
Extra Extra

In his reborned life, he was a Demon King, but now he wants a fresh start as an ordinary person in a new world. However, things go awry, and he ends up in a novel world where the author himself is part of the story. Trying to recall his past lives, he only remembers one where he was an ordinary person on Earth.

Ko_psy · Fantasie
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93 Chs

Chapter - 34

The big display above the training hall displayed the rank of next two participant .

{ A-1: 15, B-1: 259 }

A boy with black hair entered the ring. He grabbed everyone's attention. How could he not? He is currently the most infamous kid in the new year's batch. Kenny, the one who made the entrance ceremony more traumatic than it was originally supposed to be.

The crowd started murmuring whispering .

"Fuck! It's the poison maniac!"

"Aw damn! What the fuck is he up to today?"

"Man, I still remember his needle attack. It wasn't lethal but I sure don't want to experience that again."

"I just hope that whoever his opponent is just surrenders."

Hearing people talk about him Rank 15 waved his hand to the crowd.

"Oh my! Did my appearance make you guys so excited? Don't worry. I will make sure to gift you more excitement with this combat." said Rank 15, Kenny.

The crowd became creeped out by his comment.

"Ow hell nah."

"Damn, his voice just sent chills down my spine."

"Just stay the hell away from us."

Suddenly, another person entered the ring. It was a short girl with green hair tied in a twin tail. Her entrance made the crowd gasp.

The twin-tailed girl is Eleanor Macbeth. She is pretty popular with her wood affinity and for her cuteness. Her family has big industries, and she became popular by appearing in many live streams where she displayed her great talent with wood and plant techniques at a very young age. She already had a big fan base at the age of 15, and everybody knows how innocent and cute she can be.

"Oh no!"

"Oh shit."


Rank 15 was already infamous enough to create fear in everyone's heart. When his opponent turns out to be an innocent, cute girl, the public is not able to accept it.

The countdown began.

"Hello, I am Eleanor Macbeth. Nice to meet you," said the girl.

"Oh! Eleanor! I am a very big fan of yours." Said Rank 15.

"Really? Then you deserve a handshake from me," said Eleanor.

"Oh my god! That would be lovely." Said rank 15. He walked towards Eleanor.

But the crowd had different reaction.

"Stay the hell away from her, you creep."

"If you hurt her, I will never forgive you."

"Don't you dare touch my Eleanor, I will kill you."

"Your Eleanor? When did she became your's?"

The public started shouting at Rank 15. But in response to them, he smiled, displaying all his teeth. This one action sent chills down everyone's spine.

"This can't be happening. He is definitely up to something."

"I can't see what is about to come. I am leaving."

"Oh, please God! Save Eleanor."

But unlike what everyone was expecting, the things that happened were very normal. The countdown reached zero. Rank 15 and Eleanor made a very normal handshake.

"Very nice to meet you too, Eleanor. My name is Kenny," said rank 15.

The crowd was expecting something. Something like Kenny suddenly pulling out a needle and stabbing Eleanor. Everything went silent. But 'something' never happened. Instead, what came next was something the crowd was not expecting.

"Fufufufu," laughed Eleanor.

"What did you do, Eleanor? Why can't I move?" asked Kenny.

"Fufufu, you dummy. Do you know how infamous you are? I already know everything. I know how dirty you play. So I am here to make you taste your own medicine. I used a skill. As long as you are physically in contract with me, you can't move. Means you can neither attack nor escape. I already know how easily you can escape a fight. And do you know what my ability is?" Eleanor asked  as she smiled mischievously.

"What is it, Eleanor?" without showing any difference in his smiling expression, Kenny asked.

"My ability is called 'Drain'. As long as I am in touch with you, you will slowly transfer all your stamina and mana to me. Meaning you've already lost the fight." said Eleanor. 

"That's my Eleanor."

"Way to go, Eleanor."

"Beat him up, Eleanor. Show him his rightful place."

The crowd that was gloomy now started cheering for Eleanor.Eleanor was in class B-1. But even students from class A1 started cheering for her.










The crowd surrounding the ring cheered on this girls name.Inside the ring A boy with black hair and a short girl with green hair was holding hand in handshake manner. The girl was smiling mischievously which made her rather cute. The boy stood there silently. Slowly he opened his mouth. The cheerful crowd was expecting him to admit defeat or say something that make him look more pitiful.

"Oh no! She got me~! What do I Do~?" sarcastically remarked Kenny. Suddenly the crowd became silent.

"Hehe, you are done for. No matter what you do, you can't escape." said Eleanor.

"You ability 'Drain' is so strong. I just can't believe how fast its sucking my stamina. I can't take this any longer~ ."

"Yes, within next few seconds you will completely ran out of strength."

Crowd : (•‿•)(•‿•)(•‿•)

"Ah~ no! Please don't ~!"

"Haha, scream more you dummy."

"AH~! So forceful!"

Crowd : ( ´・_・`)( ´・_・`)( ´・_・`)

"I am gonna make you pay for what you did to sister Sara."

"No~! She is sucking me! No! Please don't suck me any longer! I will faint."

"Haha No. I am gonna suck you till you faint."

Crowd : ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )( ⚆ _ ⚆ )( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

"Oh no~ she is sucking me dry!"


"No~ She is sucking everything out of me."

"Hehe, pay for you sins."

"Ah~Yes. Such skillful sucking! I cannot hold anymore. I can't hole anymore! I am gonna come, I am gonna come. Death! I am coming too soon."

Crowd : (⚆ᗝ⚆)(⚆ᗝ⚆)(⚆ᗝ⚆)

"What? You are not gonna die. You will just faint." replied Eleanor. Normally Kenny should have already fainted from exhaustion. But for some reason even after eating away so much mana and stamina he is still okay.

"Oh~!Ahh~! I gotta~ do something ~Ah~ this feeling~ if she suck is this good I am gonna die! Such marvelous sucking speed !"

Public 1: Ah!!! Stop it you bastard!

Public 2: Fuck! Leave my Eleanor alone you creep!

Public 3: Aww Fuck! What did I just witness?

Public 4: Ah my ear! What have I heard? I need to burn these ears.

Public 5: Don't hold his hand Eleanor! He is making the worst out of you.

Crowd : Release his hand! Eleanor!