
Extra Extra

In his reborned life, he was a Demon King, but now he wants a fresh start as an ordinary person in a new world. However, things go awry, and he ends up in a novel world where the author himself is part of the story. Trying to recall his past lives, he only remembers one where he was an ordinary person on Earth.

Ko_psy · Fantasie
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93 Chs

Freshman Welcoming Ceremony (Chapter - 9)

In the next scene of the video clip -

The boy with the jet-black hair moved with a speed and agility that belied his young age. As the groups clashed, he dashed into the fray, his movements fluid and precise. In his hand, he held a needle, a seemingly innocuous object that became a deadly weapon in his skilled hands.

The combatants were caught off guard as he swiftly jabbed the needle into the unsuspecting members of the DBFC group. The boy's actions were swift and calculated, his movements almost graceful as he struck with precision.

The DBFC supporters, taken by surprise, reacted with fury. They launched themselves at the boy, their fists flying in a desperate attempt to stop him. But the boy moved with an almost supernatural speed, dodging their attacks with ease.

It was as if he was dancing through the chaos, his movements fluid and graceful. The DBFC supporters were left in awe as they watched him effortlessly evade their blows, his black hair whipping around him like a dark halo.

As he retreated to the safety of the Saik group, the boy's actions had not gone unnoticed. The Saik supporters cheered him on, their admiration for the young fighter evident in their eyes. The boy's actions had turned the tide of the battle, and the DBFC supporters were left reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

He slowly joined the Saik group and moved back to the crowd. But then he stabbed the individual in the back, then another, and another. Before someone from Saik group found out his unlawful act, he already knocked out a dozen of them before retreating to the third group.

People thought 'Oh he must be someone who got caught in crossfire.' Since there were no other groups everyone was sure he was definitely from the third group. So both Saik group and DBFC attacked him at the same time. But he again dodged them with his weird movements.

A redhead from the third group approached him.

"What a brilliant idea it was to backstab those both groups of uncivilised savages who started fighting out of nowhere."

This was the person who yelled and rallied the third group to fight together. Taking advantage of the chaos he quickly gathered people that were caught in a crossfire and formed a team under him. Even before forming the third group,he already had few minions he gathered after arriving in the Academy. The quality of a true manipulator.

He came toward the black haired kid who came up with the brilliant idea of backstabbing both DBFC and Saik. He also noticed how easily he avoided both groups pursue. If he could get him on it will be definitely helpful for him in the future.

But then the youngster with black hair stabbed the kid with red hair as well. Stabbing a long needle in his stomach he retreated again.

The redhead yelled as he drew a black 7-inch needle covering in green fluid from his body,

"What the f*ck!! Everyone forgets about those guys. First and foremost, subdue this jerk."

Everyone in the third group focused their attention on the black-haired child. The young man with the red hair created a fireball in his hand.

The black-haired youth said,

"Kekekeke, this is so much fun. So you were an elementalist of fire."

The flame was heading straight for the black-haired boy. But he simply avoided it.

"Hahaha you've got to move faster if you want to make me feel it~." Said the black haired boy. He made sure make his voice sarcastic.

A red vain popped out from the red haired boys head. He threw two more fireballs.

"Don't make it any weirder."

The black-haired boy quickly evaded once more. He licked another needle that suddenly appeared in his hand out of nowhere.

"Is that so? So how did you like my 7 inch long thing inside you, boy ?" This time he spoke like an Middle aged old man voicing in porn while shaking his hip forward and backward like crazy.

More vain popped up on the red haired boys face as he heard him talk like that. Even his body language irritated him. He continued to discharge more fireballs in an erratic sequence. But the black-haired boy always managed to avoid them while dancing as if he already knew where he is going to aim.

"A big, 7 inch long black thing entered your body. Did you enjoy it?"

"Shut up!"

More fireballs of varying sizes flew toward him.

"Out of nowhere~ That must have been quite a shock for you! I apologize. I usually insert it from behind. "


This time the size of fire began to increase . So many small fire ball merged together and made a giant one . The red head threw it with all his force. The place where the black haired boy was standing got caught in big explosions. But they still wasn't able to do any damage. He disappeared from his place long before the fire can reach that place.

"Oh my goodness. Did you really enjoy it so much that you are so excited? I sincerely apologize. If I had known, I would have taken it slower and pushed it deeper within you..."


Suddenly the red-haired boy's entire body caught fire. But it didn't look like he took any damage from it. Instead it amplified his power. There grassy area around him automatically burned.

"You made me reveal my trump card."

Inside the academy everyone hid on or two trump card. It is a common knowledge to keep some ability hidden for incase of danger.

The red-haired boy has now changed into something like a human torch. A bright crimson flame erupted from all over his body. Even from 15 metres away, individuals took a step back from the heat.

Different types of marks appeared on his body as he went through a dramatic transformation. The final result made him look like a fire deity.

"Don't think you can get away now." said the red haired boy.

But this also revealed his secret. The technique he used is the technique used by the renowned "Mahart" Family. This is a secret technique used by the descendants from Mahart Family which is well known from their fire elements martial arts. This technique allows the user to turn their body into fire which not only gives them complete fire immunity but also increase their ability related to fire.

Everyone from Mahart Family has red hair and exceptional talent at fire . But nobody every heard of this red head boy from Mahart Family. All of their successors are well known to the world. In other words, this kid is a secret child born from his parents misdeeds. And just by using their arts he revealed his secret on the very first day at academy.