
Grand Magic Games Of X792 [2]

>Somewhere In The Stadium Stands<

"Did she just use a Black Key?" Lucy asked herself worriedly. She knew only one other Celestial Wizard who owned that rare key and that was Yukino. "Could that girl have... No... no way." Lucy was afraid that Mercy from Stunning Centaur had killed her friend. But there was a chance, since Mercy seemed like such a baby she may have taken mercy (no pun intended) on Yukino. "And that spell... there's only one person that could use that attack!"

"Who the hell are you!!" Meifeng asked angrily. "You aren't part of this years game!" She added getting ready to attack. The Celestial Spirt Mercy summoned took quite a beating but was still alive.

"Ahh I can't it anymore!" Mercy cried. "Open-!"

"No wait a minute Mercy!" Zero yelled at her.

"Eastern Zodiac; Chou the Ox!" Mercy finished.

A tall curvaceous women with Ox horns and ears appeared. She had a blue cow pattern sleeveless shirt that barely covered her breast. Her stomach was exposed and she only wore a loose skirt. Chou has white curly hair which some parts were braided.

"Star Dress!!" Mercy said causing another bright light to shine. Mercy was wearing a sleeveless turtleneck top like crop top. She also had some shorts on and cowboy like thigh high boots. "There I'm not naked anymore~" She giggled with a small smile.

"ALL THAT FOR SOME CLOTHING!!?" Zero was dumbfounded at how stupid and carefree Mercy was.

"Nastu!!!" Someone from the crowd yelled out. The cloak of the mysterious man fell revealing a spiky haired male. He smiled up at the person - Lucy Heartfilia a pretty famous reporter.

"Yo Lucy!" He called back with a big toothy grin.

"We're in the middle of a fight!!" Meifeng yelled surprised that Nastu was so carefree of the situation. It reminded her of a certain Wizard. . . "You know what, Mercy just- just get him." Meifeng sighed defeated. She covered Najee naked self with her large fan.

"Oh ok!" Mercy jumped up excited. All of a sudden she felt one of her silver braided hair get tugged at. "Owwww~!!" She groaned.

"You trying to steal Lucy's hairstyle?" Nastu asked with a frown. Mercy was trying to push him away but with the way she was positioned it hard to reach the pink haired man.

"Owwie, no!" She responded with tears in her eyes. "Let go of my braid~~!!"

"Can you stop messing around!!" Zero and Lucy yelled at the two angrily in unison. The two idiots realized where they were and got serious.

"Ophiuchus! Chou! Get him!!" She commanded the two Celestial Spirits.

Nastu laughed. "FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK!?" Flames engulfed his fist. The large amount of heat was causing everyone's clothes to be burned off even more. Nastu punched the mechanical snake to the ground.

"Hey~!! How dare you hurt my Celestial Spirit! Take a break Ophiuchus!" Mercy closed the snakes Gate. She turned to her other Celestial Spirit. "Chou, take him out!" She commanded. The Ox women nodded and swung aggressively at Natsu.

"Earth Magic: Earthquake!!!" Chou yelled causing the floor around Natsu to break. Nastu laughed as he was surrounded in a hole.

"That ain't gonna work on me!!" He yelled as he fell down in the hole. "FIRE DRAGON KING ROAR!!!" He yelled causing Flames to erupt out of the hole like a volcano.

"Woah..." Meifeng was impressed by his power. "Who is he... what Guild..."

"I'm Nastu Dragneel! And I'm apart of Fairy Tail!!" He answered right after he knocked out Mercy.

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