5 Chapter 5: Debating With Myself

(Reagan’s POV)

Right now no matter how hard that I tried I could not focus on my work whatsoever, and this time it had nothing to do with the fact that I owed the university $20,000. No the reason for my not being able to focus had to do with a certain handsome, blonde-haired man that had proposed to me. Ever since my run-in with Alexander, all I could think about was the fact that he wanted to marry me even though we had never spoken until that day. I mean what had possessed him to think that it was okay to just randomly ask someone that just completely out of the blue. Maybe it was because he had money as he had no so subtly implied when we had spoken. He had said that his life was captured by the media but I didn’t think that he was an actor or a singer simply because I felt as though I would have heard of him before.

I decided that I wanted to find out more about him so I opened my laptop and took out his business card, typing his name into the search bar. Instantly pictures and articles about him popped onto my screen and I began to click on them. I managed to learn that he was the future CEO of Griffin International and also that he was indeed a major womanizer. Even though some of the articles talked about him and his future leadership role in his family’s company, most of the articles discussed his relationships with women.

Scrolling through I found articles about him being seen with models, actresses, and singers. I looked at the pictures, seeing that man had a type, he liked gorgeous women. Women that had insta-worthy bodies, shiny hair, pristine makeup, and the only thing that these women had in common was that they all were gorgeous. Alexander, it seemed didn’t care about what color hair they had or what their skin color was as long as they were beautiful.

So why had he abruptly asked me to marry him, I thought continuing to scroll through the many articles of his personal life. Alexander apparently could have any woman that he wanted so why had he asked me of all people to marry him? The fact that the situation had even occurred still stuck me by surprise and I still couldn’t believe that it had transpired in the first place.

“Ooo who’s the hottie?” I turned around to see Blake, staring at my laptop screen with curiosity.

“Ah nobody important just some guy I heard about at the diner,” I said, closing my laptop.

Blake made her way over to the bed and sat down, “Still stressing over trying to figure out where you are going to get that money you owe?”

I nodded, “How could I not be? I mean I don’t know how they expect me to pay off that huge amount, don’t they realize that I barely got into this school as it is?”

Blake laid down on the bed and propped her head up with her pillow, “That’s college for you, everybody expects you to make your way in the world.”

I got up from my desk chair and sat on my bed, facing Blake, “I feel like if I continue to stress over this I’m going to start yanking my hair from my scalp.”

Blake chuckled, “That would be hilarious.”

I shoved her side with my foot, “Hahaha,” I said monotonously, “Yeah so hilarious.”

Blake turned on her bed to face me, bringing her arm under her pillow, “But seriously, in all honesty, do you have any idea where you are going to come up with that kind of cash?”

I shook my head, “None whatsoever, I mean I’m working as many shifts as I can balance with school at the diner but even that isn’t enough. I don’t want to ask my dad for the money either because he helps me as best he can now and I feel like I’ll be burdening him if I ask him to lend me a couple of grand.”

“Trust me if I could help you I would but I’m barely making it myself.”

I sighed, “I know and I would never ask you to give me anything because I know that just like me you’re struggling.”

“Seriously R, this sucks for real.”

I snorted, “You’re telling me, honestly at this point I’m going to need some kind of miracle.”

“Hey, look on the bright side, at least they haven’t given you a specific date when you’re supposed to pay your bill off.”

I laid down on my bed, “Well you say that now but I have a feeling that if I don’t make some kind of payment towards it soon, they are going to give me some kind of deadline.”

“You know what would be amazing if somewhere just completely out of nowhere all of the money that we needed just fell out of the sky.”

I chuckled, “That would be something else but it would also be the best day ever.”

As I was thinking about Blake’s comment, I instantly thought about Alexander and his offer to me. He had dropped the money into my lap, saying that if I became his fiancee my financial problems would be taken care of. For a brief moment, I seriously considered getting his business card and calling him to tell him that I accepted his offer. But if I were to do that, then I would be the one that was losing my mind. I didn’t even know the guy except what I had researched about him on the internet and yet here I was considering his offer.

“Hey, Blake,” she hummed in acknowledgment before I continued talking, “if someone made you an offer to help you out with something but you thought that it was insane but you were so desperate would you do even if you thought it was crazy?”

“If it had to do with money and I needed it, hell yeah I would do it even if it was crazy.”

“So hypothetically if someone asked you to marry them and in exchange, they would give you money even if you barely knew would you still do it.”

“Oh yeah, I’d marry them if they offered me money on a silver platter, I mean what sane person wouldn’t take that kind of deal especially if they needed the money.”

Exactly what sane person wouldn’t have accepted Alexander’s proposal, I mean he was gorgeous and rich, he was every girl’s dream. But my sanity was the reason I hadn’t accepted, I couldn’t marry a stranger even if he could be the answer to all my problems. The truth was that it didn’t matter if he had offered me $1 million, he was still a stranger and who knew what kinda person he was besides what he was portrayed as being in the media. I couldn’t marry him no matter how desperate I was to get the money because that just wasn’t me.

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