
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasie
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70 Chs

16. Striking a Deal




' checking my phone while waiting for the professor to arrive' I found some interesting news.


{ Breaking News} The association managed to capture 4 S rank villains with many A and B rank criminals.

{ The Eastern Border Update } The monster wave this year also wasn't significant. Could this be the calm before the storm?

{ A Connection?! } The Sylvicous family has received an honorary certificate by the association, promising for a better future together?? Is the association going to change their neutrality and indifference regarding the elite families??

{ A Miracle in The Southern Border } The famous dead land within Wylcon city started to flourish and it is possible to cultivate now. Could goddess Sia have finally heard the cries of the Wylcon citizens?!

{ The Tournament fo.....


" interesting "

Looks like the results of my involvement are starting to appear. For now I think I should focus more in training, and also I need money. I mean a filthy amount of money. 


I lack resources the most, and the best way to improve my strength and build my influence is through money... actually a filthy amount of money.

But how?… the novel never mentioned anything regarding an investment or some group that grew into a powerful one. After all there was only 6 years for the invasion to begin. I don't think that's an enough period to grow..

Hold on.. 'Looking at the front seat in the middle column'. A beautiful black haired girl with glasses could be seen reading a book uncaring of her surroundings.

If I remember correctly, Livia Roman the richest merchant group was under her command. She is probably the richest individual in the world with many high level artifacts. Although she had no family except her sister, she alone with her mind managed to build ' Golden Seagull '. She was only 10 when she began. Her sister who is currently the manager and also the leader was the one to help her physically. She is a renowned S rank huntress who left her mercenary group to help her little sister. The sisters trusted each other with their lives. The big sister quit her job and helped the little sister as much as she can. The little sister kept studying and planning to make her big sister live lavishly and become rich, so she can leave her dangerous job at the mercenary group.

" their influence is all over the continent"

After thinking for some time, I decided to strike deal with her to get the money I need while helping in connecting her to the dwarves earlier than mentioned in the novel.

After all, she already knows of the existence of the spaceship. I am certain that the novel mentioned her biggest desire was to explore space. If someone other than her said so, they would have been a laughing stock. However, she really could do it, after all who in the world from 10 years old of age, can build a massive global business that took over all industries and became the richest group in couple of years.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the class. Livia had no friends due to her maturity, but still she wasn't antisocial. Once I reached her table, I threw a piece of paper in front of her.

I knew that she wouldn't open up a closed one so I left it opened at the table. The only thing I wrote was { Hi, Leader of 'golden seagull ' meet me at the cafe after class } Her sister was the leader officially, but in fact the little sister was in charge of everything. This was a secret that none other the two sisters knew of.

I went back to my seat and as soon as I sat down, Professor Amelia has appeared.

" Attention, Hello first year students. I am rank A… I mean S rank hero Amelia Mornings. I am a mage specialized in controlling magic. I will teach you ' Magic control ' class, If you find any difficulty or you have any questions please don't hesitate to show up in my office."


S rank? Since when? I am sure that she was A rank by now. She is supposed to join by the next term.

" is this what they call butterfly effect?"

But I can't think of how my actions so far has anything to do with this.

" butterfly? Do you like butterflies? I thought you would be more into bugs"

Ignoring the stupid mumbles coming from John, I listened to what the professor was saying.



{ At 2278, sudden energy from an unknown origin emerged. People called it 'Mana'. It had a gas like state that can be transformed to other forms of energy. Be it thermal energy or kinetic energy. The whole entirety of humanity focused researching this new energy for years.

The magical academy was established at the year of 2320 by the strongest mage at that era.

With this new energy 'dungeons' emerged. Fortunately those dungeons are encapsulated in another dimension where one had to step in the portal first to access the dungeon. However, in some cases dungeons can be transformed into an uncontrollable mana, which can corrupt animals and make them into creatures similar to the ones inside the dungeons. Each dungeon has a rank of difficulty starting from F rank dungeons up to S rank dungeons. }




Back in class,

" Magic, a pure energy that could be turned into different forms of energy depending on what the caster imagines. Imagination is a very crucial part in forming a magical spell, but many people miss another important factor. Does anyone have an Idea?…."

Some student raised his hand and said

" Only talented can use it freely "

Professor Amelia continued her explanation.

" Indeed talent is also an important factor, but if someone doesn't have talent how can they use magic freely?"

The class went silent. I am sure that there are some students who know the answer, still they are not rushing with the participation as this is just the first day.

The professor saw that no one was willing to answer, so she continued with her explanation.

" Well, It is by understanding magic. Talented magicians are already familiar with magic inherently, but talentless ones have to study and understand magic. Understanding magic can be by theoretical analysis or by magic control. Theoretical analysis include studying the amount needed to convert energy into another form, the density needed and also many other variables. In the other hand , magic control doesn't require calculating anything. It is in basic words helping the imagination. Like an output of some sort. For example this fire spell….

The professor muttered in low voice…[ Fireball ]

A large fireball like the size of car tires appeared hovering above the palm of the professor.

" This fire ball is the same F rank spell [ Fireball ]"

Some students were confused by the revelation of the rank. Then one of the students raised his hand and asked

" B-but professor, I tried doing it and got a very small fire compared to this"

The professor continued her explanation to help the students understand what she was trying to show.

" exactly, with magic control your influence over magic increase. To make it simpler, imagine that your magical core is your own body, and to to understand that body you will learn more about its anatomy and physiology that's where magic control can help in making your core easier for you to control. Talented students can do it but the mana cost will be more as their magic control is not proficient yet. That's why practicing and training are also very important, not only for untalented. But also for talented magicians who wants to become even more proficient.

The students showed signs of understanding the idea.

'Listening more to her explanation' I guessed that afternoon break should start any minute, and as if the academy ring have caught what I was thinking, it ended the class announcing the afternoon break.



Let's go and get rich big this time.


