
New Fighter

"Oh, look at the girl that just walked in." Someone whispered to a friend as Ram walked in the guild hall.

"She kinda looks like a doll but with cat ears." A guild waitress whispered to a nearby coworker with envy. "Wait a minute-"

"Her clothing, do you think she comes from that academy?" The female coworker finished her friends sentence.

"But she's so cute, why would she be a huntress?" The women responded back with a sad sigh.

Ram's ears twitched with annoyance at the gossiping bystanders but ignored them. She rang the small bell at the front desk of the guild waiting for a worker to sign her up.

A beautiful young women with long, straight hair and green eyes appeared. She was wearing a black kimono with a fitting obi and imprints of red flowers at the bottom. Over her kimono, was a yellow haori with beige dots on it. Along with this she wears white socks and zōri with a red hanao. Around her arm was a chain with a yellow tag at the end that read, "Aika."

Right next to her was a beautiful, petite, young girl with big, blue eyes, long wavy brown hair with short fringes. She had a chain too but it was around her neck. The tag was yellow as well and it read, "Julie."

"Who might you be?" She questioned with a tilt of her head. She was holding a small pipe that had smoke come out from the end. The women named Aika took in Ram's appearance.

Ram is a short Pantherian girl with long black hair that grew down all the way to her waist. Her ears and tail are both equally a beautiful black color that is quite rare even among her race. Her cat-like, almond-shaped green eyes and spruce eyebrows seem expressionless like a doll. She has a slender body type and doesn't have any curves. You can tell her breast size is an A by just looking at them.

Her clothes are a vest that went to her chest, had shoulder pads attached, and was hanging from a jacket, and a wide leather belt coiled above her waist. It had a great number of pockets attached. She wears a skirt of layered cloth around her waist and skin-tight short shorts/spats underneath the skirt.

"I am Ram Sullac and I want to be a huntress." Ram answered rather quickly. Aika smiles and whispered something to Julie. The petite girl ran off then came back with some paperwork.

"Can you read and write? What class are you and how old are you?"

"I can, Fighting class- Martial Arts and I should be around 15." Ram answered grabbing a feathered pen from the desk.

"Once you're done, I'll give you your hunter tag which shows people what rank you are and name." Aika explained as she put the small pipe in her mouth.

"Would you also like to show your class on it? That would be 90 coin though." Julie asked looking up at Ram with a smile. Ram didn't return the smile, she just looked at her emotionless.

"90 coin for some words on a tag? No thanks you thieves." She quipped, finishing up her paperwork.

Aika laughed softly petting Julie's head. "I see then, some other time." She smiles looking at the filled paperwork. Aika then handed Ram a white tag. "I think you know how this works seeing that you're from Heaven Fighters Academy. But I'll explain just in case. The color of your tag represents your rank. White is the lowest and Black the highest. There are other colors in between such as: yellow - which is the second lowest, gold, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, and red." Aika chuckled softly. "Now, since you're a white rank I suggest you do "dirty work" jobs because they're much safer. Things like rebuilding wagons or cleaning out a barn. Don't think you can kill Fairies-"

"Fairies? Those little things?" Ram scoffed. "Even someone who isn't a hunter can kill those things. I saw a lone one last week and killed it." Ram interrupted.

"You might be a Fighter that graduated a top school but don't get too cocky. Please take my advice, I see many young hunters like you who think about killing Fairies for quick money." Aika warned becoming serious.

"Erik! Hold on!!" A blonde hair girl who looked like a priestess scolded getting ready to hit the male with her staff.

"Hey I heard you're a fighter- wanna come make a team with us." The man named Erik asked once Ram finished up her work. He then pointed to the blonde girl who was standing behind him embarrassed. "She's Mira the priestess and I'm Erik the swordsman. Right now it's only the two of us beginners but how about you come in our team to make it more dynamic? We're gonna be hunting some Fairies in this cave outside of the town." He explained with a smile. Ram didn't smile, only sighed at his enthusiasm.

"I'll join, I guess." She mumbled.

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