
Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat

Cillian's life was a monotonous routine, void of emotions, as if he were a mere observer in his own existence. Isolated by society and even his own family, his only solace lay in the vibrant world of anime and manga. But when he passed away at the age of 81, something extraordinary happened. In an enigmatic void, Cillian encountered a god who offered him a chance at a new existence. His lack of emotions had caught the attention of primordial beings, and a peculiar job awaited him. Sent into parallel worlds across the omniverse, Cillian's mission was clear: restore balance and quell the chaos unleashed by reckless reincarnators. "Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat" is a thrilling fan fiction that explores the evolution of a character from emotional void to a force that reshapes worlds. Join Cillian on his journey as he not only confronts external chaos but also delves deep into the complexities of his newfound emotions, all while seeking answers about his enigmatic role in the grand cosmic drama. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is a fanfic, I don't own any of the anime series or manga I may mention in my fiction. I only own my OCs.

Temporal_Daoist · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

True Cursed Technique

Author's Note: This work has received major editing(compared to the other work) and has been reposted, do note that the original work is also mine though(Limitless Chat Group in the multiverse). Starting from chapter 7, it's all completely new content. I also figured out that, instead of posting every day and burning myself out juggling between writing and the rest of my life, I could get a release schedule... so here it is:

Release Schedule:

-Every Tuesday

-Every Friday

-Every Sunday

Extra Power Stones and I'll release extra chapters!!

thx 4 all the support! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


'I'm sure I broke through!!'

'Great Sage, please show me my stats!'




Overall power(body, soul and mind): Initial-Mid level 3 (Danmachi)

Basic Observation Haki: 75,0% mastery

Cursed Technique: Cleave and Dismantle: 34,0% mastery

Basic Body Refining Scripture: Volume 2: 5,5% completion




'Although the cursed technique has only slightly improved, the difference in strength is incredible. I feel that now, with the ability to use 'Dismantle' and 'Cleave' properly, my fighting strength is on par with veteran level 4 adventurers.'


[First Side-Mission:

Location: Hunter x Hunter World, Heaven's Arena


Main Objective: Reach the 200th Floor

Side Objective 1: Learn Nen

Side Objective 2: Beat the Clown

Side Objective 3: Invite one of the potential members


Participants: 1 admin, 2 members


Time left until Side-Mission: 1 day, 6 hours, 9 minutes

Time Limit: 3 months]

'I've barely got 30 hours left in Orario. Taking into account some much-needed rest and sustenance, I'll be left with around half a day to get used to using the 'new' Dismantle and Cleave.'

Having reorganized his thoughts, Cillian picked up the massive magic stone and headed towards the dungeon's spiral entrance.

Upon arriving, all level 1 and 2 adventurers instinctively made way for Cillian, something he had noticed happening more frequently. At this point, Cillian was unaware that for the past two months, he had unintentionally gained an aura of overwhelming power, a rarity even among high-level adventurers.

What made Cillian's aura unique was that, despite its overwhelming sense of power, it lacked the overbearing confidence or arrogance commonly found in high-level adventurers. Due to this reason and a few rumors circulating around the Middle Floors, a few familias had already started showing interest in this new 'rookie' and who their patron god might be.

Unaware of everything happening behind the scenes, Cillian continued on his way to the guild building.

Some time later, ignoring all the murmurs and commotion within the guild, Cillian immediately went to meet Miss Fannet.

"Hello, Miss Fannet. It's been a while. Can we do the usual?"

"Hi, Cillian, sure."

Ever since he got his storage ring, Cillian had always asked the receptionist to go to a private room. Given the guild's wealth and size, they could afford private rooms, even for relatively unknown adventurers like himself. Since all guild members had signed confidentiality agreements, it was also fine to demonstrate his "spatial magic."

Entering the same room he had used for most of his previous interactions with the guild, Cillian emptied his storage ring in the center of the room. Among the magical stones, one particularly large one immediately caught the eye.

"Th..Th...That's Goliath's magic stone, isn't it?!"

Miss Fannet declared in astonishment.

"It is indeed, Miss Fannet. I'd appreciate it if you kept this under the radar, though."

'It's been an astonishing journey just watching from the sidelines the growth of this young adventurer. He's even defeated Goliath only two months after arriving in Orario. Even if he doesn't want to, he'll soon catch the city's attention. I can only hope that nothing happens then.'

A few seconds passed before the werewolf receptionist calmed down and answered with a slightly bewildered expression:

"Although I can't see how not showing off this achievement will help you, especially since you don't have a familia, I understand, and I'll respect your privacy."

"Thanks, Miss Fannet. I'll head out first. As you can see, taking out that monster has taken its toll on me. I'll pass by tomorrow to pick up the payment."

"Sure, Cillian. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Miss Fannet. See you tomorrow."

Feeling the need to rest, Cillian purchased some food from a few stalls and ate on the way. Once he arrived at the Hostess of Fertility, he was eager to lay down and get some sleep.


The next day, after almost 24 hours of sleep, Cillian quickly ate something and headed back to the dungeon. He was ready to get accustomed to his new fighting abilities before meeting with the group chat members.

Upon entering the dungeon, instead of immediately descending to lower floors as he normally did, Cillian stayed on the 1st Floor. He wanted to test out the true "Dismantle" on a group of goblins.


Suddenly, all three goblins were slashed into countless small cubes, leaving behind a gruesome scene. The gory remains then transformed into floating excelia particles and tiny magic stones.

'This is definitely leagues above the usual 'Dismantle' I used before. I can see numerous uses for it, especially when dealing with small fry, as it consumes much less stamina compared to 'Cleave.''

'Let's try out the completely new technique: 'Cleave.''

Having found another group of monsters, this time four kobolds, Cillian wasted no time and immediately used 'Cleave.'


Without noticing their decapitated heads, all four monsters continued walking for a few seconds before transforming into particles, unaware that they were already dead.

'It seems 'Cleave' is simply a better version of the previous 'Dismantle.' It has much more power, even when infusing the same amount of stamina for both. 'Cleave' will definitely prove useful in the future, especially in one on one situations.'

Deciding to have a little fun, Cillian stayed in the Upper Floors, wreaking havoc while getting used to his new abilities. To an observer from modern Earth, it would appear as if a max-level player had entered a newbie hunting ground.

'Side Mission'

[First Side-Mission:

Location: Hunter x Hunter World, Heaven's Arena


Main Objective: Reach the 200th Floor

Side Objective 1: Learn Nen

Side Objective 2: Beat the Clown

Side Objective 3: Invite one of the potential members


Participants: 1 admin, 2 members


Time left until Side-Mission: 6 minutes

Time Limit: 3 months]

Quickly searching for an isolated area to be transported, Cillian dashed past numerous adventurers. After a few minutes, having found the perfect location, a bright light emanated from the dungeon's floor, and moments later, Cillian disappeared.


Next chapter is going to be in the HxH World!!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter