
Chance for Change

October 15th, 1984.

- It was Quentin Markeus Keene's 5th birthday. The only people attending were his parents, despite their best efforts. It seemed Markeus just wasn't going to make any friends.

Quentin looked nothing like his parents. While his father had brown hair and hazel eyes, and his mother had brown hair and brown eyes. However, Quentin had piercing ice blue eyes and silver-blonde hair. Though his hair rather than being warm white like a normal blonde, had cool white hair that looked similar to the color of the moon's reflection upon a crystalline sea.

His parent didn't mind however. They still saw him as their normal and wonderful little boy. the difference didn't stop at appearances however. While neither of his parents new it at the time he had magic. His father was a muggle who new some of the magical world. While his mother was a squib, born with no magic to magical parents. No one knew he had the ability to be a wizard, but they would.

January 21st, 1987.

- Quentin was now in the second grade of elementary school and showed great promise academically. The same could not be said for his social life, he had only made one friend in his entire school careed so far, his teacher. He would often help him with grading other students work and would have conversations with his teacher on topics like science and history. They would discus many of the mysteries and strange gaps in historical knowledge they would find from time to time.

"What if it's aliens trying to keeps us from finding them or their hidden knowledge?" Quentin's' teacher joked. "maybe." Quentin, though having conversations with his teacher, never really said much but you could always tell he was listening and thinking. "...Or maybe its fantasy wizards trying to keeps us from finding them." Quentin looked at his teacher and they both laughed, Quentin giving a light chuckle.

June 17th, 1988.

- Only a year had passed since Quentin's talk with his teacher, but many things had changed. Quentin soon learned that his teacher wasn't far off. His mother persuaded his father to let her tell him about the wizarding world. He thought that it was best to keep him from the world he could never live in. However, his mother talked about how if he somehow managed to have magical children he should know.

His mother told him about how there was an entire other form of government in the Ministy of Magic, and multiple schools throughout the world that taught spells, alchemy, and magical history. She even showed him her late fathers wand.

Quentin was intrigued and a small bit angered that his parents never told him about it before. He understood their points about how he wouldn't go to a magical school or cast spells so he never lashed out.

However, that night whilst his parents were asleep, he snuck into the basement and to the hidden space his mother had pulled the wand out of. He slowly removed the wand from its resting place in a box and looked it up and down. He pointed it at the ground to look at the back of the wand. Suddenly bright sparks shot out of the wand and a loud *BOOM* could be heard.

Quentin dropped the wand and was thrown backwards and slid across the floor.

His mother and father quickly ran down to the basement yelling his name. When they got to the basement they saw a large black burn spread across the ground, Quentin laying on the ground, and a wand sat on the gound between them. They quickly ran over towards Quentin to check if he was ok. They found him with the brightest smile they had ever seem him with. He slowly turned his head an looked at his mother and said, "I think I can do magic."

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