
Chapter 1 : The story of the past

Once there was a peaceful universe called Zyphoram.

It was different from our world, the stars were said to hold healing magic and one could see the stars and moons in the universe by going up in the sky themselves.

There were also different floating islands with different names. They were like hundreds of islands present in an infinite ocean , however in this case the universe played the role of a sea and the planets were the islands.

All the people in this universe loved their world there was hardly anyone who would hate it but what people loved the most about it was the story of how it was made.

In fact, Zyphoram was not always a universe, it was separated from the real world by a powerful magic which only existed in one person. That person was Ziphiona , Zyphoram got its name from this legendary person. Her story was passed down to generations and now it is your time to know it...


Million years ago , the world was a hateful place. Ruled by the evil Krysons , these were beautiful creatures that had a beauty in par with the angels but their hearts were ones that were more evil than the demons themselves.

Power was not the only thing they longed for, they wanted to surpass the power of Ephodiam , which is said to be a power equal to that of god.

The only way to arise this power was by creating war among humanity. As you may know, many humans are greedy creatures, they would be willing to do anything in order to attain extreme power.

Soon there was a fight among different human kingdoms to decide who will get the power of Ephodiam . Those foolish beings were too greedy to realize the truth and did exactly what the Krysons wanted.

Of course the Krysons were expecting the power of Ephodiam to appear ,but what they were unaware of is that there was a person who held its power.

After several wars among humanity ,the power finally appeared.

On that day, the moon turned gold. During the war flashed a streak of lightning that hit the ground right in between the battlefield , cracking it and sending a wave of soil to different directions .

After the fog was cleared , the soldiers saw a blur figure. They thought it must be one of the Krysons but it was a girl with a far more exquisite beauty than that of the Krysons.

Her hair was bright like the moonlight , her eyes were a shiny golden and her skin was as fair as snow.

She is what you would call a true beauty.

However, her eyes were filled with rage and anger and her rose colored lips spoke with a beautiful voice.

" You have interrupted the birth and you shall not be forgiven."

"Your greediness will now bring you your death and the power shall never belong to you."

Then she stood up with the back of her clothes billowing out behind her like beautiful petals.

"This world is filled with hatred ,so now our lord has ordered me to create another world where there would be peace."

She said and stretched one of her arms to the direction of the battlefield.

"The birth has taken place and now for her we shall leave, 'The guardian who will forever separate this world with the other', grant me , princess Ziphiona the power of Ephodiam! "

There came a great light which flowed throughout this hateful world and another world was born , it can be called the second world.


So this is how Zyphoram was born , but the people of this beautiful universe are afraid that the power separating this universe from the evil world might end and it may cause the peace to break .

Now this story is not about this but about a girl who has no idea about what her fate holds.


Hello readers.

This is my first work which I wrote when I was like...10 years old?

So I hope you forgive me if it is very cliche and this book is also present in wattpad.

Thank you for reading and I hope you like the story :)

FairytailGeekBRUUHcreators' thoughts
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