
Escaping the Tragic Ending!

Lillian fled desperately, but was captured, her fate was the guillotine, but before her end, she woke up in her room. Was it all a dream or a reincarnation? However, she will need to gather strength to change her tragic end.

KazeYuki · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day, the ladies-in-waiting were getting Lillian ready with a simply wonderful dress.

— Princess, how was your first night?

Lillian felt a little embarrassed as she recalled the beginning of the meeting.

— It was very pleasant.

However, they knew that they hadn't reached the end yet.

Issac was waiting outside the room to accompany her.

— Princess Lillian, you are truly charming.

Lillian approached and touched Issac's face, gently.

— Your company is extremely pleasant.

He bowed slightly and extended his arm for her to follow him, as they were going to have breakfast together.

The castle staff were commenting that Princess Lillian was more beautiful, as she was showing an appearance that they had never seen before and when she was next to Prince Issac they formed a beautiful couple, as he was a boy with a charming beauty that intensified , as he was dressed elegantly due to Lillian's request. Furthermore, everyone noticed the elegant posture and etiquette that Issac displayed during breakfast.

After breakfast, L ilian and Issac went to the place where the knight Izor was housed, but it was a dark room with no windows and extremely cramped, similar to a prison.

— I ordered you to treat him properly, do you want to contradict me? – Lillian said with a firm posture.

Lillian ordered them to move him to another room and provide Izor with suitable clothing. Meanwhile, they went to Izor's new room.

Lillian ordered the staff to leave them alone. Staff began to spread rumors that the princess had two concubines and that she was alone in the room with them. Not unlike King Orion who brought together several women to fulfill his desires and desires.

Izor was worried about the prince, as he didn't know what Issac had been forced to do and knelt before the princess.

— Please, Your Highness, release the prince, I am willing to do anything so that I can release him.

Lillian approached and grabbed the knight's face, lifting him up.

— If you trust me, I promise that I will carry out your request. However, I want to earn your trust and hope that you can provide me with your loyalty... I will not think that you will serve me in the same way as the prince. However... if you swear under your knightly name that you will protect me, I will free you from your spell of submission.

Issac wasn't believing that Lillian would actually release Izor.

— "If Lillian really frees him, it means her words were true. It means she is different from the people who destroyed my kingdom."

In a way, gaining the loyalty of the knights and freeing them from the magic of submission was also advantageous to Lillian, because the magic could be activated by any member of the royal family, then another member could activate the magic and make the knights turn. against her.

— I heard of several accounts of your exploits on the battlefield. However, he allowed himself to be captured to protect the lives of Prince Issac and some other members of his kingdom. That determination is something I look for. — said Lillian, with an imposing posture.

Knight Izor swore that he would use his skills to protect the princess. Lilian activated release magic and released Izor from his submission contract.

— Remember, don't tell anyone you were released. And if someone from the royal family orders you something depending on what it is... Do it! Let me know immediately so I can take the necessary measures.

Lillian went to his office together with Issac, as soon as they entered and realizing that they were alone, Issac knelt down with his left leg, held one of Lillian's hands and brought it to his forehead.

— I deeply thank you for freeing Izor.

Issac wanted to believe that Lillian was truly sincere with her promise to free her people. Lillian was not used to this type of treatment, as she still did not trust Issac.

— What is your relationship? — Lillian asked again.

- He is my brother. However, because he was a bastard son, he could not be considered royalty, so I took him in and granted him the status of knight. Due to his prowess during wars, his status improved within the kingdom. During the invasion, he was taken prisoner to protect me, I was feeling guilty. So I'm thanking you for freeing him.

Lilian was beginning to understand that this feeling of gratitude was really sincere, people around her were always afraid of her or treated her based on rumors. And the continuation of that, in the dream, they had only treated her with contempt.

One of the assistants knocked on the door, apologized for the interruption and handed the princess a statement, an invitation from King Orion. Lillian would have to meet the king soon. Lillian requested that Issac leave her alone, as she had several things to reflect on and also study royal matters.

Later, Lillian's lady-in-waiting asked if she would prepare for afternoon tea with the noble girls. She had completely forgotten about this event. This event only served for nobles to show their status and boast about their poses.

Lillian got ready elegantly, with a beautiful dress and really unique jewelry. The ladies-in-waiting commented as they fixed Lillian.

— Certainly, the princess will outshine all those nobles.

— Especially since you'll be accompanied by Prince Issac, everyone will be green with envy.

Lillian soon worried about Issac.

— "He'd better not participate in this event." ...Where is Issac?

— He is already at the event location, he is waiting for you.

The afternoon tea had been prepared by Lillian's ladies-in-waiting with the greatest care, as they knew they would be punished if anything went wrong. Various types of teas were selected, as well as a selection of assorted sweets. The leading noble wives and daughters of the nobility had been called to this afternoon tea. However, the current Lillian was not worried about the social adulation she previously received.

Lillian arrived at the place, noticed that everything had been prepared with the greatest care, thanked her for the service, the main lady-in-waiting was surprised, as during all this time, she had never received any praise from the princess.

— Where is Issac?

— He waits for you near the main table.

Lillian observed from afar that the girls were surrounding Issac, he was truly uncomfortable, as they were making requests to him. And he was refusing them.

— She must have ordered him to just accept her advances. — said the duke's daughter, trying to get closer to Issac.

They noticed that Lillian had arrived and began to praise the princess's beauty and clothing. She knew that all these compliments were not said sincerely.

—Princess Lillian, your concubine is truly wonderful.

"Would you let us touch it?"

— Or seeing your muscles would also be ideal.

— You could also order him to take off his clothes.

They let out excited screams and were excited after what the duke's daughter had said. Lillian couldn't believe what she had just heard, but decided to put into practice the act of a couple in love. Lillian approached Issac and touched his face affectionately.

— You certainly have good taste. However, he is mine. — he said, looking into Issac's eyes. — He's just here to satisfy my desires.

Lillian caressed Issac's face and gently slid her finger across his lips. Issac hugged her by the waist and with his other hand he gently touched Lillian's long hair.

Lillian directed her gaze and could see the look of envy on the duke's daughter's face. The marquis's daughter soon addressed Lillian.

— When Your Highness gets tired of it, could you give it to me?

— You can be sure that I won't give it away so easily.

Right after hearing these words, Issac held her in his arms.

— If you allow me, I have an urgent matter to discuss with Issac.

Everyone noticed the scene where Issac was carrying Lillian in his arms, this way she could demonstrate their relationship to the nobles of the kingdom. They moved out of sight and Lillian whispered to Issac.

— We're out of their sight now, you can let me down.

— Better take her to her room. There may be someone watching us.

Issac carried Lillian into the bedroom in his arms. Soon, they arrived at the room, Lillian thanked him for the excellent performance. She sat on the couch, completely exhausted.

— I can't stand having to deal with these noble girls. They irritate me... "Even though I was like that once ."

— Princess Lillian, you spoke with such conviction that I believed you were being sincere.

— And I was being honest, I won't give you up so easily. You are my.... Ally.

For a moment, Issac was surprised, but when Lillian completed the sentence, he didn't understand why he had been discouraged. He was wondering if he wished Lillian had said something else.