
Ghost Heart

Wang Daxin, spelled as King Great Heart, was a genius. He was accepted into Harvard at 13 years of age and his IQ was reportedly over 200, placing him above most of the human population. At only 16 years of age, He found a way to improve the efficiency of Conventional computers substantially without resorting to the use of Quantum compuging and became the youngest person to get a Scientific Nobel Prize.

But even Saints fall..... When Great Heart was about 18 years old, he saw a weird ghostly entity enter his body and was immediately freaked out, and because of his 'great' interest in discovering new things, he soon began researching on the paranormal and claiming that he himself saw such entities. The scientists that believed in him were shocked, after all, why would such a great genius with a great heart(1) believe in supernatural entities that were always proven to be the results of superstitious people not being able to explain things normally and thus creating 'ghosts' and 'demons' to blame for their misfortune and incompetence. And like every falling star's(2) journey to notoriety, troll groups always add salt to the wound, as they are numerous, they soon united and began calling him Guixin (Ghost Heart) and even scientists took on the trend and began ridiculing him for his paranormal obsession.

While Everyone was ridiculing, the great scientists of this era that hoped he would be able create a scientific revolution all lamented over the fact that such a great and bright genius fell back to the ground while on his journey to success and immortalization(3).

Great Heart himself was madly researching on this 'paranormal entity' oblivious to the notoriety and ridicule he gained over the course of only a few days. When he finally went out of his lab, he discovered that all his scientist friends avoided him and that most people would look at him with disdainful stares when he's walking down the street, Great Heart was confused, why was everyone looking at him this way..?

It didn't take long for him to search for it on the internet and find out he was ridiculed for his belief in supernatural entities and that he became a joke in the ruthless eyes of the scientific commnunity.

It was a very hard hit for him, as the proverbs say "The higher the success, the harder and longer the fall", Great Heart was completely depressed over this and started injecting himself with harmful substances such as synthetic dopamine or nicotine to cheer himself up but it only made him become an addict even more disdained by society.

After a few years of living like an addict, he discovered he had lung cancer and that he would probably die in a few months if he didn't receive any treatment, When Great Heart remembered the gaze the doctor gave him as if he pitied the great genius that turned into a hard substance addict he couldn't help but start crying and crying in an unconspicious dark alley.

When he finally stopped crying he made a decision, he would not try to cure his disease and just wait for his death, after all, even the doctor said that with all the substances he took, the treatment would take years if not decades and even if he was cured he would live with irreversible damage to his respiratory system. A few months later Great Heart died silently in his small appartment and was buried calmly in the corner of an empty graveyard, no glory or fame left from his previous accomplishments.

But Great Heart soon discovered something weird, instead of his consciousness and his hints of life disappearing into the dark soil and fertilizing it, here he was standing in a dark empty space, with no pain left from his previous use of harmful substances.

" Hello? Hello! He- " The physical pain from his usage of hard substances disappeared but the damage to his mind was still there, the more he talked and felt how alone he was, the more he drifted into insanity, after all, even though he died at the age of 21, his actual mind was still the mind of a child, a mind that just wants recognition and fears loneliness.....

" What do you want?" asked an ethereal and ghostly voice that apparently had no source.

" I want a second chance, no, a new life , a life where i can actually improve myself and become a better person " Great Heart finally expressed the desires and hopes if his twisted and damaged mind.

" if i grant you that, it means we'll be together for eternity until your lonely death, do you really want to stay with the entity that caused your downfall?"

Asked the ghostly with a loud and domineering voice.

" I don't reflect over the past, and the future wouldn't exist without the presence of the present, so i only value the present! Mister, or whichever gender you are, don't underestimate me and just look at my usage of those substances, don't forget i was one of the smartest people out of all the 8 billion humans on earth, and even though Those substances may have harmed my emotional intelligence, they definitely didn't harm my rational thinking and logic! i know it's very ironic and contradictory as any rational person would know that drugs are bad for them! but my usage of those monsters(4) was because i was lost in my past and forgot that only the present was important, if i get a second chance i know i would definitely suceed this time and become a role model idolized by all! " Great Heart spoke out these arrogant and domineering words as if to respond to The Ghostly creature's loud tone, and indeed, the creature was silent for a few minutes after hearing that determined response.

" Such Arrogant words! Such domineering words! such a determined spirit! You're very smart indeed, who knew you would be a hidden gem under dirty and foul mud" The creature kept sending him praises and more praises while it's voice was getting more and more excited the more praises it said.

" Since that is your wish, I , Ghostly Being that has absorbed Nonillions of universes, Shall grant you your Hopes And Dreams! " upon hearing that, Great Heart felt something pushing him in the darkness like light at the end of a tunnel and bringing him to a new and exciting world to live an exciting life!

Great Heart: his name is Daxin, which could be translated as great heart, and that's what we will call him from now on.

Falling star: he was a genius with a future as bright as stars, but because of his personal beliefs he will dim down and fall back to earth.

Immortalization: when someone does a great deed, people remember them even after their death, thus immortalizing their presence in the world.

Monsters: He's referring to the drugs that made him like that

Pontificalcreators' thoughts
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