
Falling deeper

Fantasy Romance
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Lesen Sie den Roman Falling deeper des Autors Caroline_Akinyemi_9498, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Hargreaves and the Doom Machines

                     The Plot Serenity Negrasario and Mariopole Barnaby did exceedingly well in securing the sovereign integrity of the kingdom of Oud from external aggression on a distant planet with their sword and divination tools. While the former doubles as an Oracle and a renowned Sorceress, the latter is a warlord of impeccable capabilities, whose prowess with the sword in the battlefields has impressed his imperial majesty, Horowits Bachittar and therefore pencilled him down for the award of a prestigious title of the land. To perfect this, the warlord must get himself a befitting woman to compliment his new rank. Without delay, His imperial majesty, Horowits Bachittar assembled all the beautiful bachelorette in the kingdom of Oud at the general's discretion to choose from the array of virgins paraded before him but the worrier failed to come up with a suitable choice from the bevvy of delicious spinsters paraded before him because they all fall short of the heroine qualities he desires in his ideal woman. In a dramatic move, Mariopole Barnaby raised many eyebrows by pointing in the direction of His imperial majesty's princess-like Oracle, Serenity Negrasario, who is an embodiment of the credential he looks out for in his woman of dreams. Mariopole is aware that the customary laws of the kingdom of Oud forbade the Oracle to partake in this kind of contract. To please his general, His majesty, Horowits Bachittar manipulated the laws to suit the moment but Serenity Negrasario stood her grounds and refused to give in to the demands of the warlord.Serenity Negrasario, the enchanting Sorceress went on a mutiny; using the advantage accrued to her as the Oracle and guardian of Oud, send the planet of Cerium crashing into the sun, incinerating everything there-in and then set sail into a distant planet called Mars and tried to kill powerful young man who silently rules the planet and failed to recognised her. Sensing his life was in danger, dispossessed her of her treasured possession in a fierce battle and fly away billions of miles into the future. Out of sheer greed and strong headedness, the Sorceress went after him with a promise of inflicting him with the sorrows of Armageddon wherever he goes but she ended up on another planet on which one of its leaders is Mariopole Barnaby the one whom she denounced as a life partner in the planet of Cerium and sent to be charred in the Sun, eight thousand years ago happens to be the ruler of one of the powerful nations on that planet. He has grown ten folds tougher than what he used to be in Cerium. Technologically, he has the upper hand. The titan whom Serenity Negrasario thought to be dead, launched himself out of the ill-fated planet and migrated to the safe bosom of Uranium and has spread his tentacles far, even further than the ordinary eye could see. The ugly development threw Serenity Negrasario out of the frying pan to fire. But no worries, for the r remorseful but unrepentant Sorceress, has a dubious plan up her sleeves. She immediately bows before the evolved Mariopole and atoned for the treasonable act she has committed against him, Mariopole found the one but too many assaults difficult to forgive. After a marathon due consultations, Mariopole Barnaby let the thought of vengeance go with the wind. Now that the Sorceress has secured unconditional pardon and is back in the general's good books, she planned to join forces with him to cause irreparable damage to Gandola and after she has achieved her aim she plans to send Mariopole back to the sun to be permanently destroyed by it and take over the rulership of the Universe. Gandola, who reincarnated on another planet called Earth, has grown stronger and realised all of his powers and has become a formidable force, made the evil wishes of Serenity Negrasario not to see the light of day as he wreaked havoc on the Dooms Day Machines with the help of her inventions, reverting them thousands of years into pre-civilization.

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