What kind of enemies did the old man have?"

"Vampires, werewolves, beholders, devils, angels, basically the entire underground minus a few friends."

"Fine you can stay with me but we need to get you new clothing, and some hats, also your room is on the second floor. It's granny's old baby room. While it's already cleared out, we need to get you furniture."

    Mina and Oliver had many adventures ahead, but that is a story for another time. This was just the tale of a fated meeting, between what would become known as "Demon 'N Dress, The Defenders Of Fashion."

This is fun to write might do more of this story

Othingar_Firebloodcreators' thoughts