
eye of creation

In the majestic kingdom of Ashrone, a once powerful and prosperous nation, a grave tragedy unfolded - the untimely death of its beloved king. This catastrophic event not only plunged the kingdom into chaos and uncertainty but also created a dangerous power vacuum that various factions sought to exploit for their own gain. As political intrigue and clandestine manipulations ran rampant in the halls of power, some individuals resorted to devious and wicked means to secure their place at the top of the hierarchy. Smokescreens of deceit and shadows of treachery enveloped the kingdom, casting a dark shadow over its once glorious legacy. However, amidst the turmoil and darkness, a hero emerged from the most unlikely of places - a figure not born of noble blood, but of humble origins. This unassuming individual possessed a heart filled with courage, a mind sharpened by wisdom, and a spirit ignited by an unyielding sense of justice.

Mthokozisi_Mnguni · Fantasie
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20 Chs

chapter thirteen

Two weeks had passed since the tragic passing of Priestess Hina, a beloved figure in the community of Pinesilver. The remaining population gathered together, waiting in anticipation for the funeral proceedings to begin. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, yet there was a sense of unity amongst the people, coming together to honor the memory of their cherished priestess.

On the night of the funeral, the evening sky was a breathtaking sight, adorned with twinkling stars that seemed to gather in anticipation. It was as if the heavens themselves were acknowledging the departure of a beautiful soul who would soon join them among the celestial bodies above.

At the outskirts of the town, a majestic boat lay waiting, the final resting place for Priestess Hina. She was dressed in a crimson kimono, embellished with symbols of her position and surrounded by delicate flowers that symbolized the fragility of life and the beauty of her spirit.

Two individuals approached the boat, their gestures solemn and reverent, as they gently pushed it out onto the tranquil waters of the sea. The surface of the ocean shimmered with the reflection of the stars above, creating a mesmerizing tableau that seemed to pay homage to the priestess's journey to the afterlife.

After a moment of poignant silence, a figure stepped forward. Oliver, clad in pristine white attire, held a bow in his hands, a symbol of respect and farewell. A villager handed him an arrow that had been set ablaze, representing the passage from the earthly realm to the realm of the spirits.

With a steady hand and a heavy heart, Oliver let the arrow fly, its fiery trail arcing through the night before landing on the boat. The vessel ignited in a blaze of light and warmth, the flames dancing and casting a mesmerizing glow against the dark canvas of the night sky. The onlookers wept openly, their tears mingling with bittersweet smiles as they recalled the joy and wisdom that Priestess Hina had brought into their lives.

As the crowd began to disperse, Oliver slipped away unnoticed, his steps carrying him into the quiet solitude of the surrounding forest. His heart burned with a mixture of sorrow and anger, the weight of loss pushing him towards a darker path. His magic crackled and surged around him, the leaves swirling and twisting in a tempest of his emotions.

In the depths of the forest, Oliver made a silent vow to himself, a promise fueled by grief and determination. His eyes narrowed with a steely resolve as he swore to seek vengeance for the injustice that had befallen Priestess Hina. No matter the cost or the sacrifices required.


The kingdom of Ashrone was in a state of turmoil as news of the priestess's passing spread like wildfire. The council hastily convened a meeting to address the grave situation at hand. The queen wasted no time and swiftly made her way to the meeting chambers, flanked by her two daughters, Belinda and Cara.

Upon reaching the doors, the guards promptly opened them, and as they entered, the room fell into respectful silence. All eyes turned to the queen as she took her seat on the magnificent throne.

"Your Majesty, as you have been informed, the priestess has been killed," the royal speaker announced solemnly.

"How could this happen?" Auron, a noble from the Gregor ranges, interjected. "How did the knights tasked with protecting her fail?"

The captain of the first squad, Scott Gallio, rose from his seat and bowed his head in contrition. "As the captain of the Black Dawn, I offer my sincerest apologies for not sending a stronger force to safeguard the priestess on her mission."

"Your apologies won't right this wrong! In fact, you deserve to lose your head for this failure," Ivar from the noble House of Enquist remarked harshly.

"You should've gone yourself then, I'm sure you could have done a better job," Hunter Blouet chimed in sarcastically.

Sensing the tension rising, Saethan Sunsworn intervened, trying to steer the conversation back to the main issue at hand. "Let's focus on the matter at hand, the loss of the priestess and the invaluable foresight ability she possessed."

"With her gone, we are left vulnerable without a means to predict our enemies' movements," Scott Gallio added solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"This is what happens when you entrust crucial missions to commoners instead of noble-born individuals," Ivar retorted sharply, directing his gaze at Scott.

Nathan Viotto, rubbing his temples in frustration, spoke up, "This news couldn't have come at a worse time. With tensions escalating between the nobles and the commoners, incidents of minor attacks on both sides have only served to worsen the rift."

In a bid to restore order to the room, the queen raised her hand, signaling for silence before addressing those present. "Since the king's passing, our kingdom has weathered many storms and faced numerous challenges. Despite the difficulties, we remain the strongest nation in the world," she declared with unwavering confidence.

"And now, the Sorcerer King Minato has returned."


In the unforgiving desert resided the kingdom of Kedeilin, a land of scorching heat and endless sand dunes. Within the walls of this kingdom sat the wise king, flanked by his two trusted advisors and the fierce military captain. The air inside the chambers was tense, filled with the weight of an important decision looming overhead.

"It's a golden opportunity we can't afford to miss," the general declared, his voice firm and resolute.

The king furrowed his brow, pondering the general's words. "The kingdom of Ashrone has always been a steadfast ally to us. Living in this desert, they have provided us with aid and support when no one else would."

The general's eyes flashed with impatience. "But how long do we keep accepting meager offerings, like a dog settling for scraps while others feast on riches?"

Rising from his seat, the general strode over to the window, gazing out at the endless expanse of desert. "Our people continue to suffer, even for the most basic necessities. We can't afford to ignore this any longer."

One of the king's advisors spoke up, his tone persuasive. "My king, as the general has pointed out, this is a rare opportunity for us to expand our kingdom's influence and prosperity. We cannot let it slip away."

The king stood up slowly, his expression grave. "War only leads to destruction and suffering. I cannot bear to see our people endure that pain again."

Taking a deep breath, the king continued with conviction. "Do you all forget the horrors of the last world war? The scars it left on our land and our people? As long as I am king, I will not allow our kingdom to be dragged into another senseless conflict."

With that, the king turned and walked out of the chamber, leaving his advisors and the general in a tense silence. The general's gaze burned with frustration and anger, his mind unable to accept the king's decision.