

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasie
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46 Chs


"Sigh…" Xavier released a long sigh, his mind clouded with multiple thoughts that he honestly felt will make him go crazy.

The full moon was now only two days away and Xavier hadn't received any form of contact from his best friend whatsoever, which made him worry a little since it might have been quite a traumatic experience for her.

'And there's me who was shot in the head and still doesn't really feel anything not fear, not dread, not even anger just nothing…' Xavier thought worrying if perhaps that shot might have taken more than just brain matter.

[You: Yo Jayden, hope you're okay.]

[You: just reminding you that it'll be the full moon in a couple days…]

[You: call or text if you see this.]

Xavier at this point had lost count of how many times he had sent out messages similar to this to Jayden only to receive no respond from her.

Jayden had put it upon herself to figure out counter measures for what might happen at the full moon and right when it was fast approaching, she was nowhere to be seen.

"When the world needed her most, she vanished…" Xavier mumbled as he dropped his head hard on his desk.

"Mister Heller, please refrain from disturbing the rest of the class." The teacher seated at the front of the class stated with a stern look.

"Sorry…" He replied with a hushed tone.

He was currently in the middle of class, the teacher had given out some class exercise for the student to perform for the time being.

Although, the sound of fingers tapping onto screens and small ringing sounds probably from phone notification which Xavier's hearing picked up on from time to time spoke volumes about the level of importance the student gave to the activity.

"Hey, are you alright?" A familiar whispering voice inquired from behind him.

Turning around, he gaze landed at the source of the voice. It was petite looking girl, who was a head shorter than him and sported dark brown hair, aiding her vision was a pair of glasses with a red frame which added a certain unique charm to her.

"Are you alright?" she asked again, leaning closer to him from behind.

"Y-yeah, I'm good just simply tired."

"I know it might be late asking this, but seeing as this would make it our third interaction and we still haven't been properly introduced, I'm Xavier." He stated feeling a little embarrassed.

"Haha I know, we go to the same class." She replied with a light giggle.

"Oh, sorry I-"

"It's cool, you like to keep to yourself, I get it." She said with a dazzling smile.

"By the way I'm Amy, nice to meet you." Amy stated.

"Psst Trevor look, nerd love." Dylan's whispered comment and hushed laughter was heard by Xavier.

"Ignore them for the sake of world peace…" Xavier mumbled to himself with a sigh.

"Oh I wanted to ask you earlier Xavier, how did you guys get out from the G.E.E.K building because I wa-"


 A loud powerful explosion resounded in the distance drawing whole class's attention to the large window that now revealed a large smoke cloud in the distance.

"That's a couple blocks away!" someone in the class commented.

[Engaged in a deadly clash with the police are a group of ex-convicts, reports says that the group had intercepted an armored cash carrier van right before the police had arrived. Nothing is known about…]

The teacher turned on the class television, tuning in to a new channel which displayed live helicopter footage of the event although it wasn't quite clear because of the smoke emanating from the explosion.

'Might as well do something rather than wallow in worry over the coming days.' Xavier thought as he quietly pulled away from the crowd which was still focused on the TV screen before exiting the classroom. Quickly making a stop at his locker, he changed into a black sleeveless hoodie he had in it before taking along with him the red oni-mask.

'This is what happens when you're not here Jayden, I end up doing something stupid!' Xavier thought as he sprinted out of the school before taking a leap over the fence heading to the direction the explosion had taken place.




Multiple shots were fired at a group of individuals who were taking cover behind an armored van the type banks used to transport money. Two of the three robbers were busy returning fire at the group of cops while the last one loaded out the money from the vehicle.



Xavier landed quietly and perfectly on one of the buildings directly over the crossfire, deciding to observe the situation first before jumping in. The first thing he noticed was that they were only three robbers which surprised him since he expected this to be something SMPD could handle alone.

(A/N: SMPD- Silver Mist Police Department)

'Maybe they have hostages with them.' Xavier speculated as he watched on.

After a full minute of observation, Xavier was surprised to see that wasn't the case at all as they hadn't taken any hostages but for some unknown reason no attempt to approach them was made, only the occasional shots fired at each other.

'What are they doing? They're going to get away!' Xavier thought after noticing they were done offloading the armored van.

He immediately jumped off the building without hesitation landing on the ground with a roll, surprising every one present and without waiting for the robbers to react, he quickly closed the distance between them swinging a kick at one of them sending hid flying.

Xavier immediately followed up to punch another but was in for a shock as the person caught his fist without even a flinch. This greatly surprised him because although he hadn't used his full strength in that punch, it was more than enough to cause ample damage.

"Not today pal." The man stated with a smile as he squeezed Xavier's fist tighter causing him to be unable to release his grip.

That's when he saw it, covering the criminal's fist were a metallic black technological gauntlet which he assumed to be the source of his unusual strength.

Tightening his free hand into a fist, his gauntlet crackled with blue electricity and before Xavier could react, he punched out hitting him squarely at his chest.



His chest caved in as his body was sent hurtling towards the opposite direction finally smashing into one of the police cars which they used as a makeshift blockade.

A large dent was made on the vehicle as Xavier's body slid from it while spasming from time to time as electric arcs flowed around his body.

'What the hell!' He exclaimed inwardly, the metallic tasting liquid slowly filing his mouth.

"That's why we can't approach them, that one is armed with an armament." A police taking cover behind a car informed Xavier.