
Avoid the City Lord

Someone entering the third level deeply affected the Star Energy in the area. Any other Level Three Star Energy Warrior close enough would definitely notice it. The city wasn't that big to start with, so one of those who noticed it was another commanding officer of the City Guards, who immediately set off with his subordinates to check it out.

"Hmm?" When the guy saw who it was, he couldn't help but show some surprise on his face. "That's quite unexpected. Tuly, didn't you enter Level Two ten years ago when you were 21 or something like that? How come you've already entered the third level?"

Tuly shrugged his shoulders in response. "Leon, you should know better than me that a Level Up can come at any moment once you gather enough Star Energy. It's just that even after gathering the necessary Star Energy, most people can't cross that hurdle."

Leon was completely the opposite of Grak. He took his job as one of the few commanders of the City Guards seriously and was also quite young for someone at Level Three, only being over 25. Unfortunately for him, there wasn't much he could do about the corruption in the City Guards itself. The City Lord was connected to it and was related to nobles. Of course, that's why people like Grak got inside. One must remember that strength was the main factor in this world, so the strength of one's influence was also important.

"Sigh... why do things have to become this complicated? And here I thought I wouldn't need to deal with another Level Three for a few years." Leon couldn't help but lament. "Whatever... Tuly, you know the city's rules for Level Three Star Energy Warriors, don't you?"

Tuly narrowed his eyes as he went silent for a moment.

At the same time, Lian immediately looked at Grisa and whispered, 'What is he talking about?'

Hearing that, Carol and Duran's ears perked up, listening to the conversation between the two.

Grisa didn't see a problem telling them, so she whispered back, 'It's just as Hira mentioned. The entire city probably doesn't have more than a few dozen Level Three Star Energy Warriors. Our city isn't that big, but it definitely has more than a hundred thousand residents. That means that Level Three Star Energy Warriors could totally use their strength to control some territory in the city.'

Jaruo continued from there, 'However, such a thing would definitely conflict with the City Lord, who's responsible for the city itself. With that said, any new Level Three Star Energy Warrior has to make a choice. One, they must not create their own power in the city. If they wish to do so, they will be purged by the City Lord's experts. No power can defy the City Lord and the country. Those are the rules.'

Hira nodded before adding, 'The next option is to join the City Lord's forces. If you do so, you'll receive a territory of your own, and you can build a small force for yourself. But then again, that means you'll be under the City Lord's command and can not refuse any orders. Simply put, you're killing your own chances for growth. That's because you'll receive a seal, similar to the slave seal, that will prevent you from ever betraying the City Lord. This kind of seal is a lot freer than a slave seal, and some don't mind getting it due to the benefits that follow it. In the end, it depends on the person.'

Lian was still confused. 'Does that mean Tuly will have to separate from us? After all, we're a group, even if a small one. It can be considered a very small power, maybe?'

Grisa shook her head, saying, 'Not to that extent. Tuly and the five of us wouldn't pose any type of threat, so such a small group is still fine. In any case, the City Lord will definitely keep an eye on us. By the way, counting the City Guards and the City Lord's personal bodyguards, he controls 23 Level Three Star Energy Warriors. Well, there are probably more, but it's not like the City Lord would go and tell everyone the exact number.'

Lian still found it strange. 'It doesn't make sense. Suppose Tuly says he won't build a big group of his own and stay free. Who will guarantee that he won't do it? In this world, I don't think the City Lord would simply trust Tuly's words.'

Grisa, Hira, Jaruo, and Kavit sighed after hearing that. 'Keep watching, and you'll understand.'

Eventually, Tuly gritted his teeth before extending his arm. "Fine, get over with it."

Leon nodded before looking at one of the guards by his side. "Bring it over."

A few minutes later, a cage was brought into the restaurant. Inside, Lian's group could see some small animal that looked like a lizard or the like.

Tuly then approached the cage before putting his arm inside.

The lizard's eyes lit up and immediately bit on it before it sucked a bit of Tuly's blood. However, after it finished, the lizard suddenly transformed into a shadow that entered the bite marks left by its own teeth.

Seeing that, Leon turned around, preparing to leave, telling Tuly, "I don't think you've made the wrong choice, Tuly. At least, you can still act freely as you wish as long as you don't cause trouble for the City Lord."

Tuly nodded as he covered the bite injuries in his arm. Tuly could feel that the lizard thing had moved into his body and made itself comfortable inside his heart. "I think the same. I don't have any wish of becoming a City Lord, nor do I want to build some big power. Both sides should be okay with each other, right?"

Leon faintly smiled in response before leaving the restaurant.

Naturally, Tuly could see the puzzled expression on the faces of Lian's group, prompting him to explain, "The name of that Star Energy Creature is Heart Stalker. It was raised with the City Lord's blood as the thing it has to protect. As long as I don't try anything against the City Lord, it won't do anything. In fact, I could even leave the city now and never come back. That would make this creature sleep until the day I died. As for if I try something, it will immediately eat my heart from inside out, and there would be nothing that I can do."

Hira sighed after hearing that, though he added, "There's one good thing about it, though."

Kavit agreed with Hira. "Indeed. This Heart Stalker can not be activated by the City Lord himself. That means the City Lord can't simply come to you and threaten to kill you with the Heart Stalker."

Tuly continued, "The Heart Stalker only acts if it feels that I'm putting the blood it should protect in danger. For example, I could battle the City Lord right now. If I just defended myself, the Heart Stalker won't wake up. On the other hand, I'm still completely free. That guard, Leon, had it much worse. He received the subordinate seal, so his actions are a lot more restricted. In my case, all I need to do is avoid the City Lord. That's all."

And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)


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