
Chapter 37: Jude

"Do you think Hensley saw us?" Portia craned her neck, peering around my shoulder.

"If she had, she wouldn't have kept walking." I could see the thrum of Portia's anxious heartbeat in the vein that ran along her neck. I'd be worried if she weren't grinning from ear to ear.

Her fingers dug into my sides as she practically climbed my body to bring my face low enough for her to reclaim my lips. I'd learned quickly over the last four days that Portia was big into public displays of affection. There was no doubt the two of us were together, and to anyone we encountered it appeared we had been for ages. We'd held hands all over town, taken a couple of little day trips to see shit neither of us cared about as an excuse to have time away from Ernie and Hensley, and even if they were around, we found ways to sneak in stolen kisses and quick glances. Part of me worried if the thrill of hiding from them held the appeal for Portia.