

The sun started to come up "Kate it's time to get up we have school"

ugh why me wait that isn't Jessica or Haley... oh, yeah it's Luke "good morning and thank you for getting me up" I should tell him that I have to go home after school. I know he'll understand I hope he seems like the type that would understand why but what if he doesn't understand but like I said I bet he will understand hopefully.

"Kate is something wrong? you haven't said a word to me for awhile now"

"Oh, I'm sorry Luke I was just thinking about something..."

"You don't mind me if I ask what you are thinking about because it seems like it's putting you in a spot of no longer talking" I see a smile appear on his face I tired to hold back from smiling back but I don't know if I can. "Earth to Kate you still there or do I have to tickle you just to get a smile or get you to talk to me"

"No no no there's no need in tickling me and what I was thinking about is that maybe I should go home today after school"

"..Oh, well don't you think it's best if you don't go back to them yet make it so your mom worry's so she starts to care about you more but it's up to you"

he does have a good point if I make them worry enough they might start caring more about me.

" ok let's do it I'll stay with you for a few months"


yes she said yes to it she doesn't realize how happy that makes me.

A big smile starts to appear on his face because it makes him happy to know that she is starting to agree with him about things as much as he try's to hide his happy smile he can't.

I wonder why he's smiling like an idiot? is it because I agreed to staying with him or is he thinking about another girl.... if he is thinking about another girl it's ok I think... what am I thinking me and him aren't even dating I shouldn't be thinking this way but I can't help it... maybe it's for the best that he likes another girl after all I'm not the greatest or anything special...that's what I've been told maybe he just feels bad for me and that's why he's doing this for me but maybe not I'm not sure right now.

"hey you ok Kate you seem a little distracted"

"hm oh yeah I'm okay"

"are you sure"

"yeah I am why do you ask?"

"because I've been talking to you the whole time and you haven't responded once until now" he says with a very worried look on his face he try's to hold back the sad smile that was appearing on his face.

"oh, I'm sorry I got distracted by something that I was thinking about but I'm okay..I promise so don't you worry" I try my hardest to look at him without sadness so I give my biggest and pretty smile that has earned five stars before which I'm not kidding it has hopefully he doesn't think anything bad I'll feel bad if he thinks it's something bad about him.

"oh, okay just had to make sure that you are okay"

"yeah I'm fine thanks for making sure"

"what were you thinking about if you don't mind me asking about it"

"oh, it's nothing that big" I notice that he really wants to make sure that I'm okay because I can tell by the look that he is giving me maybe I'll tell him a little just not a lot hopefully that makes it so he doesn't look as worried I'll just tell him that I was wondering what my mom will do instead of telling him about that stuff yet because I'm a little scared to tell him how I feel and I'm not sure about how I feel about him.

"If it does make you feel better I'll tell you what I was thinking about it was just wondering what the look my mom will have on her face when she finds out that I'm gone and that I won't be back for awhile and what she will do about me being gone"

I start to see his face start to relax and he doesn't look as scarred or upset about it instead a little grin starts to come out. He looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and says "why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of making me worry about it" he says with a playful look my cheeks start to burn up and that's when I realized that I was blushing. That's when we got back to his house I just want to go take a bath and eat some yummy food and watch a movie maybe if I'm lucky enough he will watch a movie with me.

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