
The twelve Gods and the 6 Elder Knights

When was world was recreated by the gods, they created two intelligent beings, Human and Elves.

the Elves lived in deep woods where no one could reach easily.

men lived in plains and hills, some lived near oceans too.

after 200 years since the world was created, humans finally started making their own nations, same for the elves. they created their own independent kingdoms and lived happily for a while until 13 years later, greed took over men.

the elves owned the woods and made their settle. ents there but men wanted more land and wanted to grow power. the greed of getting more and more make some of them attack a elven village of Rahden, this was the start of first Human Elven war.

the attack on the village made elves furious and filled with hatred after humans not only killed all adult elves but the children too. the elves started growing their power too slowly and by the end of the same year the village was attacked. both army of men and army of elves grow a lot.

the war was the first massive war happened which cause gods to create the peace makers of the earth, The Elder Knights.

The Elder Knights stopped the war with their strength of arm and voice, they made the whole humans and elves race bow to them.

After stopping the war, The Elder Knights started maintaining peace on earth and people lived happily once again until something Bad happened again.