
Falling in love by pen

What would happen when the most handsome prince charming falls in love with a girl whose life has been sought after since before her birth. Would he succeeded in making her fall in love with him? Although powerful, would he be able to use his powers to save his love when her life was almost taken? Would he have to sacrifice for her life?

Temiloluwa_3238 · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Chapter 16: Extremely good

"I'm serious I bought these candy for myself. You can take the food they ordered for me but don't think about taking my candy" Aj said without averting  her gaze from her phone but the stern look on her face told him she wasn't joking so he decided to take her up on her offer

Few moments later,

"Ella let's go back to our seats. The break would soon be over and we can't be spotted coming out of here" Aj said getting up from her seat

"They're going to find out that you're their newest member sooner or later. Normal people would like to make everyone know they are part of team QGDZ  but I don't just get you" Ella said

"Yes because I'm not normal. Now get up let's go back to our seats" Aj said sternly and Ella stood up to follow her

"Now we're going to start the lucky draw" the announcer said and began calling out the various teams to pick. QGDZ picked team CBQY making Aj grin in excitement

"Why do you look so happy?" Ella inquired noticing the change in her mood

"Because this is going to be easy" Aj said making Ella raise a brow "What do you mean?" She asked

"I mean I've played with all the members of team CBQY before so I know all their strategies already" Aj said with a wink before directing her attention back to the stage

The opening ceremony ended and they all went back to the Base.

"So training starts tomorrow. The schedule has already been posted from headquarters to help you guys prepare for the competition" Zac announced making the guys groan in frustration

"Can't we rest a bit more?" Damien asked

"Nope. Although team CBQY is a new team, they managed to enter into the competition so we shouldn't underestimate them" Ricardo butted in

"Well they are pretty easy to win" Aj said

"We haven't even seen you play how do you expect us to believe what you just said" Alex said

"Because she played against the whole team before and won them singlehandedly" Jordy said making all of them look at him in surprise

"How do you know that?" Aj asked in alarm

"Your friends sent me the video. Do you guys want to watch it?" Jordy offered and all the guys gathered in readiness to watch the video

"No! Please just delete the video" Aj pleaded. She didn't like when people watched videos that she was in

"They're your teammates, they're going to see you play whether you like it or not" Jordy said before playing the video

"Wow. You're extremely good for you to be able to play against a whole team and win" Xavy said amazed after they had all seen the video

"Can you delete it now?" Aj asked

"Nope. I'm keeping this video" Jordy said

"Come on you guys have already watched it and besides you'll have no use for it anymore" Aj whined with a cute pout making a smirk split across Jordy's face "only time will tell" He said

"Humph" was all she could mutter as she buried herself in her chair

"So as I was saying you guys should get some rest, practice starts tomorrow" Zac said before walking away

"Where's Ella? I haven't seen her since we dropped from the bus" Alex asked

"She had to go somewhere" Aj simply said without looking up from her phone

"Where?" Alex asked again this time earning a quick glance from Aj before she responded "You really seem to want to know about her whereabouts. Do you like her?"

"What?!!!" Alex exclaimed in a somewhat amused state

"I'm just kidding I know you have a girlfriend. Anyways, there's something I was meant to handle so she went to help me with it" Aj said and returned her attention to the phone

"Wait how do you know I have a girlfriend? You got here yesterday and none of us said anything about any of us having girlfriends" Alex said

"Oh please. I know all of your girlfriends apart from those of you who don't have any. So don't make a big deal out of it" Aj said

"How?" All of them apart from Jordy asked and Aj simply said "I have my ways"