
Fantasy's Reality

Things once thought to only be found in fiction, became a part of reality. The world has been reshaped. Guilds and adventures became the new normal. Follow Kobayashi Kaito as he unravels the truth of the world and the secrets hidden in the shadows.

Dragorize · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Alice

[If you think that big talk is all it takes to get into the top school in the world, you should think again]

The voice that said this came from behind Kaito. When he turned around to look, he saw a young woman glaring at him with her piercing green eyes. She was about 167 centimetres tall, with long, straight silver hair that reached her waist. In each of her ears was 3 earrings, 2 small pink stars on the bottom of each ear and a gold one that seemed clipped on at her upper ear. She was wearing a light blue jacket over what would otherwise look like the typical uniform of a Japanese school girl, though it wasn't buttoned up all the way and partially revealed her ample bosom. She even had the black loafers and black over the knee socks on. What stood out in her outfit was the expensive looking white handbag hanging at her side and her black choker that seemed to have a heart shaped locket attached to it. She had her arms folded across her chest and was staring daggers at Kaito.

[Hi there, you must be here to take the entrance exams too. My name is Kobayashi Kaito... and you are?]

[Hmpf! Why should I tell you who I am? There's no reason to introduce myself to someone who won't even be here long anyways.]

[Uh...okay then. How about the girl hiding behind you?]

Kaito scratched the back of his head and pointed to the girl peeking from behind the silver haired young woman's shoulder. It was a girl with straight, black hair that reached her back, with a scarlet streak running down the left side. She was about 162 centimetres tall and wore an outfit similar to the girl she was hiding behind, but the skirt she was in was longer and she had fully buttoned up, as her chest did not seem as big as the one in front of her, though they were not lacking. She also had not worn any accessories, leaving the outfit rather plain looking in comparison. What stood out to Kaito was her beautiful blue eyes that seemed like they housed the purest soul in the world.

[U... um..... h...hello. M...my... my name is...um...]

Sensing how shy the girl was, Kaito tried to help her relax and not pressure her.

[It's okay if you don't want to introduce yourself, but you can just call me Kaito okay? If we ever see each other again, I hope you'll be able to greet me then.]

With that, Kaito gave a smile before he turned around and started to leave. As he was about to start walking again, he heard a shout.

[HEY!! I'm not done with you yet! Get back here!]

Deciding it was better to just avoid dealing with the silver haired girl, Kaito made a run for it, a light chuckle could be heard in his voice as he called back.

[Well I've got an exam to get to, soo I'll see you after I pass!]

[Why you little...]

The silver haired girl stared angrily while watching Kaito run off through the gates.

[Um... Alice... do you really hate him that much? You just met him after all.]

[It's not that, I just don't like the way he declared he would get into the academy]

[But... it's not like it was anything big... and isn't it okay to be optimistic in these situations?]

[Guys like him probably didn't bother to put any effort into training and underestimate this place. There's no way someone like that would get in.]

[But... don't you think you were kind of mean to someone you just met?]

[Not at all. I've been preparing to get into Prism Academy since I was a child. So have you.]

[Mhm.... I guess that's true, but still. You never know. Maybe he also worked hard and came here fully prepared.]

[As if some loser like that could possibly be prepared. We come from families containing a line of heroes that have contributed greatly to the world. It's why we hold power and influence. Our families are compared to nobles for a reason.]

[Still.... I think you were just a bit mean to him Alice. You could have at least introduced yourself.]

[It's not like you introduced yourself either Sylvie. Though I guess it makes sense since you're so shy around people.]

[I... I'll try my best....next time.....maybe...probably....]

Sylvie looked downwards as her voice got quieter. Alice let out a sigh, smiled and gently pat Sylvie on the head.

[It's fine. Don't worry. Like I said, that guy would ever be able to attend here, so there's no reason to get friendly with him. You should only worry about getting along with the those that get into this school and stand out at the top. Those similar to us.]

[Um... I get it.... but still... I want to at least try to get along with everyone.]

Sylvie was sheepishly looking at Alice while pressing her index fingers together.

[Well, I guess we'll at least see that guy again if he's taking the entrance exam. We should hurry up and go in to register as well.]

[I...I'm worried it might be too hard.]

[We've been prepared our whole lives. We got sent to the top schools and got the best educators for years. Prism Academy is just the next step. You'll be fine. Now let's go.]

Alice grabbed Sylvie's hand and the two of them started to make their way through the gates, where their entrance exams awaited.