


It is a cold, dark and gloomy night in BARDENCOCK city especially in the south. Temperatures go as low as 20°. That doesn't affect the people. Even at night, BARDENCOCK doesn't sleep. We see as crowds fill the streets. Both young and old all dressed up in thick and hooded pullovers. The city is filled with lots of building short and tall but one seems to catch our attention. A bungalow with a neon sign reading "sizzling country food and bars".

Something else catches our attention. A strange man wearing a thick black overcoat on black leather pants with a cowboy hat and long black boots. We watch as he enters the neon signed bungalow.


The door bell jingles as the strange man walks in. The interior of the building is rather vague. Heavy metal rock songs fill the air. Neon and party lights fill the entire place. To the right of the strange man lies a group of chainsmokers inhaling the hazardous weed. Other people are either drunk or about to be drunk. This place is filled with people. Right in front lies a bar, a bartender and tall bar seats. The strange man walks up to one of the tall stool like seats and sits. He takes off his cowboy hat and reveals his identity. A cold face which pictures hostility and cruelty. He is a black man probably in his late twenties. This man will later be known as Shawn. He stares at the bartender who seems to be more pretty and kind to new customers probably in her early twenties. Let's call her Stacy. They both stare at each other for a little while before someone breaks the silence


Didn't your mother ever teach you to be nice to strangers?


I don't know 'bout you but I think my mom thought me never to talk to strangers. (Smiles)


Well she ain't teaching you well....(smirks)


So what you need?...a drink or something....we have...


Stop the skedaddling chicky...I ain't drinking any shit that ain't Texas brewed. You getting me?


uh...sure...by the way you don't seem to come from around here. You're a traveller right?

Stacy reaches for the bar shelf behind her to scan for Shawn's request. She grabs a bottle of whiskey and a glass cup. She opens the bottle and tosses it towards Shawn who catches it in style.


pretty much of a cowboy aren't you?

Shawn pours the whiskey in the glass cup and takes a big sip. He swallows and sighs in pleasure and quenched thirst.


Yeah I know what's made in Texas when I taste it....this chicken shit came from the middle east didn't it?


okay you caught me.... you're amazing you know. Not everyone has the gift of identification through taste. Name's Stacy. Stacy Woodluck ND you are

She extends her hands for an handshake


Shawn.....Shawn Collins by the way you just tricked me into drinking this piece of shit. I should demand a refund uh?

Shawn grabs her hand and gives her a hand shake. A hard one to be precise. In the process, we see a watch like object on his left arm. It pretty much looks like a watch but instead it looks like a gauge with red and blue sides. An arrow in between resembling a compass. The needle like arrow is directly to the middle in between the red and blue sides. This compass like wrist object catches our attention for a little while


Funny isn't it? There's no refund for you cowboy.


I ain't no cowboy y'know. Remove the cow and replace it with demons. I'm the demon boy. I herd demons like flocks of sheep. They do what I say or they're all gonna be dead.


you know you could be one hell of a story teller. Demons....hhhaaaa....you gotta be kidding me (mocking laugh)

In a fraction of a second, the door bell gingles another man enters the bar. Unlike the rest of the people in the bar, he is very exposed. He wears a soft short sleeves T-shirt and blue jean trousers. He seems to be comfortable with the cold. To comfortable if you ask me. Something is definitely wrong here. He walks up to one of the bar seats and sits right beside Shawn who is now gulping down a cup of whiskey. Stacy is cleaning the shelf. As Shawn drinks, his left hand begins to slowly vibrate and this catches his attention. He stares at the compass thing and sees that the arrow is now fluctuating moving across red and blue aggressively like as if an invisible force is pushing it. In a second, the arrow is now pointing at red and vibrating vigorously. Shawn becomes restless and Stacy notices this.


Any problems cow boy?


Uh...this ain't the time for this shit man.


What do you mean?


Yeah what do you mean?

The strange man stares at Shawn for a moment.


You're one of them ain't you.... I'm just gonna be fucking straight here. I'm giving you the fucking opportunity which I honestly do not fucking love to give. I'm giving you the fucking opportunity to fucking leave here right now. You don't want to expose us do you?...Cassilon?


What the hell are you doing... he's a customer (getting pissed)


You heard her... I'm a customer so what....do.....you.....Meeeeean (voice grows thicker)

The strange man's voice grows thicker and finally turns monstrous. His other features turn monstrous too. His eye balls turn solid black and so does his veins. From behind we can see his nails grow sharper. The strange man who has now turned strange creature leaps into the air and hurls towards Stacy who is now scared like shit. Shawn drags the creature back down to the ground smashing him on one of the beer tables. The creature growls in anger and also pain. Every single person in the bar begin to scram in fear. It's a scenario of everyone for himself. The chainsmokers are the first to break out of the bar speeding away in different directions. However Stacy is still standing in shock as she stares at the ongoing battle between Shawn and the creature. The creature leap on top of Shawn and begins to scratch him real hard with it's sharp pointy finger nails. Shawn manages to toss the creature away towards a bar table smashing it to a gazillion pieces. The creature stands back upright and smiles to reveal its dangerous set of razor sharp teeth which by the way just developed.


Cassilon....don't make me do this shit....don't make me fucking do this....you ain't making me to fucking do this are you?

The creature charges at Shawn with great speed. Shawn tilts and nods in disappointment


you're fucking screwed chicken shit.

Shawn flaps his over coat like a wing revealing the inner parts which turns out to be a God damn aresnal. Two objects catch our attention. A small glass bottle containing water and a Benelli M2 shot gun housing six armor piercing rounds. Shawn reaches for the gun and the transparent bottle. He opens the bottle and pours all the water on the gun rinsing it from head to toe. The creature which is fast approaching launches itself towards Shawn. Shawn corks the gun and BLLLLLLAAAAAAM!, he pumps out an armor piercing round which send the creature flying through the air and crashing into stacked glass bottles. Shawn's face is now filled with blood due to the scratches and the creature is now bleeding black blood due to the crashes. The creature keeps launching forward and keeps getting blasted away by Shawn. Shawn is now down to his last bullet, by this time, the creature is already weakened and is now crawling as black blood oozes from all the bullet wounds. The creature is finished.


I told you Cassilon...you messed with the wrong buddy and anyone who does that fucking.....DIES.

Shawn reaches for his pocket and brings out a strange golden coin with a strange logo embeded on it. The symbol takes the shape of a monstrous head possessing two horns . He sits the creature up and places the coin on its head


This is gonna hurt like shit...but in the end, it'll be probably worth it......


Please...don't kill me...I'll leave and never come back.


Through the power embeded in me by God and the church you demon shall burn in this body...I....RESIST....THE....DEVIL

The coin begins to glow real bright as it melts through the skull of the creature who is growling, groaning and roaring in ultimate pain. Soon black shadowy substances begin to float out of the body of the strange man. A great divine light begins to emanate from withing the man until BOOOOOOM!!!!!, He explodes into a great fiery ball of light particles which goes off almost instantly. All that's left is the clean unconscious body of the strange man. It's he was never in a fight. No bullet wounds, no scratch or bruises. His veins are back to normal.

Stacy is shocked to core after seeing what has just happened before her. Shawn stares at the body lying on the floor for a while until he suddenly wakes up. He sits up staring at Shawn.


Where am I...nd who are you nd why is everywhere so cold.


That's ma boy. He's felling the cold now.

Shawn stands back upright and returns his gun back underneath his long overcoat. He walks back to the bar table and grabs the bottle of whiskey. He then turns to leave.


You're just gonna leave like that uh.....


What the shit am I supposed to do?....sit down and let you fucking babysit me?


You trashed my bar!(pissed off)


I didn't get a refund for the drink and you didn't get the damage payment.... we're even as fuck nd for the record.....I just saved your shitty ass from CASSILON the man eating demon. You should thank whoever the freaking hell you worship for that.


who the freaking hell are you?

Shawn turns towards the exit and begins to walk away without answering her questions. He suddenly stops when gets to the strange man who is still stitting down next to the door still confused. He turns back to face Stacy directly from a distance.


You should close this place down. Demonic energy is brooding all over it. I just don't fucking know why. Oh and if you don't, more of them will come. Y'know what....think of what a pack of these things could do to your bloody guts.

Shawn reaches for his pocket and brings out a golden coin similar to the one he used to cast out the demon. He tosses it to Stacy who catches it.


That's the devil's star. The piece is probably worth a fortune. Once the bloody pack is near...it begins to glow gold. know that when it glows....it is time to fucking run like shit.

Stacy stares at the coin for some time observing the patterns and symbols casted on it. She then tucks it in her pocket. Shawn turns towards the exit. He reaches the exit and turns back to face Stacy again.


I've never given anyone the devil's star. Consider it payment for the damage. Oh and uhm...You'll never see me again.

Shawn wears his cowboy hat, opens the exit door and disappears into the dark leaving the strange possessed man and Stacy who are in uttermost confusion. The aftermath of the fight is horrible. Lots of broken bottles of very expensive wine, broken tables. The whole place looks like shit.


"7 billion years ago, when the world was still young and healthy, a bloody war occurred in the heavens. A fight that claimed the lives of the angels of God and the demons of the devil. It was the fight that set the heavens ablaze and turned hell into a frozen dessert. One thing was clear, the devil was winning. When all hope seemed to be lost, God binded the devil and his demons and casted them down to earth never to see the lights of heaven or hell again till the day of judgement. On earth, the devil caused chaos and dominated the world. He possessed the minds of people and ran them mad. He devastated the world and so the humans prayed unto God in heaven. God heard their prayers and sent down seven heavenly relics to protect the humans from the demons. The devil's star is one of them. A coin forged from the heavenly fires of heaven and filled with immense holy golden energy strong enough to level an army of six million demonic legions. Humans became invulnerable to the demons and everyone was happy until it's powers began to fade away. From generation to generation, the energy of the coin faded away. With no one left to rekindle it's energy, it became a mere toy used by the fabled man who lives in the shadows. "THE EXORCIST"


Season 1 Episode 1: The devil's star.

Written by Gerald Emmanuel

Edited by: CotnCandy

Story by: Gc_seriez

Outside the just destroyed sizzling country, we see Stacy closing for the day. We also see the possessed man walking out wrapped in a thick blanket.

Stacy walks down to the side of the road and takes a taxi home. As all this occurs, we hear the voice of a man, a voice that resembles that of Shawn. Cold and cruel.

"Humans... demons...what difference does it really make?...both are evil, they are even more deadlier when they combine. Evil coming together with evil to cause destruction. I was born and bred to ensure that the coming together doesn't occur..."

The taxi has reached its destination and we see Stacy hop down from the vehicle which has just pulled up in front of a well lit bungalow.

".....nd when it does occur.... I'll be there to break it up."


Stacy is now putting down her stuff. She brings out the coin from her pocket and drops it on the kitchen table. She undresses and goes into the bathroom.

As she showers in hot water, she raises her hands to wash her hair and her eyes catch something. The same logo on the devil's star has replicated on her wrist in form of a black tattoo. She is startled.


What the living hell.....

It doesn't stop at that. The tattoo begins to itch. Stacy begins to scratch it intensely.


Oh God...oh God...oh God.(fear)

The tattoo is now bleeding. She turns to run out of the bathroom when she slips and comes crashing down hitting her head on the hard tiles. Her view is now blurry and all she sees is the blood on her wrist clotting at great speed and taking the shape of letters. The letters form a single word "L. E. G. I. O. N"

She screams as she runs into her room



She checks her wrist and sees that the clotting blood has turned black. She grabs a cloth and tries to clean it off but it seems to be pretty much permanent now.

She runs to the kitchen and starts searching through the shelves and storage cans


Bleaching powder.... bleaching powder..damn it where's the bleaching powder....(scared like shit)

She angrily slams the shelf's door shut in ultimate frustration. She stands still trying to think of a solution when she notices something behind her. The coin she left on the kitchen table earlier is now glowing.

She is now deep in thought trying to remember what Shawn told her



Once the bloody pack is near.....it begins to glow gold. Know that when it glows....it is time to fucking run like shit...


oh n.....

Just at the glowing of the coin intensifies, she begins to feel tremors. It's like thousands of people are speeding towards her at the same time. She grabs the coin and runs off to her room and locks her door. She immediately falls to the ground and begins to cry. It's like her whole world is crashing down.

Suddenly, the tremors stop and the coin stops glowing. The L. E. G. I. O. N tattoo begins to disappear. She stares at her wrist as the mark disappears. A sweet female voice catches her attention.



Stacy traces the voice to a woman sitting next to her room window facing her. She quick recognizes her.




You're scared aren't you...?


Mom is this truly you.....?


Don't be ridiculous....who else could I be....?

Stacy quickly stands back upright. She seems to be ready for a fight even while in tight bathroom towels.

She remembers the tattoo which was on her wrist earlier.


Legion....you.....could be..... legion.

The strange woman smiles to reveal her razor sharp teeth as her eyes turn solid black. Her finger nails begin to grow longer. Even longer than Cassilon's nails. Her veins pure black. She begins to transform into a big gigantic black smoke emitting demon with two red horns. Her legs like that's of a horse. Her tender skin replaced by scales. Sharp ones and long spikes. Strange woman has now turned demon


Awwww....you're such a good guesser.

The creature charges at Stacy with great speed spearing her out if her room like a wrestler. The doors come crashing down as they both burst out of the room. Stacy is severely wounded but she manages to stand up. She runs towards the kitchen to grab a knife and hides under the table in fear. We can hear the footsteps of the demon as it walks slowly into the kitchen.


Come out....come out wherever you are.....

Stacy remains silent in her hiding place.


I'll make it quick nd painless....

The demon begins to scatter the whole place looking for poor Stacy. She is trying to control herself now.


I used to be a happy demon y'know. Always happy until tonight when you killed my brother.

Stacy is confused and is forced to come out of hiding.


I didn't kill your brother....


There you are....


The man who killed him gave me this...

She points the coin towards the demon. It begins to glow again. After seeing this, the demon looses coordination.


An exorcist!!!!....get that thing away from me!!!

The demon slaps Stacy sending her crashing into a nearby shelf. The coin flips and falls to the ground. It keeps glowing. The demon is now walking toward Stacy for the finishing act.


I will use you as a point of contact to that Exorcist. I will send your ripped off body parts to him in a mail box.

Stacy who is now helpless flashes back to the time when Shaw casted out Cassilon.



Through the power embedded in me by God and the church....I command you demon to burn in this body

Stacy after remembering this grabs the coin and tosses it towards the the demon who catches it like it's nothing.


Have you ever thought of why he gave me that.....and why it's glowing whenever I touch it?




Through the power embedded in me by God and the church, I command you demon to wither and burn to a fucking crisp. I resist....the devil.

Nothing happens. The demon begins to laugh in an evil manner. Stacy is disappointed.


Fooooliiish girl.... you really thought you could cast me out didn't you...You're not an Exorcist. You don't have holy energy.


Then explain why you're already withering away.

The coin is now glowing bright melting right through the Demon's palm. Black shadow particles are now floating out of the demon body. Just like earlier, a bright light begins to emanate from within the demon.


You are indeed an Exorcist....you....you have casted me ouuuut!!!

The light soon becomes so bright. The demon neighs like a horse and explodes into bright light particles


That answers the question.

Stacy bends to pick up the coin and observes it for some time.


Shawn didn't give me this to pay for any damage....he gave me because he knew I could use it. Not everyone can use it. Even the demon said that. He called it the devil's star. He said he has never given anyone the devil's star....he said it...he knew me...he knew what I could do with it. How did he know me? Whatever this whole shit is...I must find out.

Stacy remembers what Shawn said last



You'll never see me again


I must find Shawn...

To be continued

Next: Episode 2:


Written by: Gerald Emmanuel

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For the readers who made it to the end, I congratulate you because you're in for an interesting journey. The story is just begining and there's sti a lot to be discovered. Origins of Shawn, Stacy and other characters. I just hope you follow up so you don't miss a thing. Up next is chapter 2 Demon Chess Board. Stay safe.

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