
Sirius Black - HP AU- One Big Family

Reincarnated as Sirius black 3-6 years after he was imprisoned, original Sirius died when dementor sucked his soul out. New soul inhabited his body and he combined with his memories. Old soul (new Sirius) always wanted a family in his last life but was sterile and alone so when he died and reincarnated and wished to make a massive family and to be able to take care of them all.

When he gets someone pregnant, he gets a boon or special item related to that person. (He will call it an ancient magic he found.) Amelia Bones will get a spell that will detect when and where an unforgivable was used. Astoria will get cure to her blood curse. Etc...

Heather potter will be adopted once he gets out at 7 years old (he will knock out and steal a guard's wand to send a Patronus to Amelia about his innocence and lack of trial).

He makes a deal that in exchange for his false imprisonment that he can use an old, abolished wizard law to enable him multiple wives and for any children he has with anyone to become a black.

Baby Mommas: Amelia Bones, Luna, Hermione, Heather Potter, Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Fleur and Gabriell Delacour, Clara Oswin (Muggle Teacher), Harper Kaur (New-Zealand Tourist – Muggle)

All lemons will be people who will be legal adults in the wizarding world.