

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Something Important

"Haa, haa…"

Xavier panted for breath as he tried to scan his surroundings to find the source of the voice he had heard earlier. Making that jump as impressive as it was drained him, it didn't help that he was having difficulty breathing due to the fumes from the surrounding flames.

He would have like to call out to her but he doubted she'll still be conscious with all the smoke. Xavier immediately realized that he was getting nowhere as there was zero visibility due to fire and smoke.

"Not sure if this would work, but here goes…" 

The world around him turned black as he closed his eyes shut, focusing on his hearing alone. He hoped he'll be able to find her by pinpointing her location through sound.


Xavier immediately turned to direction he heard a heartbeat a couple meters away from him. Not wasting time, he ran towards the direction of the heartbeat completely ignoring the damages that the fire was inflicting on his tracksuit.

It didn't take long for Xavier to spot a red colored sedan, which had crashed into a nearby wall. Reaching the car, he looked through the shattered window to assess the wreckage. Smoke mingled with the acrid smell of burnt rubber and gasoline, creating a surreal haze. Amidst the twisted metal and deployed airbags, the car's once pristine interior was now a chaotic scene of destruction.

 Xavier wasted no time to grab the car's door, but immediately realized two things; first being that the door was jammed second was that the surface of the car was now burning hot. He strengthened his resolve while looking at his sizzling hand which had already started healing. Grabbing the door again disregarding the damage being done to his hand, he pulled with all his might.


Xavier had managed to rip off the door of the car as he quickly threw the door to the side. He spotted an injured passenger slumped against the deployed dashboard, unconscious but breathing whom he assumed to be the little girl's mom. 


Using his bare hands, he ripped off the seat belt holding her in place as he positioned her in a more comfortable posture. With careful precision, he maneuvered through the debris, heading towards the passenger seat. 

Reaching the passenger seat, he was met with an unconscious girl not older than five years old. Unlike the other passenger, he was sure she was uninjured.

'She had probably passed out due to shock or the smoke.' Xavier thought.

Immediately gently picking the girl up not after freeing her from her seat belt he placed her a few meters outside the car as he rushed in once again doing the same for the injured passenger. He made sure to be extra careful in moving her not to worsen her injuries.

Now that he had safely secured both passengers he had realized another problem, the fire separating them from the other side where the cops, firefighters, onlookers and most especially the ambulance had gotten bigger.

'I won't be able to jump over these flames; even if I could, it will be dangerous while carrying them.' He thought while glancing at the two unconscious people beside him. 

His eyes fell on a medium sized apartment building which gave him an idea. The bottom floor of the building had long caught fire but the fire didn't show any signs of increasing to the upper floors.

"Haa… I guess it's all or nothing." He mumbled picking the unconscious pair around each arm and immediately sprinting towards the building before jumping and landing on the exterior of the second floor.

'It worked!' he rejoiced internally as his eyes glowed red once more with intensity.

Not waiting around to see how long his legs would stick to the side of the wall, he quickly sprinted sideways and took another jump finally crossing over the fire landing safely at the other end.

"Haa… haa…" Xavier panted for breath in quick successions, he was at this point worn out; he had never done this before.

Expressions of awe and shock were clearly displayed on the faces on everyone who had witnessed what had transpired from the beginning to the end.

The EMTs and paramedics immediately rushed to them as they wasted no time in carrying out emergency medical procedures. One of the paramedics approached the still panting Xavier but he had assured him that he was fine and they should attend to the woman and girl he had saved.

'Can't let them see my healing wounds' Xavier thought.

Getting over his shock, Theo quickly approached Xavier to question him about what they had all witnessed him do. He was also hoping he could get some answers if he was a mercenary or gang member.

'Not sure anyone in their right minds would answer that though.' He thought while approaching.

"Hey, I'm Officer The-"

Sensing Theo's approach Xavier without warning, dashed to the other side of the road before deftly scaling the entire building in a matter of seconds fleeing the scene, surprising not just Theo but everyone at the scene.

"Who are you, what are you? sigh… they don't pay me enough for this, on the Brightside I could probably ask for a raise." He muttered as he watched Xavier's silhouette fade into the moonlit night. 




Xavier grimaced in pain as he landed directly on his window's balcony. Although his injuries where healing, it had slowed down a lot due to excessive and repeated trauma. He slid open his window with difficulty as he let his body fall into his room with a loud thud.


The sound of his doorbell opening immediately grabbed his attention as it would be bad if his mom saw him riddled with burns and on the floor. His door knob gently turned as the door opened slowly causing multiple beads of sweat to appear on his forehead.

Walking in to the room was a girl standing about 5'8 ft. her face was shaped like a diamond, with eyes which were hazel colored full of confidence and mayhem, her hair was dark brown covered with a grey beanie which complimented her slightly tanned skin.

Xavier breathes out a sigh of relief after realizing it was just Jayden.  

"There you are you idiot!" Jayden said angrily.

The beads of sweat that were already drying started to form after he realized he had ditched Jayden not once, but twice. Xavier gulped as he decided to talk his way into reducing his punishment.

"I'm sorry for running bac-"

Jayden immediately smacked his forehead preventing him from finishing his statement.

"Never apologize for saving a life." Jayden stated with a stern look.

"Just make sure to fill me in next time you want to do something both stupid and dangerous like that." She said smiling.

A few minutes later, Jayden was seen attending to his injuries since they weren't healing as fast as before.

"So why did you do it?" Jayden asked as she applied some medicine on his burns.

"Do what?" 

"You know, jump into the flames… literally." Jayden said giggling to her joke.

Xavier remained quiet for a few seconds before finally replying.

"I was starting to forget something, something very important."

 He said as he gaze fell on a small picture frame housing the picture of a family of four, one being a younger Miss Hayley a four year old Xavier, a handsome man with deep black hair and eyes just like Xavier, and a two year old girl with black hair like Xavier and the handsome man but purple eyes just like Miss Hayley's .