


Stephanie's POV.

I was taught to always help people in need if I can but right now I didn't know whether I could help that man. I quickly took out my phone and looked for the police siren that I downloaded long time ago. We always played this game and if I remember correctly playing the police siren always chased the bad guys away.

/"Wee wee wee wee wee wee./" I played it loud acting like I was walking pass them but the minute they heard the sound they all ran away.

Thank God it worked!

I walked to the guy and tried helping him but there was no used. He passed out because of drinking. I hit him on the head angry because now I'll have to think about him too. I can't just leave him here.

I dialed Tucker's number after all I know he can help me. There was no way in hell I would call Stella. She would literally drag me and leave him here.

/"Tucker, it's me Stephanie./" I said quickly.