

Nicola said. "While I've been away, he's been helping out my dad. "

I made an effort to conceal my feelings of guilt. Because of me, this young man was being drawn towards a path of violence. The course of Jim's life may have been altered if I hadn't been preventing him from seeing Nicola. Perhaps he is taking advantage of being a young man of eighteen and having fun.

"On the other hand, I didn't want Nicola to have to endure that kind of danger either. My resolve to remove Nicola from Lasvagas strengthened throughout this brief family meeting. "

There was another knock at the door, and a young guy with a tray of beverages came in. Beginning with Nicola’s Dad, he poured him a glass of red wine. Next up, a shot of whiskey for Philip. All of us other people were given champagne.

"Is it a cause for celebration, or are we just joking around? "Inquired Nicola.