
Fallen Prey to the King of Hell

Micheal is the most perfect guy you could ever see. He's fun, charming, kind to everyone and he's loyal, many people like him and call him a blessing from Heaven. He never tells lies, Micheal was raised in a religious orphanage as he was abandoned when he was young. He never knew who his parents were, or how they look like. His orphanage raised orphans to learn how to pray to God and be good, Micheal always dreamed of being a priest. Once he turned 18, he moved out of the orphanage and lived among other priest in a Church, but he never expect what happened next..... "あなたは本当に何を望んでいますか?" "What do you truly desire?......"

Kaname_Tako · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Stolen Heart - Chapter 8

I fumble and quickly changed my clothes, not realizing they belong to Lucifer, I yell at him to hurry up as I take a letter from the desk.

Dear Mark,

I know its a bit shocking that you're receiving this letter as you did not hear from me for a while. I wanted to write that I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I have to leave you. I can't tell you the reason why though, its personal to tell even to you. Its a bit selfish of me but tomorrow is my last day before I disappear, I will never forget you and all the memories I share with you. It was my choice to leave but unfortunetly I cannot tell you why, I'm sorry I'm being selfish and thank you for being my best friend.

Love, Micheal Mezihoshi

I had written this letter to Mark to tell him about leaving, I decided to reveal every memory to him and he'll figure out the reason why I left by himself. I didn't want him to grieve so I made a hard choice.....

"Are you sure about this?" Lucifer said worryingly, I nodded my head hesistantly. "I'm sure about erasing his memories of me, I'm being selfish and I can't help if he's the one left to grieve while I stay here in Hell," I told Lucifer. "Alright," Lucifer said as he sighed, "When the clock strikes midnight on 11th November 2045, he and those who know thou you shall forget everything," Lucifer said. "Its his birthday too," I said with a sad smile, I knew this was the best choice, while I spend my time grieving in Hell with Lucifer, Cain and Mona on my side, Mark won't have anyone.

I was snapped out of thought when Lucifer called for me, I took the letter and ran, i held his hand as we entered the mortal world. I open my eyes and saw my room again, I cautiously open the door and went through the halls as Lucifer trialed behind me invisible.

I open Mark's door quietly as it creaked, I saw him crying on the bed with his face in the pillow. I slowly entered and sat at the chair at his desk while waiting for him to finish, he slowly stopped crying and lifted his head. When he saw me, I smiled and he said "I must be hallucinating, I see Micheal now," with a tired voice. I gave an "innocent" smile before pinching him, hard.

He screeched in pain and fell of the bed, I giggled as it reminded me of some old memories when I use to wake him up by pinching him back in the orphanage. His eyes widened and he lunged toward to hug me, he cried again and repeated the words 'I missed you'.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I cried as well, hugging him back, I could hear Lucifer growling but I ignored it. "Where have you been?! You've been gone for a month! News flooded everywhere about you, police searched day and night for you," Mark said in a rush.

My heart skipped a beat from guilt, people suffered so much because of me, I stood up and dragged Mark to his bed, making him sit down. I handed him the letter and sat on the ground while waiting for him to read it, "Do I read it?" Mark said confused. I gave him an 'are you serious' look, he got the hint and opened it, his eyes roamed the letter and widened.

He hugged me again and asked me in a pained voice "Why?!" I sigh and said "You can reveal yourself." On cue, Lucifer appeared and glared at Mark, Mark was about to scream but I covered his mouth, shushing him.

"Be quiet! I can't let people know I'm here!" I said in a hushed voice. I slowly remove my hand from Mark's mouth, his mouth dropped open. "You made a deal with the devil?! why Micheal?! What about God?! All the time we spent together!" Mark said in a pained and worried tone.

Lucifer growled deeply and it scared Mark, I glare at Lucifer before continuing, "Lucifer, you can reveal the memories." Lucifer rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, Mark black out for a moment before coming back. I wait for him to process everything as guilt crawled onto my face. There was something wrong though, my heart was empty..... It was like i wanted to cry out in pain and sadness but....my heart felt nothing, was i heartless? Im sad im leaving him but why am i not sad? I should be sad, he is leaving me.

His eyes twinkled as tears rolled off his eyed, sadness and pain are the only thing that fill his coloured eyes.


My heart panged in guilt, I looked down and said in a quiet voice, "The devil himself owns me, I cant continue my faith with God, I'm sorry...."

"Dont leave me Micheal, you're the only person I have in my life, it's my birthday, can't you at least stay with me?" Mark said, his voice cracking, I look at the clock. 10 seconds before midnight....





"Micheal look at me..."




"Why....Don't leave me"


"Why arent you looking at me?"


His arms wraps around my body as he pulled me close


"You'll always be my baby bro"


"Talk to me"


Tears drips down his face more


"I love you baby bro..."

His eyes blank of emotions as he falls down onto the floor, I bit my lips as I carried him to his bed. Lucifer hugged me comfortably as we slowly disappeared into the black mist, I sat on the bed. I sigh as everything washed over me like a huge wave, I cried my eyes out as Lucifer conforted me.

He pulled me close to his chest as I wet his clothes with salty tears. I couldn't care less about my snot, I just cried for hours as Lucifer whispered nothing but sweet into my ears.

*The next morning.....*

I woke up but a wave of exchuastion washed over me, I turn and see Lucifer sleeping peacefully with his arms around me. I giggled and almost felt bad for his arm that must've been sore, I saw his beautiful eyes fluttering open.

"Don't you have paperwork?"

"Cain offered to help me with them since I had to help you"

"Oh sorry.... I must've been a burden"

"Its fine, bunny"

"Thanks a lot, Im lucky to have you"

"Aww, you admit it now?"

"Pfft, dont get your hopes up"


I smiled gently as I got up, I instantly feel onto the floor from exchuastion, I felt a few steay tears roll down my cheeks but Lucifer wiped my tears as he kneeled infront of me. "Bunny, I love you," Lucifer said as he softly smiled, I giglgld and rolled my eyes. I slowly got up and walked to get ready, I showered as the cold water satisfyingly pours on my skin.

I sigh deeply and quickly showered before walking out as I dried my hair. I look at myself in the mirror, my hair dripped wet, eyes red and puffy. I snorted at myself looking like such a mess, I walked up and see Lucifer already in his formal uniform. He smiles and hugs me by the waist, giving a gentle kiss, I smile back and look at the bed.....

"No way"

"Yes way"

"Dont you dare...."

"I do dare...."

"Lucifer of the 4th Circle of Hell, Prince of All Demons known as the merciless prince of Hell but is actually a softie, I strongly refuse"

"That's a title, I strongly agree"









I screamed as I ran my ass down the hall way, I didn't hear Lucifer behind me and passed by many wondering servants and maids who gave me questioning looks. I bumped into Mona, quite literally, and we both landed on our butts reallt hard.


"Micheal! What are you doing?"

"He wants to put me in THAT"


"We better go--"

"Micheal~" A sadistic voice said as it echoed across the halls

"Uh oh"

"Where are you.....Mona..."

"Let's go!"

Me and Mona ran into a random room to hide as we heard footsteps. Suddenly, I feel a cloth on my mouth! I tried to scream but I couldn't, I dont know what happened with Mona. I struggled but nothing worked, I started to black out as I heard a voice....

"Lights out"

It was that council

A/N I made a new story called "Iyashins: Immortals' Rising" its a BL story obviously and its a fantasy, drama, action story so enjoy? Im not the best of writers so bare with me, I aint that experienced in writing