

The mafia king, Alastair Erix, is the ruler of the underworld and is known to the world as the scariest and most merciless Diablo, also referred to as the merciless mafia son. The reason the world is afraid of him is not that he is merciless and does not show mercy, but rather because he has great power, intelligence, and wealth, and because of his intelligence and sense of humor toward people. By negotiating with the most powerful nation, he shut down a third world war. Who knows who he is? He keeps being presented to the public as the devil. Everyone worships him like a deity who lived in the dark to give everyone a light of hope that you have to battle for your honesty; no one claims that he is the devil. The beautiful young lady, Serenity Watson, is an innocent soul who never gets her way in life. But she was the brave and bold kind who had nothing to lose and everything to gain in this world. She is all alone on the dark path of life. She is simply afraid of being alone in her life. She only wants affection from whoever can provide it to her. She was the most loyal and genuine to everyone. She had been lonely her whole life, following the deaths of his mother, his first love, and her father. In the lonely world of victims, she has nothing. Everyone in their stories is a victim who experienced a painful life. Serenity Watson February 2023-02 My father passed away today. I can't change the facts…………….. (I switched pages once more.) Serenity Watson February 2023-09 I ran into an elderly blind man today…………….(I altered several pages again when I noticed the name written.) Alastair Erix May 2023 09 Today, I'm coming home to greet some new visitors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (I altered several sites). Alastair Erix August 2023 14 Nothing can change the fact that I love her……………………………………………………………..

SainistaGenova · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: The Dinner

Serenity Watson

February 17, 2023

His voice is so husky; I wonder if it's just that I am drawn to him physically, or if there's something more to his mysterious aura. I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as I responded, "No, but I'm eager to find out." I'm going to sit on my knees if he makes a second comment, but who is he? I really don't have any idea who he is, but I really did see him someplace. I must have seen him in my fantasy when he was fucking me in my dreams. The intensity of his gaze and the air of mystery surrounding him only heightened my curiosity. Is he talking about that? Oh my god, what am I thinking when I hear Uncle James voice slowly say, "Alastair?"

He replied in a clear and loud voice," Hmmm, papa". So he is the son of Uncle James.

Oh god.

He is more than I expected; he is a freaking Greek lord, just like I know Uncle James is handsome. His son will also be attractive, but he is a mysterious Greek lord. Come on, Serenity,

Don't forget that he is an asshole who was never there when his father needed him. He must be a playboy, but looking at him doesn't feel like that; his personality is so uncanny. How can any woman fuck before being scared?

"Meet my little girl's serenity", the uncle said.

That uncle was also surprised that he would not come today, but somehow he showed up; it was so unexpected.

He repeated, while his brow pinched, "Your little girl, Serena."

I interrupted "serenity". No one can pronounce my name like this, which surprises me and is so pleasing to my ears. Is he trying to irritate me?

"So, Serena, who am I that you don't know?" He said.

Serena fuck, it's so good to hear. What is he trying to do? I don't have even one percent of an idea. Is he trying to scare me?

When I heard Uncle's voice, "Don't scare her, Alastair?" Is he someone I really don't know? Is he a star? No, I don't think so.

I again heard the rough voice, which is not loud but clear: I am not scaring her papa; I am just asking her if she knows. "He is staring at me like, seriously, it pinches my heart that he is hurt that I don't know who he is. Do I have a one-night stand with him? Not possible. I am a virgin. then where I saw him.

Uncle James said, "You're again late, so let's not waste time and eat the dinner before it's cold."

While setting the dinner table, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me intently from across the room. It was him again—the man whose identity I couldn't seem to recall. His gaze was filled with a mix of curiosity and familiarity, leaving me even more curious. He was staring at me like he was making so many holes in my body. I also started staring at his eyes, which were something dark,beautiful, soft, and attractive.

When I heard the voice of Uncle James calmly saying, "Meet my son, Alastair Erix Knights", he didn't reply anything; he just gave his father a nod, and again he was staring at me like I was food.

He didn't blink for a second when I said, "Hello, I am Serenity Watson". He blinked his eyes two times and again started staring at me.

Uncle James said, "Alastair, eat your supper and get out; you're making her uncomfortable".

I hear his voice, which makes my knees uncomfortable. "I am here because we had an important conversation with you and about her. I am not making her uncomfortable. I just wanted to know more about her".

Uncle said, "She is my guest; I am not ready. You asked any question and made her uncomfortable. I know your insecurities better than you, so don't try to justify your actions. It's clear that you're crossing boundaries and making her uncomfortable with your intense staring. Please respect her space and let her enjoy her meal in peace." I am surprised at how calmly Uncle James takes my side without even making him angry and at the way he makes Alastair know his limits. I am not shocked, but it was amazing that he took my side.

I remembered Uncle James telling me about his son being blind. I can confirm his eyes are that soft and beautiful because of Uncle James. I hear the cough of Alastair.

I turn my attention towards Alastair, noticing his discomfort and realizing that I had been staring at him for a while.

I quickly apologize for my unintentional staring and shift my gaze back to my plate, feeling a bit embarrassed. Uncle James gently asks Alastair if he's feeling alright, showing his concern and care for his son's well-being. I was noticing that, time by time, Alastair was also staring at me every time. He was quiet all the time, and me and Uncle James were making small talk.

We head to the living area when we complete our dinner. When my uncle said, "Serenity, do you want to see the whole house? It's just so beautiful, and I think you'll love it." I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as I eagerly accepted his offer, curious to explore the rest of their home. When I hear a harsh and throaty voice again," Papa, I will show her you relax here." It was Alastair, his eyes still fixed on me. I couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that he had been watching my every move. Uncle James calmly said, You will again make her uncomfortable, Alastair. Let's give her some space to explore on her own." I nodded in agreement, grateful for my uncle's intervention and hoping that Alastair would respect his request. He wickedly said, "But I wouldn't mind if some guests saw my whole house on their own; don't you think it was disrespectful for our guests?"

total bastard showing his gentleness here,seriously.

I replied shortly," It's okay, uncle, let him show his house." Uncle gave me his short nod and beautiful smile.

"Let's go," Alastair said.

The house was literally beautiful with its grand architecture and elegant decor. As we walked through each room, I couldn't help but be in awe of the attention to detail and the luxurious atmosphere. It was clear that Alastair took great pride in his home.

I can observe that his pair of eyes, even if they blink for a second, are just on me.

His stare made me feel slightly self-conscious, but I ignored it and continued to enjoy the magnificent artwork and tasteful furniture. Alastair had clearly put a lot of effort into every detail of his home, resulting in a genuinely impressive space.

I couldn't help but notice that the photo frame featured a photograph of Alastair with a bright smile, connected by Uncle James, as we entered one of the rooms where only the front wall of Alasatir Gentel's side photo was hanging. His home was not just a reflection of his stunning taste but also of the warmth and pleasure he valued in his personal life.

Alastair swiftly pinned me against the wall as the tension in the room reached its peak, his eyes burning with frustration. His hold on my wrists grew tighter, causing me to gasp in both pain and pleasure.

Alastair leaned closer, his hot breath brushing against my ear, with my back against the wall, both hands over my head, and one of his hands over my head, wrapping my hands around my wrists. I felt the raw emotions coming from him, and the situation made my skin tremble. He leaned in closer, his hot breath brushing my ear. It was a deadly dance between need and terror, leaving me unsure of what would happen next. I could feel the chills running down my spine from the intensity of his gaze, yet I couldn't help but look. He took a moment to close the door before doing so. He and I were now inches apart, face-to-face.

He groaned gently, but his annoyance remained. He seemed to be looking fully into my eyes, as if he were looking for something. As we both battled to find the appropriate words to express ourselves, the space between us filled with unsaid words.

His one hand reached out to touch the wall a few inches away from my waist with a mixture of chaos and desire. The space between us became nearly nonexistent as he leaned closer to me. As he spoke, the warmth of his breath caressed my cheek, and I could see that he was trying to make some sort of connection.

"Serena," he said, his voice filled with a blend of emotions and pain, "tell me, do you know me or not?"

When I met his stare, my heart was rushing like a racing vehicle. My back was against the wall, but something in Alastair's eyes caught my attention—a sensitivity I hadn't seen before.

"I'm not trying to hurt you," he said, his grasp on the wall just strong enough to keep me aware of his presence but not too tight. "Tell me if you know or not."

My breathing had become more rapid, and I was struggling to find my own voice. The presence of Alastair was both disturbing and somehow comfortable. I eventually managed to speak up because I have no idea what he's on about. My voice was shaking. I have no idea who you are, Alastair. I stated again, I am meeting you for the first time, Alastair, son of uncle Mr. James Erix Knights.

Alastair's hand on the wall began to fade away, allowing me more space. The tension in the room remained, but Alastair unlocked the gate, moved rapidly, and was no longer in my sight. As I tried to make sense of his unexpected departure, confusion rushed over me. He seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving me with more questions than answers. Did I say something incorrectly? Did I make a mistake? The words were placed in the air as I quickly scanned my memory for any mistakes. Alastair's quick leave left me disturbed and confused about what had happened.

Cia pov-

Ohh my goddd

They met I am so confused. It seems like all books are about serenity being a flake or a flake being someone else. It's going to be a perfect love triangle. But now, with Alastair's sudden disappearance, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more going on. Maybe there was a hidden secret or a deeper connection that I had yet to uncover. The possibilities swirled in my mind, leaving me eager to unravel the mystery behind Alastair's abrupt departure. The books are seriously full of problems, but I can't read more because I have to complete my report and have to meet Miss Erya, my favorite grandma on earth. She always has a way of calming my racing thoughts and offering sage advice. As I hurriedly finished my report, I couldn't help but anticipate the comforting embrace and warm smile that awaited me at our meeting.