
End of the First life.


[Oscar Welfer's POV]

Oscar Welfer opened his eyes slowly revealing a white void. In front of him there was nothing to see as far as the eye could view. Quick turns of Oscar Welfer's head revealed the same results. Just a empty, lifeless, seemingly endless white void in every direction.

Oscar Welfer wondered to himself how he had ended up here in this void. when memories began to slowly trickle back to him.


[Oscar Welfer's Flashback]

As Oscar Welfer walked out of the bar tired and severely drunk thinking to himself what shitty day it had been. He had gotten fired from his job earlier that day for getting in to a fight with a customer.

This was not the first or second it was the fifth time He had fought with a customer. But this was the price you pay for getting a job that requires you to keep your calm when you have less then stellar temper.

It had been a tough four years since Oscar got out of high school with no family still among the living. With nearly no financial support Oscar had to fend for himself getting a job immediately after he got out of High school.

He had switched from more than six jobs since he had started at eighteen. His most recent job Oscar had held for the longest being half a year as his temper and sarcasm being the lead issue that gets him into trouble.

While Stumbling down the sidewalk Oscar had turn into an alleyway. It was a shortcut to his apartment. That made his 30 minute commute to his apartment to a brisk 20 minute walk that is when Oscar heard the sound of Metal scraping against leather.

When Oscar turned around a lanky middle aged man in ragged boot, patched gary sweatpants, an torn black Jacket and black woolcap had one hand on a pistol appeared before him. The middle aged man whole body shaked and jolted as though he was being shocked. The middle aged man's shaky hand pointing a pistol at Oscar.

Oscar immediately began to sober up and inwardly cursed once again lamenting that it was a shitty day.

In a shaky and raspy voice the middle aged man said

"h-hand o-over y-y-your wallet." stuttering with the words. Oscar thought to himself that he was going to play it safe and just fork over his wallet its not like it has much anyway he thought with some humor. while Oscar hand reached for his wallet. The loud thundering sound of a gun going off echo though out the alleyway.


As Oscar looked down much to Oscar's horror and confusion a hole was now present in the leftside of his chest. while still looking up at the man with horror plaster all over Oscar's face. The man's hands now trembling fiercely and His shaky finger now violently shaking had caused two more thunderous shots to go off.



Oscar's legs fell out beneath him as he was falling he heard the sound of boot hitting the stone ground in the opposite direction of him with the Oscar's last thoughts being "Why didn't that bastard take my wallet?"

[End of Oscar Welfer's


[Oscar Welfer's POV]

When the memorys stopped flowing back to him. Oscar was dumbfounded at the fact he has died. Oscar's attention was brought back to the white void he found himself in. as the white void began to change to all devouring pitch black. Oscar panicked as he started to fall in to the black void. A weight fell over his eye as his body began to fall a sleep. Oscar tried to stay awake but it was to no aveil.

Falling in to a deep slumber Oscar wonder what comes next?

[End of prologue]


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