
Eyes Only for You

Veridin let go of his hand and stepped back, leaving him standing alone in the air. He slid his arm behind his back, holding out his hand out to Anaroth once more. A grin spread across his moonlit features, violet eyes sparkling mischievously behind golden strands. “Your highness Anaroth, may I have the honor of your first dance?”

TheKatKing · LGBT+
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33 Chs


Priest Julas fell to the prison floor with a thud. He grit his teeth. That guy who was supposed to be on his side fully placed all the blame on him! This is why you can never trust those information guild members! He got to his knees and huffed. There was no use in trying to save himself now. The high priest would get him out of here sooner or later.

The prison cell was less of a cell and more of a servant's room. It was a small space with a single bed, desk, and chair. It was quite similar to the rooms at the church. Julas stood in the middle of it with a snobbish glare. This would only be a temporary affair. So he thought. A full nine days passed until he couldn't wait any longer. He pounded his fist on the door of his chambers.

"Hey! Hasn't there been a single person here to visit me?"

A tired voice replied from the other side, "For the last time. No one has been here to see you."

"There has to be someone! Or a letter perhaps?"

A sigh drifted from behind the door. A moment later, an exclamation followed. The guard stumbled over their words before the door swung open. Julas nearly tumbled backwards.


"It's been a little while, priest Julas."

Julas subconsciously shivered from the familiar, icy voice in front of him. "You! You devil! Why are you here?"

"Well, to inform you of your public trial. The high priest was quite adamant that you have one."

"Ha, of course. After all, I'm still a priest."

"That's right. Now, clean yourself up. Your trial is an hour."

Veridin left the cell without another word. He spoke to the guard on his way out, telling him to bring Julas outside in half an hour. Julas grit his teeth. The indecency of the church's dog really got on his nerves. He could only seethe in silence for the hour before his trial. Humiliation and rage bubbled up while he rode in the prisoner's cart on the way to the courthouse. He was briefly brought to a room before the trial started. The high priest entered the room moments after Julas arrived.

"Your holiness! I knew you would help me. That stray thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it! You need to punish him thoroughly like you used to!"

The high priest stared at him coldly. "What an idiot."


"I thought I should see if you were still worth saving, but this was clearly a waste of my time." He turned around.

"Wait, your holiness!" Julas grasped the hems of the high priest's clothes.

"Don't touch me, you useless dolt. You got yourself into this mess, get yourself out of it." He tore his clothes out of Julas's grip and left the room.

Julas collapsed. What exactly did he do wrong? Why did his holiness abandon him? That Holy Knight may be a dog, but even a rabid dog could be muzzled. His majesty would never care about the problems within the church. The nobles could be easily bribed. So where did things spiral out of control?

"Priest Julas, I'm here to escort you to the courtroom."

The guard lifted the stunned Julas to his feet. Various eyes bore into him as he was hauled into the courtroom. The high priest cast an icy glare on him. The nobles whispered among themselves. The others, popular commoners, muttered suspicions. On the level nearest to him sat the two dukes, Duke Betchner and Duke Hollin. The muttering came to a halt as the guard standing beside the empty seat high in the front announced: "Here enters, the judge presiding over this trial: His majesty!"

Julas froze as the golden haired figure emerged. He sat down on the judge's seat, his sharp eyes boring into Julas. Veridin spoke solemnly, "Start the trial. Priest Julas, care to explain yourself?"

Julas stumbled over his words, "Then, I'll say it again here in this court! I did nothing wrong, I was just sending reports back to the church."

"Then you could say the contents of that report here, to the court, is that right?"

"That is… If I may, your majesty…" Julas began to sweat. "It was because I believed that you did not receive appropriate permission to contact the demon king."

"Is that all?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Alright. In response to that, I would like to provide the document that you, yourself, handed to me. If you would, Duke Betchner, Duke Hollin?"

Julas spun around. Being handed to the two dukes was the paper that he did deliver to Veridin. The paper that he did not get a chance to look at. "Your majesty! You did not show anyone that paper! Who knows if it was true or not!"

Duke Betcher stood up. His golden eyes coupled with his bright red hair was awe-inspiring. He was a majestic figure who stood at equal footing with the high priest. This wasn't a man anyone wanted to make an enemy of.

"Priest Julas, this letter has indeed stated his former majesty's approval. In either case, even if his majesty had not shown you the paper, are you doubting his righteousness? There is not a person in this room who knows of his majesty's sense of justice and benevolence."

Veridin stared down at the breathless Julas. He didn't expect that Duke Betchner would speak on his behalf. He remarked that it was most likely because the duke followed the crown. Duke Betchner was fierce and greedy, but he was smart. He continued to stay loyal to the crown, even when the capital began to fall apart. He worked hard to maintain his territory and the economy. He was a trueborn businessman. He was only interested in maintaining his wealth. Veridin found the Betcher duchy to be one of the better noble houses. It was the one beside him that he was more wary of.

Duke Hollin had remained silent for the whole of the trial. His tied up blonde hair complimented his emerald eyes. He had sharp features and an intimidating posture for being an alchemist. He essentially held a monopoly on all pharmaceutical products. He had never been openly interested in politics before, but he was ambitious. Before that however, he was a vehement researcher. His research was far more important to him than high society. Veridin tapped his finger against the arm of his chair in anticipation of what Duke Hollin was going to do.

"Aside from whether his majesty did or did not show you the paper, would you care to explain the discrepancies between your story and your accomplice?"

"Do you really trust the words of a hired escort? Someone like that could be bought easily!"

"Oh? And who are you implying would do that? Why would they have a reason to?"

"Who knows? Maybe someone wanted to implicate me!"

Murmurs broke out among the court. Veridin sighed. He didn't expect Julas to be this stupid. He didn't even need to coax anyone. With just a single sentence, Julas had implicated himself.

"Priest Julas, Duke Hollin is asking for what reason would someone want to implicate you? Do you have some kind of secret that would cause you to be so nervous here? Are you afraid of some kind of unknown enemy?"

"I– That is– That mercenary is lying! I'm telling you that I was merely reporting to the church!"

"Lying? Father Julas, you were never told what that 'mercenary' said." Julas's face turned red. He clearly felt humiliated. He whipped around to look at the high priest.

Veridin raised an eyebrow. "Father Julas, for what reason do you look to the High Priest? If it is all as you've said, he has nothing to do with this, right?

"That's… Right." Julas spit out through gritted teeth.

"It seems that there's not enough information to provide a just punishment. How's this; Priest Julas will be imprisoned for the next two months while an investigation takes place. The investigation will be overseen by Earl Wyner."

A few mutters were spoken among the court. High Priest Malas stood with a stone face. The two dukes listened to the growing clamor of the court. It was Duke Hollin who spoke up.

"I believe Earl Wyner is a fantastic candidate to lead this investigation."

"Did you not hear me? There is nothing to investigate!" Julas shouted, indignant.

"If you wait another two months, you may be proven innocent. Are you trying to implicate yourself now? Take him away." Veridin watched silently as Julas was dragged out of the courtroom. "Bring in Viscount Brandy."

Uproar broke out among the court. The high priest turned his head away when a disheveled viscount was hauled onto the floor. Both dukes watched him with piercing eyes. A particular figure watched the viscount coldly.

A whisper caught Veridin's attention, "Shouldn't we do something?"

"What is there to do? He's no longer useful to us. Leave him to his fate."

He scanned the crowd, but the whispers had already stopped. He narrowed his eyes. It seemed like the forces behind Viscount Brandy wouldn't expose themselves so easily. Irritated, he looked down on the convict.

"Viscount Brandy, you are here under the crime of negligence which led to the death of the grand marshal. Do you still preach your innocence?"

"Of course I do! I had nothing to do with his death!"

Veridin gripped the arm of his chair. Rage flared up in his eyes. If it were purely up to him, Viscount Brandy would be publicly executed. He let out a sigh as well as his impatience. A hand rose from the seats of the nobles. Veridin narrowed his eyes when the person began to speak.

"Your majesty, may I lead this trial?"

"Viscount Garrett… You may."

Veridin leaned back. There wasn't any real reason for either of these trials. Their punishments had already been decided. Rather, it was to get a grasp on the nobles that he had chosen to hold a public trial for them. It was a show of power, much like what Viscount Garrett was doing to Viscount Brandy at the moment.

He halfheartedly listened to the redundant interrogation as he began to take note of the happenings among the nobility. The high priest had chosen to let the priest and hired hand take the fall. He had even refused to defend Viscount Brandy who he had an amicable relationship with. There was at least one other party that had their hand in these events. Those two voices very well could have been the same people who hired the priest's escort. However, there was still the matter of the traitor's words. The two could be different groups, but they could also be the same. Veridin exhaled. Once this trial was done, he needed to talk to that informant. He was in desperate need of spies and especially an aid. If he had a capable aid, he wouldn't have had to spend a whole nine days dealing with the immediate affairs of the kingdom.

"What do you think, your majesty?"

His eyes settled on the two viscounts. "I believe it is evident that it was Viscount Brandy who allowed this tragedy to happen. It was not a planned assassination, but it was still one of your soldiers that caused this. Do you have anything else to say for yourself?"

"Yes! You have ignored my words and are determined to convict me!"

"Viscount Brandy. This entire courtroom has heard your words. They have heard the evidence against you. It is not just my opinion that decides this trial. If anyone in this room believes that Viscount Brandy is innocent of his crime, please raise your hand."

Silence succeeded his statements. Not a single hand rose from the crowd, not among the nobility nor the commoners. Viscount Brandy scanned the court hastily only to look down with a darkened expression.

"Then I shall state the verdict. Viscount Brandy shall hereby be stripped of his title. His land, assets, and property will be confiscated by the imperial palace."

"What?! Is this not an abuse of authority?" The viscount spun around to plead to the two dukes. "This trial was rushed! Not all the evidence was gathered! He has not had a proper coronation!"

Duke Hollin stood up and glared at him. "Viscount–No, former viscount Brandy, do not waste any more of everyone's time. You are no longer a noble."

Shouts rose up from him as people began to filter out of the courtroom. The guards hauled the former viscount away. Veridin did not get to see the look on his face. He had left first to briefly instruct the knight captain on the matter. He let out a long sigh before his temporary aid caught up with him. The aid breathlessly adjusted his glasses and attempted to flatten his perpetually unruly black hair. Behind him was a guard who was equally as breathless.

"Just because you were a knight, does not mean you can just leave your attendants to guard the courtroom door, your majesty."

"You seem to have done just fine." Veridin glanced over the two. "Take me to where that informant is being kept."

"That man! Right, I'll take you right there. But, didn't you leave the investigation of this case to Earl Wyner?"

"Did I tell you to ask questions, or to take me somewhere?"

Veridin swore to himself when the attendant exclaimed. His official aid would have to be much quieter, and smarter, than this one. The guards stationed in front of the room dipped their heads when Veridin entered. Mana swirled around the room as he shut the door behind him.

"You did an adequate job."

The man sitting on the singular stool in the room grinned. His face was covered in stubble and scars. He straightened up and chuckled. "Can I leave now?"

"Not yet. You'll still have to cooperate with the investigation. I'm here for the information you promised me."

"Not an ounce of familiarity, you nobles." He spoke sarcastically. "I can't believe you're the king now. Will you be paying me more now then?"

"A deal is a deal. I'll pay you ten gold coins as promised, if you give me the information."

"Alright, don't twist my arm. The group I was hired through this time was the Golden Eye guild. They run an escort and information business under the radar."

Veridin looked to the side. The Golden Eye guild was a prominent merchant group, even in the capital. It was so distinguished that even the imperial palace had contact with them. The group was so large that he assumed it belonged to Duke Betchner. The name itself implies as much.

"Do you know anything about the owner?"

"Of course I don't. The owner is a mysterious figure, he never shows his face. I've only ever seen the second in command."

"I see."

"Wait, you're leaving me here?"

"You still have a job to do. Since you gave me the information, when you make it back to the Golden eye guild, I'll pay you through them. Don't worry, if you stick to our story you'll be released in no time."

Veridin stepped outside of the courthouse and breathed deeply. It felt like a small weight was lifted off of his chest. Viscount Brandy was held responsible for the grand marshall's death. He showed his authority to the high priest. Yet it wasn't enough. He needed more information, to do more work. His revenge wasn't nearly complete. His thoughts faded away when a familiar concentration of mana buzzed in the back of his mind. He climbed into the carriage and adjusted his sleeves.

"Take me to the construction site."