
Ch 6 Beautiful Morning

(Bosnians have poisoned me with cholera IRL.... author chan will do his best to survive)

I woke up with my cock still in Feli's pussy, I nudged her awake, my white haired kitten smiled and purred when she looked at me.

I gave her a kiss. "Good morning Love, I have to go already." I spoke and rubbed her head.

"Will you sleep over again?" She asked a bit sad so I kissed her cute little nose and told her I would.

When I was dressing to leave she asked me from the bed. "How....did you wake up after...I...I roofied you...and you're so strong...." She asked meekishly.

I just willed for my eyes to turn Red and my Fangs to emerge she looked at me wide eyed then I willed my suit and wings to appear. 

They spread open and I couldn't even extend them fully since they touched both walls.

She screamed cutely before yowling aggressively and pulled the sheets over herself.

I just started chuckling out loud and she pulled the sheets off slowly to peek at me.

I motioned with my hand to come closer and she crawled on her hands and knees and sniffed my hand before rubbing her face into it.

I petted her for a few minutes like a cat until it was time to go.

"So you're 'Alucard' ....I knew I chose the right man..... you killed all those Rapists..." She spoke and turned bright Red while twiddling her thumbs.

I gave her one last kiss before walking into her balcony and flying off towards home.

I soared over the city and admired the pre Dawn atmosphere as I absorbed every sound and little detail out there.

On my flight I spotted group of seven guys chasing a girl down an alley so I descended down with my suit on and claws extended.

They knocked her down and were in the process of ripping her clothes off when I arrived.

I moved silently behind them and immediately pounced as I slashed two on their thighs as their legs came off and began bleeding profusely as the screams rang out and bit sprayed and puddled onto the floor.

They all panicked to take weapons out and a slashed the arms and legs off of three of the five as they collapsed and screamed for their mommies.

One took off running whole another pulled a pistol out from under his coat and unloaded all his bullets as I stood there.








When his bullets ran out he stared at me in disbelief as I walked towards him....he put his hand up. "B... BRO...PLEASE...I HAVE KIDS!!!" He screamed but I just tore my hand through his chest and pulled out his heart as I began to eat it from the complete darkness of my hood.

I then turned my head down the dark alley.... I flapped my wings and flew up as I found the one that got away three blocks down.

As I swooped in behind the man and snatched him up he began crying and begging for his mother while trying to break free.

I flew back to where his buddies and the trembling girl was.

"O....OH.....OH SWETT JESUS SAVE ME!!!" The coward yelled as I dropped him into the puddle of his friends blood and slowly ran my claws down his face to draw a bit of blood.

I heard the girl whimper as the smell of tears filled my nose.

I looked at the crying girl and spoke.

"Don't Worry Girl, I Protect Women..."

I lied out of my ass, I'd eat any bitch but I spotted two security cameras and she'd give her statement to the police....I had to get a good reputation after all.

Then I tore into the crying man's throat as he gurgled and kicked his feet while trying to push me away.

I drank him dry then ripped off his shirt and tore open his sternum as the girl screamed while Trembling.

I yanked out his heart and ate it in three bites as blood dripped from my hand and robes.

One I was done I reached into one of the crooks phones and called 911.

"ATTEMPTED RAPE VICTIM IN THE ALLEY OF XXXXXX STREET AND XXXXXX PLEASE COME QUICK." I spoke in a demonic voice and flew off into the distance.

I cast cleaning spells on myself and immediate I heard three sirens going off as cops raced to the scene.

I arrived home a few minutes later and climbed into the window.

I immediately disappeared my robes and wings then hurried of to Aunt May's room.

I opened it and took off my clothes before climbing into bed and snuggling with the beauty for the hour and a half we had left till daylight.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 

(Elsewhere in a different part of town)

Captain Stacy was woken up early by an emergency call so he dressed in his vest, suit and donned his badge and gun.

When he was walking out he remembered that Gwen was going on a date with a boy from the neighborhood.....he wanted to scare him a bit when he picked up Gwen but now work got in the way.

He walked out and noticed the light on in Gwen's room.

He knocked and spoke out loud. "Gwenny I got an emergency call and am going to be out for a while, keep me updated on where you are at all times." He spoke and Gwen opened the door and hugged her father.

"Bye Dad, I'm sure you'll meet Letho next time.....have a good day at work." She said with a smile and began to prepare for her date as she chose which dress to take. 

"How do you know there will be a next time? And didn't you like his twin before?" He asked with a frown.

"Well, I didn't know what Letho was like since he kept to himself....but now that I talk to him I feel something special." She said with a dreamy smile.

"Alright, But let him know if he doesn't treat you right I'll shove my boot up his ass." Captain Stacy said and Gwen just laughed.

"Hahaha ill let him know, bye Dad." She spoke and he smiled and walked off to his car.

After turning it on he warmed it up for a few minutes before pulling out and making his way to the crime scene, the call came in twenty minutes ago so everything was still fresh.

His lieutenant had informed him that it was 'Alucard' once again but this time they got footage from CCTV cameras in the area.

He pulled up to the alley that had police cars and vans with crime tape around it.

He stepped out and immediately one of his Sargents walked up and explained the situation.

Immediately Captain Stacy walked over to the college aged girl wrapped in a blanket and being fed juice by a paramedic.

He gently spoke to her. "Hi miss, I'm Captain George Stacy of the NYPD, I know you've been asked before but do you mind explaining what happened, I'd like to hear it directly from you." He spoke softly and the woman nodded.

"They...they were going to Rape me, I ran as fast as I could but I tripped and they began tearing my clothes off.....and thats when I saw him....Alucard." she spoke and wiped her tears and sniffled her nose.

"What did he do, what did he say?" Captain Stacy asked.

"He....ripped them apart, and ate their hearts in front of me....one ran but Alucard flew off and pulled him back before tearing his throat open....He told me not to worry, that he protects Women then he drank the man's blood and ripped out his heart to..... To eat..." She spoke with a sad smile.

"You said he flew, does he float? And did you get a look at his face?" George asked the woman who was drinking some juice through a straw as she trembled.

"He has Wings....Big leathery wings like the devil....and I couldn't see his....his face...only two glowing Red Eyes in the darkness..." She spoke then George thanked her for her time and walked over to the crime scene.

He saw Masuka already there in a forensic suit as he took hundreds of pictures and bagged all the evidence.

George walked up and Masuka was smiling like an idiot as he took pictures of the sliced legs or two dead men.

Masuka saw the Captain approaching and spoke out loud.

"Captain!!! He did it again!!! He's like a protector of Women!!! And there's video!!!.....the computer tech Jace is extracting it now from the buildings owner right now."

He spoke with a silly smile as he picked up the phone used to call the police and carefully place it in a forensic bag.

"Damnit Masuka, you're not supposed to root for murder even if it's against scum rapists like these...." Captain Stacy spoke but he didn't even believe his own words.

He prefered if these assholes died instead of a poor young woman being Raped.

He looked at all the body parts in morbid curiosity..... he noted the savage ripping out of hearts but strategic cutting of arms and legs... to make them suffer no doubt.

After fifteen minutes of speaking with his people a fat guy with Doritos dust on his shirt walked over with a laptop.

"I got the video Captain....you can play it...I left a half eaten burrito in my car...I'll be back." The fat tech spoke then walked off as he jiggled with every step.

Dozens of police officers crowded around their Captain as he placed the laptop in the trunk of a cruiser and opened it.

The file was already there so he pressed play and everyone watched curiously.

They saw the woman being chased as she tripped.

The men began to tear at her clothes and a few officers spoke their disgust.

"Fucking animals."

"Good riddance I say"

"If anyone deserved that it's them." 

Then they saw a tall man with a billowing black Robes and two large black and red wings emerging from his back.

His hands had long shiny claws as he approached the men and instantly sliced off their legs as blood spurted everywhere.

"Oh my God!" One officer spoke.

"How sharp can those claws be..."

"He is so vicious." 

Then they saw the thugs draw weapons as Alucard slashed so fast that only the flying limbs and spraying of blood could be seen.

One thug ran then the leader pulled out a pistol and unleaded fifteen bullets into the winged man to no effect.

"Oh shit he's bulletproof..."

"Maybe we should carry around wooden stakes and garlic bread as well." Masuka joked and they all chuckled 

"I second the garlic bread idea." Another officer chimed in.

Then they saw Alucard approach the pleading man and tear into his chest and rip out his heart before eating it in a few bites.

"Oh that's horrendous." 

"I thought Vampires only drank Blood..."

"Reconsider that wooden stake idea." 

Captain Stacy watched everything with a complicated expression on his face...it was murder sure, but pretty fucking justified in his opinion.

They all kept watching until the end and then the officers spread out and went back to their stations.

The morning went on and George thought about a boy taking his daughter on a date and sighed that he couldn't be there to see her off on her first date.....duty calls after all

.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 

(At the Crib?)

May and I awoke at the same time and I kissed her deeply for a few minutes as our tongues danced Rhythmically as we swapped spit.

"I have to go make breakfast, do you want some?" May asked as she put on some shorts and a loose shirt.

"No I'm having a date with Gwen then visiting OSCORP with her afterwards." I spoke as I checked out her beautiful milfy body.

"How was your 'Study Session' with that girl?" Aunt May asked.

"She's a bit wild but also a good girl deep down....I'll introduce you to her soon." I spoke and she nodded and spoke as she left.

"Don't get any of them Pregnant to Early~" May said and walked away.

Nothing to worry about, nothing a little Vampiric magic wont prevent...

I sent a message to Gwen and she typed back quickly that she was ready to go out.

I had rented a town car for the day so we wouldn't have to sit in a taxi or the subway.

I dressed in all Black with brown leather shoes and belt before walking off.

I also had my ancient iron bracelet that holds my Robes.

I gave May a goodbye kiss then walked out.

The Black Xl town car was already there and an older man in a suit opened the door for me to enter.

I said my thanks and sat in the comfy leather seats and admired the luxurious interior, there was a separation window between the driver and passengers which was currently down.

"I am Arthur Sir, where are you headed on this fine day Mr.Parker." He spoke courteously.

"That orange house a few blocks down first then to the fancy book café on elm street." I spoke and he nodded.

"Of course Sir." He spoke then drove is toward Gwen's house.

"I'll open the door for her Arthur." I spoke and the man nodded before sliding the separating window up.

I stepped out and walked to the door, before I could knock she opened the door quickly with a red face as she twiddled her thumbs.

Gwen was wearing tight dark blue jeans and a Black blouse that fits her perfectly.

I stepped to her and moved her face up as I kissed her.

She smiled and spoke meekishly. "H...How do I look!" She spoke and gave me a little spin.

"You look Perfect Little Gwen." I spoke as I kissed both her cheeks and she smiled cutely.

Then I grabbed her hand and walked her to the car.

I opened the door and walked around to get in as well.

As soon as we were both seated and ready the car began to drive gently.

I chatted with my little blonde rabbit as we got onto the highway and drive to Manhattan.

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