
Beginning the Shonen Training Arc

Uninhabited planet in the primal chaos (1:00 A.M.)

"So where to begin?" Emilio muses with Li Suo then saying "Instead of where to begin how about when? How long has it been since the war between the Gods?"

"Well the war itself ended many thousands of years ago the best news I can give you is that no one really won as nearly 95% of the major players such as the heretic god and many of the divine beasts died or were sealed or left to rot in corners of the universe" Emilio stated solemnly.

"Even gods such as Ni Xuan, Cang Long (Dragon God) among others as well as obviously yourself as I was only able to bring you back due to your soul being attached to the Seal of Life and Death".

Emilio pauses in order for the info to sink in as Li Suo has an unreadable expression as her face constantly shifts from emotion to emotion. " But now many of the star realms you know of have either changed radically or have been destroyed or even enslaved by other star realms while the entire universe is split into different factions with the devils being the most aggressive as of late with their queen manipulating events across multiple realms".

After a couple more moments of silence, Li Suo weakly asks "My Sect, my home, my teachings, my people where are they?" After saying this Emilio pauses in order to think of whether he should tell her or not but Li Suo answers for him and says " Tell me I am not some weak maiden to be coddled ".she says as aggressively as she could in the state she is in.

"Your sect is gone, your teachings spread so thin they have become a legend even though from what I remember your book still exists even if in pieces, your home I do not know of its current state, and your people the wood spirits are currently under threat by another star realm that of the Brahma Monarch Realm". Emilio pauses again and Li Suo remains silent.

(Speaking of which when the main character has to deal with what to do with the wood spirits should he take them with him in his Dimension by creating them their own world or should he simply give them their own corner of the Primal chaos?)

"What do you want from me I have no power nor influence, are you going to use me or simply take me as a trophy as I am at your mercy?" Li Suo says in a resigned tone.

Emilio then hastily responds with a resounding "No! I did not seek you out for either I sought you out for your ability and knowledge as I am in desperate need of a teacher and in saying that here is your seal you can have it as it is not mine and I do not need it" Emilio then hastily removes the seal (He copied it in his inventory don't worry) and returns it to her with Li Suo seemingly surprised by the act.

"Why return this item? It can grant you life eternal, an endless amount of time to cultivate, why?" Li Suo asks with Emilio responding with a simple response.

" Because it's important to you a family heirloom perhaps or a gift from a lover it does not matter for it is yours and as I said before I need a teacher and now what you need right now is a friend and a shoulder to lean on, "Emilio says with unhidden empathy. (Talk no justu activate)

Li Suo then begins to shake and bite at her lip with Emilio then employed a bold strategy and hugged her and said "It's okay to cry for what has been lost, it is not weakness but a sign that one has been strong for too long".

The floodgates then open as Li Suo cries into Emilio's shoulder and this lasts for over thirty minutes as a woman mourns over lost family and lost history. As Li Suo yells in pain" Why! Why did I have to lose everything!". I have done nothing yet I have lost almost everything Why?". Li Suo then calms down after more time has passed and the sun begins to rise in the sky.

Li Suo after somewhat calming down pockets the seal and then responds with regained control " Well if I am going to teach you, I have to ask you a question what is life to you in this chaotic universe?".

Emilio then ponders on that question as Li Suo begins to eat the food prepared while making some concerning noises which makes Emilio happy that he is approaching foodgasm levels but then continues to ponder and after an hour Emilio makes his response known.

"Life in the cultivation world is the greatest enigma as the universe is split into halves, light and dark, life and death, man and woman, fire and water, earth, and sky, each one of these fundamental elements cannot exist without the other or everything ends".

Emilio begins, with Li Suo adding " But is it not the goal of cultivators to never die" with Emilio stating that " Everything will die as everything ends no story goes on forever and I will die one day and thinking that I could never die is the height of arrogance but it is important to value life and the experiences and people met along the way in order to make the end all the sweeter as we all can rest knowing that we truly lived because death cannot exist without life and life cannot hold meaning and urgency to improve without death and both forces should be respected as such".

Emilio then continues by telling Li Suo a story from another time " Let me tell you a story in this legend there were a people called the Eldari they had such advanced tech and cultivation that they created what they believed the perfect society but due to this arrogance they lost themselves to stagnation and debauchery and they delved so deep into their own vices it caused their downfall".

"Their whole civilization crumbled as due to their sheer level of negative actions and emotions caused the birth of a homicidal chaos god and their civilization fell as their souls were ripped from their bodies and trapped and tortured by a force that could be considered a universal immune response and to this day they continue to suffer from their prior actions because they did not respect life and as such lost out in peaceful death".

"The moral of this story is simple do not allow yourself to believe that you have reached the height of your potential and then use that excuse to prey on others even if one must take a life let it be with purpose or at least have a reason or we become no better than those that do not respect life. And so I respect life because it ends and death because I understand that I am not eternal but even I wish to greet my end with a smile on my face". As Emilio finishes with his answer Li Suo ponders this response and soon answers.

"I would have thought that if I cultivated the law of life that I could save others from the cruel clutches of unfair death but now after seeing what has happened I understand that everything must end but also that everything has a new beginning and I will start anew myself with you. I accept you as my disciple and may we meet the end together with a smile on our faces".

Emilio then bows and states "This junior greets senior and hopes to meet their expectations and hopes that as well" Li Suo then quickly adds" Also please forget my crying form as that is not a great form for a teacher".

Emilio then smirks and says " My apologies master but that is impossible as that is the moment we will truly remember because as life takes it also gives and the universe gave me you".

Li Suo then blushes and says embarrassed "Your lucky you make good food or I would punish you". Emilio is then taken aback and looks at her seeing a blush on her face and thinks "Is my first teacher a dom?" Cortana then adds [Well chief I think you bit off more than you can chew] Emilo then thinks back "Jokes on you I'm into that stuff".

Li Suo then takes Emilio from his thoughts by asking "Are you ready to delve into the abyss of cultivation?" Emilio responded back with "Yes, for if we fall we shall do it together master".

Li Suo then turns around and says "Then let us begin the first lesson physical preparation now DODGE!" (Emilio: I'm not Gohan! Don't look so happy trying to hit me)

(I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and I hope I captured the essence of the goddess of creation's character if I didn't feel free to let me know more chapters shall be released today, so see you soon and Dodge)

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