
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling Second world: Marvel Cinematic -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters Be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

Ikkarus · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 45

The host couldn't help but be stunned at what Kade had stated, "Sorry, but you want us to go and invade where this supposed beings reside? Wouldn't that be a bit rash because we don't know a single thing about them"

"You don't, but I know everything about them, their strengths, weaknesses, addresses, hobbies and even their toilet schedules, and that's all I'm gonna say, if you want to join me of conquering their land, go to Korea, and if you decide to join me, I guarantee you, you will be stronger than these so called S rank hunters"

Two days had passed since the groundbreaking interview where Kade had revealed the existence of the Monarchs and Rulers to the world. The news had spread like wildfire, leaving the world in a state of shock.

Kade sat in his throne room, Without warning, the room grew colder, and the light seemed to bend and shift. The air shimmered, and in a flash of blinding light, several ethereal figures materializedc, they were the Rulers.

Kade stayed seated as he looked at them with a smile, "You folks don't look happy, what might be the reason for that?"

"Kade," the leader spoke, his voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "We are not pleased with your decision to reveal our existence to the humans."

Kade's eyes narrowed slightly, but his voice remained calm. "And what makes you think I care how you feel?"

One of the other Rulers, a female figure with a halo of golden light, spoke up. "You have disrupted the balance, Kade. The humans are not ready to understand the complexities of our conflict. You have sown fear and confusion."

Before Kade could respond, another Ruler, with eyes as sharp as daggers, interrupted, his gaze falling on Legia, who stood quietly beside Kade. "And how is it possible that Legia, the Monarch of Giants, one of our greatest enemies, was subdued and controlled by a mere human?"

Kade's lips curled into a slight smile. "I have my methods, and be mindful of your manners when you're in my presence. You do not want to be like him, do you?" With that said, Kade's mana lashed out, and black tendrils came out of his body, slowly surrounding the Rulers.

The one who seem to be in charge immediately stepped forward…and bowed

"Accept our sincere apologies Kade, we are still stuck in our old ways of feeling superior to eveything around us, I'll make sure this doesn't happen again"

This move shocked the rest of the Rulers. One of them even tried to fight Kade's aura, but with a quick glance from the brightest Ruler, he stepped back and bowed as well.

Kade looked at them nonchalantly, having a power so strong that even these beings that controls this universe bow to you, felt great.

Too great that Kade almost lost himself on his thoughts, he knew he was changing since that black slime entered his body, but the changes are to his liking, if he becomes a completely different person then so be it.

With that, the rulers left and left Kade pondering on his thoughts, he knew they were scared. Even if they have the tool to turn back time, they don't have the tool to deal with him.

If, for some reason they do rewind the time, they know that Kade will use the monarchs and eradicate all of them all together, making them less courageous to use it.

Meanwhile, people that believed Kade's words about the Monarchs and Rulers started going to Korea, in hopes they can participate in the upcoming war, but what they desire the most is Kade's promises to make them stronger than even S ranks.

America sent a few people to Korea to blend in and gather information, one of the agent was walking around the now normal Seoul, there was no destructions to be seen like a few weeks ago.

The city was full of people, walking around and enjoying the scenery with their family, kids, lovers, etc.

The objective for the agent was to ask the "normal" citizens, gather small informations to not be notice.

He went in a restaurant that was packed with people and servers getting their order, taking a seat in the very cornee of the restaurant he called for the waitress.

"What can I get for you today sir," the waitress asked politely and flash him a smile, feeling that the waitress was nice and friend, the agent started his objectives.

In almost perfect Korean accent, the agent asked, "Sorry miss, I'm new to the area could you please tell me about this place"

The waitress complied and informed told him the tourist attraction, bar amd where foreigners likes to go, it was as if she knew the whole of Seoul.

The agent nodded and smiled as he pulled out cash from his pocket, "I heard there's a new person in chrage of Korea, can you tell me more about him?"

As soon as those words escape his mouth, the whole place turned quiet and people stopped moving, it was so quiet that you can hear the droplets of water coming from the kitchen.

The agent felt all the stare from the whole restaurant, even the kids were staring at him blankly while holding their butter knife, he felt so unease that his body started having cold sweats.

"Uhm, sorry but what's happening?"

This time the waitress lost her smile, she was just staring at him, and suddenly every person in the establishment stood up in unison.

They walked towards him and surrounded him, giving him no space to escape. The hunter was no pushover, he was an A rank working for the FBH(Federal Bureau of Hunters).

He was used to fighting and even have some experience of nearly dying, but this whole place gave him goose bumps.

He felt a hand grab his shoulder, looking back it was one of the kids, "Mr, you shouldn't be asking that kind of question, or else we will skin you alive"

He felt shiver go down his spine as he couldn't comprehend how a kid can talk like this while smiling so innocently.