
Welcome Home


Christie's father..

She was a pampered baby girl of her father, Alexender. He had always pampered her with love so that she didn't feel need of motherly love in her life. He wanted to give her all the happiness in the world.

It was for her sake that Alexender had left this world and had spent so much time in another dimension. He didn't want to loose his daughter like his wife.

Therefore, when he saw that his daughter had come in holidays, he ran towards her leaving all his priorities aside. He hugged her daringly and kissed her head.

" Welcome Home, Sweet Heart!! My baby girl has really grown up." he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead.

"But I will remain a baby girl for my popsyyy.. Always..." Christie grinned like a pampered girl..

" Yes, of course.." He held her hand and tugged her to let her inside the palace.

" Come, everyone was waiting for you."

But Christie didn't move and Alexender looked at her questioningly.

Christie gestured at Harrison and Grace who were also there. Only then Alexender realised that he had forgotten them.

" Oh Harrison! Please don't feel shy. I almost forget everything when I am with my girl.. You know all that.."

" Yes, I know my dear brother in law... And I didn't mind that at all. Alexendra would have done the same too." said Harrison. Harrison bit his tongue upon realising what had he said.

"Alexendra??" Christie murmured.

Seeing that Christie was getting curious to know about Alexendra, Alexender came forward and welcomed Grace.

" Nice to see you here, Grace.. I congratulate both of you on behalf of my whole family." Said Alexender.

"Congratulations??" Christie asked with questioning gaze.

" Yes dear.. Your uncle has decided to marry her love, Grace ."

" Wow!! That's really amazing.." said Christie with enthusiasm and she congratulated both of them.

Everyone was very happy with Christie visiting home after a long time. Last time, Alexender was worried about her security alongwith Matthew..So she was got admitted to Greenhills Wizards College.

Alexander led them to dining hall to have some refreshments after such a long journey. Harrison didn't want to stop anywhere in the journey. So it was really tiresome.

After that Harrison and Grace were shown their rooms while Christie was sitting with her grandmother when suddenly Barbiana came there and hugged her lovingly.

Christie froze for a moment with her this gesture. Barbiana was so loving and caring that Christie could not imagine how she could do all that to harm her.

Looking at Christie's stiffened expressions, Barbiana asked, " What happened dear?"

" Oh nothing!! I am just feeling tired after a long journey....", replied Christie before she excused herself to go to her room to have some rest.

"Yes dear.., Please let me know if you need anything." said her grandmother.

Barbiana narrowed her eyes at Christie's sudden stiffened expressions that went unnoticed by anyone before composing her expressions back to normal.

" Such a beautiful child..!! I really feel sorry for her that she couldn't get all that motherly affection that she deserved.. I wish I could bestow her with motherly affection.." said Barbiana cunningly.

" You can still shower her with your love, Barbiana."

" But mother, ultimately, she will get married. Would that I could keep her beside me always.." Barbiana said with a honey filled tone, " I want a bride just like her for my Charles.. Would that she were my daughter in law.." She tried to put her thoughts in head of queen.

The queen who was her mother in law, was listening to her, really couldn't resist this tempting thought.

It was not a new thing to get married with one's relatives as marriage for benefits was a common occurrence in royal families. And it would be in the best interest of everyone if Christie remained under their love and care even after marriage so as to protect her from the devil and his ill intentions.

" That's not a bad idea.." whispered queen.

But Barbiana clearly heard that and became happy instantly.. But she pretended to be ignorant about queen's whisper.

" Did you say something, mother?" asked Barbiana innocently.

" Oh no!! Just take care of that poor child.."

Barbiana nodded her head and left the room. She couldn't tell how happy she was feeling right now. Once again, she had woven the trap for queen to get trapped inside.

Now , she need not to do anything. The queen would make a path for her aspirations..

" Where is my dumb son?? I have to pass this good news to him.." Thinking about all these things, she went to her room.. She was really happy thinking about how she had always won in weaving her web around everyone and ready to catch them in her trap.

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