

Hey, my name Is Luka Ignelia, most people call me Kio. I have a question if you don't mind answering.... Have you ever wondered if we as humans are the only species? I'm not counting animals or anything we have on our world we call earth. I'm talking about galaxies away and different dimensions. I don't believe so. Well, I didn't for that matter until one day...

I was put in a world with nothing but backpack I take to school. lame right? allow me to tell you what events too place. it all starting with a blinding light....

"Ugh my head hurts like crazy... was that a dream or?" I began to figure out I'm at a alter and people in the dark approach me. "Are you ok?" I thought to myself yeah it has to be a dream still. so I decided to try to wake up without responding to their question. they begin to get impatient as I'm about to pinch myself. "ARE you ok?" then the most unbearable pain fill both of my arms. I realize this is real and I'm no longer on Earth. they ask "are you ok?" I answer "No, but I'll manage. Why am I here and where am I?" a mysterious woman says "All your questions will be answered soon. First we must go?" The pain in my arms remain. I began to wonder why am I not freaking out about this. probably because Im a huge anime fan. a dream come true I guess. I ask "Who are you if I can ask that question..." the woman stares at me then says follow me. I say "Where are we going?"

she remains quiet and turns around leading the way. I follow her of course. 20 to 30 minutes pass and we finally arrived. I asked where are we. she says Where the holy remains are. I began to get puzzled I say "Umm, Ms. uh I don't think we should be here."

my arms get filled with more pain and I see my veins raging. She notices that I'm in pain and asks are you ok? I reply "why would I be ok if you see what's going on with my arms." she says give me you hand. I do so and I see a Blue light shining from her hands the pain slowly Begins to fade. I think to myself.... So magic exist here? but why way I brought here?

she lets go of my hand and clears her throat. "Can we continue without any more delays?" I reply "I guess so." I began to follow her once more and I space out following the person in front of me. I bump into a person and I apologize. They stare and walk away without a word. I mumble "Rude much?" and continue following the mysterious woman.