
Chapter 98 Standoff

Tick-tock, tick-tock—

Inside and outside the door was a hush so profound that the drop of a needle could be heard hitting the floor. In the room, the wall clock's tick-tock continued its march. Zhang Xiu'er and the third child stared with wide eyes, amazedly looking at Yingtao.

Yingtao wore a gentle smile, her voice low as she said, "Sister Xiu'er, I'm my brother's sister, and I have a duty to help him. You, having no blood relation to him, really don't need to make such a huge sacrifice... "

"Yingtao, you're still young..."

"Sister Xiu'er, I'm not that young. Legally speaking, I'm already an adult,"

Before she knew it, tears slid from the corners of Yingtao's eyes. She wiped the tears away and said, "Although brother isn't dad's own flesh and blood, in this world, no one has been better to me than he has. There are things he doesn't say, but I understand them—he would even die for me."