
Eternal Gamer

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A newly ascended God of Omnipotent received a job to keep the ecosystem of Heaven and Hell balanced. But too bad for him. the universe that was entrusted to him was the DOOM verse where the hell is in a middle of Crisis. The population of Demons dwindled because of the Doom Slayer. And if the Demons are gone, then the hell would let lose and the sinners would've rebel and take over the Under world. Naturally the God didn't like it. Although as much as he viewed the Hell as Barbarians and Disgusting. He can't deny the fact that they were essential to punish the sinners. The Hell is expanding due to the problen of overcrowding. but they got almost got eradicate to the point of labeling them as Endangered Species! ( Demons and Titans for F sake. ). So The God have an Idea of Transporting a Man from Earth prime. He picked a Half North Korean / Asian ( Etc ) who died at the ???. He carefully caged the Doom slayer on the Man/Gamer's Soul and Avater. ( Unknown to the Doom slayer Of course. ) Satisfied with his Idea. He then Threw him at the Multiverse far away from the Doom verse. The farther. the Better. so with the help of the Gamer System. He gave him the power to travel throughout the Multiverse. But he can't use it freely. But he didn't knew... that the plan would've back fire him at the End. Because the Eternal gamer will destroy the balance of the Multiverse. ----- PS : I have a busy schedule.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Ajax felt wierd...

he knows he's dead, oh he clearly remembered how he died.

getting yourself a 12 inch knife stab at the side of your head is a check mate, because no matter how advanced the technology is, you just can't heal a person's fractured skull and pierced brain.

he woke up, much too his surprised.

he woke up with a disoriented head as he force himself too stand only to stagger and drop his ass in the floor, he check his surroundings that is pretty much Unknown too him.

the alleyway that he supposed to be lying was changed into an office.

and in front of him is a desk where a paper with choices, but he has no time too read it as he look around for more info.

He looked around left and right as he suddenly reminded himself why his pterion doesn't hurt.

he then stop his frantic movements as he reaches the side of his head and carefully caressed.

No wounds.

Now that was surprising. not that he was displeased being alive and all but everything is just suspicious...

Ajax always considered himself a level headed person but what's happening too him did more than just perplexed him, he just defied the Physics after all...

"W-What...? Im... my, my wound healed? and it doesn't even hurt too touch it... wait, shouldn't I supposed to be in the hospital... why am I in the-"

A deep voice echoed inside his mind as his backs curled and hands clutched into his ears.

[ You are dead mortal, the only reason you are alive is because of me, I'll be blunt, I don't care about your pitiful life story or any of it as you are not the first nor the last that has thesame life. you are only here to participate on one of my test. ]

he released his hands, fully known that a bit of blood was flowing inside his ears due too the sheer intensity of voice.

'Did this bastard plant a chip inside me?! wait... augmentation and medications aren't cheep, unless you have a backer of course... doesn't that mean im captured by an illegal organisation or something similar to that? why would they waste their funds on something like... this...'

he stopped his thoughts as he remembered the events of Man Made Viruses and WW3.

he was now more wary than before as he now fully apprehend his situation.

he shouldn't offend this person...

and just from the single exchange of words, his kidnapper(s) may or may not have a god complex or egotistical.

he decided too play his game for now.

" ...May this insignificant mortal know where are my whereabouts? I must be really confused especially I heard your Divine voice." he was unsure at first, but he decided to stroke his ego to avoid the person's bad side.

and damn did that feel Cringeworthy.

unlike before, the voice isn't painful and more... pleasant? as the joyous tone replied inside his head.

[ Hohoho~ your quite different from the other mortals, you know... most of them scream like a banshee ( Irrational people) or delusional ants ( NEET ) that demands thing towards their Creator, so I Cast them away- ( send towards the life cycle.) out of irritation, *Snort* most people don't respect me nowadays, don't you agree? ]

'This person is dangerous! so Im not the first captives huh... good to know... but he said he 'Cast' ( kill ) the others out of irritation... understandable, some people are just idiots to fully apprehend their current situation and let their fear of Unknown take over them... they might've known that they were kidnapped but didn't believed it. but knowing that this guy has no morals at all too exploit is just...'

" I believe that they just let their emotions takeover them, I believe that your overwhelming presence made them... Irrational "

[ Hmm... your surprisingly honest... so far you didn't lie- ]

' He put something inside me to know when I lie? perhaps a heart monitoring chip?'

[ -So I might Indulge you a couple of answers. now what's your questions? ]

" I'll be honest, What's gonna happen to me?"

[ Ah~ that would be easy, I'll experiment your body in a test of mine, don't worry the benefits outweighs the rest, not like there's any anyway hohohoho. ]

' So a super soldier or a Guinea pig for new Drugs? this guy is bold, how did he escape from the government anyway... '

[ Here, Create your Character Avatar so I can transport you into the other world. ]

A transparent hologram startled him as it appeared in front him.

the hologram apparently shows a Game Character model.

[ You can take as much time as you can. ]

his eye brow rise a bit...

but he needs time to think for a plan on escaping, so he might as well take his time on creating a character for more time.

it take him 4 hours too create his very own character.

it has raven black hair and eyes, standing over 6'9 ft with a body of a Body builder.




- His pov-

In the end... he can't think of any plan to escape at all... without knowing the Building's layout, he cant create a single plan, there's also the fact that the kidnapper is may or may not monitoring him.

he can't take a risk of snooping around only to get shot down by the guards.

surely someone would look for... me...

he hesitate for a moment before realization struck him hard.

'I... I dont have anyone too look for me isn't it?'

he paused as he remembered his true friend died in cancer.

he's an Orphan too without anyone too adopt him, and the caretakers are abusive forcing him too live in the street at the age of 8...

so no one really took care of him... not even a foster father.

he also matured early in the slums-

Shaking my head, I stop that sort of thinking immediately. It wasn't productive, thinking about my friends and the past wasn't going to do anything for my state of mind, and I had to accept that I...had  to indulge my kidnapper for now.

[ Great, now that you finished your Character, you need too open your rewards ]


{ You have received 3 gacha tickets and an Intermediate pack from a Minor God of War. }

{ Using Auto-Gacha immediately... }


{ Congratulations, You Received a 'Spacial Ring with 12 slots', Organism Analysis Augmentation, and 1 Summon. }

{ All rewards are automatically stored inside the ring }

A ring materialised in the air and drop as I reflexively catch it.

Knowledge on how too use it implanted inside my mind making me yelp in pain at the force of knowledge.

'Did... Did they plant some sort of nano machine inside my brain? how wasteful are these guys?! ugh... '

As I opened My eyes, 3 transparent chest appeared in front of me.

Intermediate Weapon Pack.

Intermediate Armour Pack.

Intermediate Consumables Pack.

I raised my Eyebrow at the questionable hologram.

' How... wierd... is the kidnapper a Chuunibyu? does he think this is a joke for him? tch... how... irritating...'

[ Hooo~ You quite enjoy my gift, you may choose only one. ]

' ...Good thing the sudden rise of heart rate mistaken as an excitement...'

He chose the Armour pack.

Halo armour ( Armour design changed by the user's preferences. in other words look at the cover. )

Helmet: The Mjolnir Helmet is one of the most vital aspects to the Mjolnir system. It is made of Titanium and contains key features like a Heads-up display that links to the brain and hands, and can identify equipment and display information about it when it is picked up by the wearer. Another feature is the direct neural interface system which connects to a SPARTAN-IIs neural implants. Two core processor chips are implanted into the subjects skull in the rear of the head. This is essentially comparable to an on board computer using parts of the human brain for processing - when the connector at the rear of the subjects head and receptors in the brain link to the helmets on board sensors, it creates the neural link needed to move the Mjolnir suit. The helmet also contains other equipment to protect and aid the user in hostile conditions. This includes: filters to remove toxins from the atmosphere, a supply to provide air to the wearer during EVA, thermal and motion sensors, communications, solar-powered lighting, and imaging and video gear. The helmet also contains the A.I housing, where a ship-borne A.I chip is inserted, located on the back of the helmet.

Titanium Alloy Outer Shell: The outer shell of the Mjolnir Armor is comprised of a fairly thick titanium alloy. This plating covers the chest, arms, hip, legs, calves, feet, and hands. This alloy is very resilient, can take significant punishment, and is nearly impervious to small arms fire. While enough shots from armor piercing rounds will breach the outer shell, the suit can take a few glancing blows from them without compromising the armor. The outer shell of all Mjolnir suits is covered with a refractive coating to help disperse the heat experienced from Covenant energy weapons. However one or two direct hits from any Plasma weapon will compromise the armor plating.

Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit: Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding is a thick black armored bodysuit. This suit has numerous functions, small but vital to the safety and survival of the wearer. The bodysuit is made of a titanium-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics attacks and is coated with a heat resistant material to disperse heat from Plasma weapons.

Hydrostatic Gel: Underneath the armored bodysuit is a gel-filled layer. This gel layer regulates the temperature of the suit and can reactively change its density to conform to the wearer's shape - the temperature inside the suit is controlled by the moisture absorbing cloth suit underneath the hydrostatic layer. The hydrostatic gel layer can also be pressurized to various levels to potentially save the wearers life, should the wearer be subjected to high G forces or a high velocity impact; however, over pressurizing this layer can cause nitrogen embolisms.[8]

Polymerized Lithium Nibocene Layer: Sandwiched between the external armor and the internal padding, the liquid crystal layer contains the polymerized form of lithium nibocene, a highly piezoelectric polymer. By deforming when an electric current is applied to it, the layer acts as a sheath of artificial muscle, adding to a SPARTAN's already considerable strength. This layer increases the strength, speed, and all around physical performance of the SPARTAN-II.

Memory Processor Superconductor Layer: This layer supports suit's Artificial intelligence and is fitted in between the outer plates and the inner padding. This type of computer memory is usually outfitted on a warship, and as such accounts for over eighty percent of the Mjolnir Armor's cost of construction and materials.

Magnetic Weapon Holder Strips: Available on the Mk. IV, Mk. V, and Mk. VI, the magnetic strips are very small yet powerful magnets place on the legs, waist, and back of the suit, and are used to hold any equipment with a magnetic property. The suit also contains an electromagnetic system on the boots of the Mjolnir suit that allow its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in Zero G environments, and can be toggled on or off by the wearer.

Shields: First used on the Mk. V, and later refined on the Mk. VI, the energy shield device is reverse engineered from Covenant technology. Begun in 2532,[9] forty scientists and technicians would spend the next 20 years attempting to make some use of the technology. For decades, the attempts at cracking their technology had met with failure after failure. Some had given up, and others in the scientific community believed the energy shield technology could never be cracked; however, at some point before 2552, a breakthrough was made, and for the first time, the UNSC had successfully cracked and improved upon the technology.[10]

Pressure Seal: The Pressure Seal is a vital component to the Mjolnir system. It keeps the system airtight, underwater or in space. The seal is very strong and will only break under extreme pressure, such as in a high velocity impact or when the Hydrostatic Gel has been over pressurized.

Automatic Biofoam Injectors: Introduced on the Mk. VI models, biofoam injectors are an integral part of the system's ability to keep a SPARTAN-II functioning in battle. Biofoam is a medical gel that is used to fill and seal a wound automatically. It is also used to treat any infection that could occur as a result of the wound. The process of injecting or applying the gel to a wound, however it is extremely painful, and is only a temporary solution; medical attention must be sought soon after to ensure survivability.

Fusion Reactor: The fusion reactor is the most essential part of the Mjolnir System, as it provides power to all equipment on the Mjolnir Armor - the reactor is built into the suit and allows for nearly unlimited movement. The fusion reactor in all versions of the Mjolnir Armor are half the size of a normal fusion pack that conventional marines carry around.[11]

Force-Multiplying Circuits: Located throughout the armor, these systems boost the force applied by the user. They make hand-to-hand combat easier, but also make the armor difficult to adjust to; a slight motion can be translated into a potentially harmful one if not conducted correctly. For this reason it is only possible for Spartans to use this armor, as their strengthened bodies are able to withstand the increased power and speed of movement, which, in un-augmented human bodies, results in broken bones or death, due to spasms caused by the pain of broken bones.

Reactive Circuits: Reactive Circuits are systems installed that are directly linked to the Spartan Neural Interface. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts of the wearer, making it much easier to control and allowing for the soldier to be both more efficient and have a higher survival rate in combat.

Power Supply Control Unit: The Power Supply Control Unit controls and maintains the power supply of the armor.

" W-what?"

the sudden armour appeared out of nowhere and engulfs him made his mind blank for a moment.

" Wha?!"

the sudden change of Strength and Balance made him fall.

but with his Reaction speed that can match up in his mind, he back flip instead but still fall his butt in the ground at the surprising feats.

[ Enjoy your training. ]


His body then exploded in lights as he lose his consciousness.


His Avatar Character Sheets.


Age : 18

Height : 6'9 -> 7'9 ( with Armour )

Weight : 200+ pounds -> 1+ Ton ( with armour)

S - 5 -> 60 ( with armour )

P - 2 -> 52 ( With A.I )

E - 4 -> 30 ( With armour )

C - 4.5 -> ???

I - 3 -> 25 ( With A.I )

A - 2 -> 10 ( With armour )

L - ???

Weight can lift with an Armour - 54k pounds

Notes. The human limit of strength is considered to be 800-1,000 lbs (about 360 to 500 kg) over-head, and 1,100-1,500 lbs (about 500 to 680 kg) bench press. If a user with peak human strength was to have an adrenaline rush, it could push them into EnhancedStrength, but not to Supernatural Strength.

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