


Sofia's POV.

Four months later

It's been four months since everything happened. Charlotte and I made peace after Benjamin begged her, Stella and Charlotte also made peace and Tucker and Damien are back to being best-friends. Stephanie and Jay still fight every single day and I actually think Jay loves Stephanie. I might've hated Jay a lot in the past but after Benjamin told me how Jay can be, I actually think he is a good guy for Stephanie. We still haven't found us who amongst us is the culprit that wants to destroy the family so my life is still at risk especially when I passed my baby's due date. I mean this baby doesn't even want to come out even though I'm already nine months pregnant.

/"Sofia are you sure you going to be fine alone while we all go shopping for the baby again?/" Charlotte asked and I nodded my head smiling. /"You promise./" She added and I nodded my head.