
Eyes Only for You

Veridin let go of his hand and stepped back, leaving him standing alone in the air. He slid his arm behind his back, holding out his hand out to Anaroth once more. A grin spread across his moonlit features, violet eyes sparkling mischievously behind golden strands. “Your highness Anaroth, may I have the honor of your first dance?”

TheKatKing · LGBT+
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33 Chs

The War's End (2)

In the tents far behind the trenches, Veridin turned to Viscount Brandy. Rowan along with a few knights and sergeants were in the tent as well. The air in the tent was far more heated than even the battlefield they had just left. All the animosity was directed at Viscount Brandy.

"What is all of this? We should be deciding on a temporary commander. I believe I have the highest position here, therefore it's only natural that that position belongs to me," Viscount Brandy chuckled nervously.

"There is a more important issue than that, Viscount Brandy," Veridin said coldly, "One of your soldiers stabbed the Commander. Therefore, everyone here can only assume one thing. That you planned the assassination of the grand marshal. I assume you have something to say on that matter?"

Viscount Brandy's eyes darted between Veridin and the other captains present. "I! I had nothing to do with that! Do you really think I would take advantage of the battle to kill the grand marshal? Do you?"

The silence of the tent gave the viscount his answer. His expression indignant, he began to shout, "Why would I do that? I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you! If anything you're the one to blame! You were right next to him weren't you?"

Veridin's usually stoic face twisted into rage. He raised his hand and slapped the viscount across the face. The sound of metal colliding with flesh echoed through the tent. The slap left a clear red mark on Viscount Brandy's face. The others in the tent were just as dumbstruck as the viscount, but Veridin wasn't satisfied. He grabbed Viscount Brandy by the collar. "I don't care if you're a viscount, or even a duke, the commander is dead! Someone has to answer for this! The traitor was one of your soldiers! If you had paid any attention to your own soldiers this wouldn't have happened!"

The viscount blubbered unintelligibly. Rowan pulled Veridin away from the viscount with a fearful expression. "Veridin! He's still a noble! You can't treat a noble like that!"

"Noble? He's nothing more than a criminal right now."

"I know how you feel, but it's not our place to punish a noble. Let's just confine him to his tent and send a report to his majesty. We still have to deal with the aftermath of the battle."

Veridin glanced at the shivering viscount before sighing. "Let's do that then."

Rowan nodded then turned to the others. "One of you, take the viscount to the infirmary then to his tent."

They looked at each other before one of them stepped forward and ushered the viscount out of the tent. Veridin rubbed his forehead as they left. One of the knights on the side tentatively spoke up. "Should… We call you Captain now?"

Veridin lowered his hand and looked at them. Going by title, he was most certainly the highest in position. He was a knight commander, but without an order of his own. Normally he would be considered as commander and not captain as captain was a title lower than his own. However…

"That's fine." Veridin let out a pained exhale. "We have to consider what we're going to do now that the commander is gone."

"Do you have anything in mind, Captain?"

Veridin hesitated, "I do have an idea. But it'll sound crazy."

"It isn't as if we have anything else to lose," Rowan stated bleakly.

Veridin glared at Rowan before responding. "We could send a message to the demon king."

Outrage burst out amongst the knights and sergeants in the tent. Even Rowan was taken aback by Veridin's suggestion. Veridin let them talk amongst themselves with a blank expression.

"Are you saying we should surrender? After centuries of fighting? To give up just like this?" Rowan queried.

"No. However, it may be time to end this war. No matter how. You all know that the commander's sincerest wish was for this war to end."

Veridin watched the knights hesitantly nod in agreement. They then looked at Rowan tentatively. There wasn't a soldier among them that didn't know how Rowan had lost his family to demons. Rowan giving his consent would mean that he set aside the very reason why he became a soldier. Veridin waited calmly for Rowan to speak. Only after hearing his opinion would Veridin tell him what the traitor had said.

"Let's… Contact the demon king. The grand marshal wouldn't want us to continue this war just because of him." The knights seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. They froze again when Rowan continued, "But we can't do that without the approval of his majesty."

"Leave that to me," Veridin looked Rowan in the eyes, "I have to speak to you privately as well."

"Then we'll take our leave, Captain, Lieutenant."

The soldiers quickly slipped out of the tent. Rowan watched them leave before turning to Veridin. "What did you have to say that they can't hear?"

Veridin glanced at the entrance to the tent before stepping closer. Candlelight flickered in his violet eyes as he whispered, "The one who stabbed the commander wasn't one of Viscount Brandy's soldiers."

"Then, someone intended to frame him? We need to tell his majesty." Rowan looked at Veridin, wide eyed.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." His majesty wouldn't do anything with the information anyway, Veridin silently remarked. "We may be making ourselves targets if we try to keep Viscount Brandy from taking the fall."

"We can't just let an innocent person take the blame. We should get to the bottom of this."

Veridin stared into Rowan's eyes. The flames of anger danced within them like the reflections of candlelight. He straightened his back, his voice cold, "The viscount isn't entirely innocent, Rowan."

Rowan paused, "Veridin… Since when were you like this?"

"I've always been me," Veridin softened his expression and regained his composure, "This isn't the only thing the viscount has done. He's harassed his servants on multiple occasions, this is an opportunity for him to be brought to justice."

"My mistake. I thought you were abandoning the justice you so adamantly preach," Rowan sighed.

"I wouldn't convict someone without evidence. Viscount Brandy has many crimes he should pay for."

Rowan chuckled solemnly, "Harassing servants isn't a real crime, Veridin."

"All people under the Goddess's light deserve to be treated with kindness," Veridin smiled through gritted teeth.

"Ha, as always, the Church's ideals are certainly idealistic." Rowan dragged himself to the entrance of the tent. "I'll leave you to contact his majesty and the demon king. Let's… Bring this war to an end."

With that, Veridin watched him limp out of the tent. After a moment, he ran his hand over one of the puncture marks in his armor. He could easily heal Rowan as he did himself. If it weren't for his lie about using mana with repercussions, he could do so openly. Veridin brushed away the faint twinge of guilt. Pulling a piece of parchment onto the desk, he began to write.

"He'll live. It's better if he stays away from the battlefield from now on."