

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Reborn (2)

"So that's why I feel black would be… Yo, Xavier!" Jayden called out to the absent minded Xavier pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" He answered in a daze 

"What's up with you, you've been acting different lately are you okay we can postpone it if you're not feeling up to it." Jayden said in a worried tone.

"No need to get all serious just thinking about how I'll go around the homework Mr. Hank gave us."

Xavier immediately turned down her offer as he knew how much she needed his help. Jayden wanted to become a cosplay costume designer and she was both passionate and good at it. He wasn't about to let his personal problems become a hindrance to his best and only friend's dream, even if it was the supernatural kind of problem.


 A speeding car passed by as the sudden noise caused him to flinch, it would take some time for him to get used to his heightened senses, luckily for him Jayden hadn't witness it or it would have further arouse her suspicion.

They were currently on their way to her studio, technically it was actually just an old gym that was out for rent that is until Jayden had bought it with her savings. They were only a few blocks away from the building as they entered into a quiet and dark alleyway, unknown to them they were being followed by a distant figure.

As they stepped into the alley way, the noise of the city was replaced by a hushed tranquility broken only by the occasional drip of water from a rusty drainpipe and occasional scurrying of rats between the dumpsters. All this sound being more vivid to Xavier than normal of course.

 They were about ten steps away from the alleyway's exit only to be intercepted by a mugger. He was tall, menacing figure, cloaked in tattered black hoodie that concealed most of his features, he was armed with a long rusty metal pipe.

"Hand over everything on you and I'll be on my way, nobody has to get hurt" 

Jayden immediately felt a sense of danger, it didn't take a genius to know they were about to be victims of a mugging. Xavier had immediately grabbed Jayden as he thought about making a break for it in the opposite direction but immediately stopped in his tracks as their vision fell on another figure dressed similar to the mugger only difference was he held a small pocket knife on his hand.

Xavier had immediately realized that they were trapped, he gritted his teeth before letting go of Jayden's arm as he sprinted towards the other mugger with the pocket knife.

Startled as he did not expect Xavier to charge at him, he swung the knife at Xavier aiming to slash him at the face. Xavier expecting this moved to the side as he proceeded to punch the mugger at his stomach. He was actually surprised at how slow the mugger's movement was as he immediately reduce the strength of his punch so not to inflict lethal damage. Unluckily for the mugger, Xavier had underestimated his newfound strength immediately his fist had connected to the muggers gut, he was sent flying towards one of the walls in the alleyway.

"Hey no funny ideas kid!" the other mugger yelled swinging the metal pipe at him after witnessing his partner being taken down. Xavier swiftly grabbed the pipe without looking as he squeezed it with a little more force, causing the pipe to gradually take the shape of his clenched fist.

Unknown to Xavier himself, his eyes had flashed a deep crimson color as he stared at the mugger with a grim expression.

"Get lost" he said slowly.

The mugger immediately felt all the hair on his body stand upright and his spine shiver causing him to deftly flee from the scene.

Jayden jaws were still wide open as she witnessed Xavier take down two armed muggers all by himself, which greatly shocked her because just a day ago he could barely stand his ground against Dylan and his goons.

She rushed towards Xavier to make sure he wasn't hurt although she heavily doubt that he would be injured in anyway after witnessing what had transpired. She was just about to ask him where he suddenly learnt how to fight, when Xavier had moved swiftly, before she could comprehend what was going on…



Xavier had already covered a distance of over four meters in an instant, Jayden eyes contracted in horror as she stared at Xavier who was now behind her holding on to a pocket knife that was stabbed into his belly. On the other end of the knife was the mugger who Xavier had mistakenly knocked out earlier.

"I… I didn't mean to you should have just handed your stuff!" he yelled as he fled the scene, the situation had suddenly escalated to more than he could handle.

"Xavier!" Jayden screamed as she rushed towards him as she had awoken from her daze. Xavier's clothes had already been drenched by blood from the stab as he was still holding on to the dagger.

He leaned on one of the walls in the alleyway as he felt a sense of Déjà vu. His eyes fell on the panicking Jayden who was trying her best to call an emergency hotline without dropping her phone because her hands were shaking. He immediately reached out and grabbed her phone taking it away from her, he felt it would be bad if an ambulance shows up and he suddenly manifest something werewolf like.

"Hey I need to call an ambulance! You're hurt" she said as she was almost tearing up at this point.

Xavier brought his open palm forward signaling her to wait a moment, before holding onto the dagger. This caused his eyes to turn crimson immediately the stinging pain resonated all over his body, he then took in a deep breath and pulled it out in one go.

Jayden was already caught off-guard when his eyes had suddenly changed color but what happened next shocked her even more.


Blood immediately jetted out but only for a split second before right before her very eyes, Xavier's open wound had started to close up gradually completely healing itself. Jayden had gone from panicked and scared to straight up awe struck as her mouth was left wide open for the second time.

Xavier raised his head to look at Jayden who stared back at him, he was honestly surprised within himself too as he had made a gamble he wasn't sure it would work.

"Jayden… we need to talk." Xavier said with a serious look as she could only slowly nod in reply as she was still couldn't believe what she had just witness.