
Escaping the Tragic Ending!

Lillian fled desperately, but was captured, her fate was the guillotine, but before her end, she woke up in her room. Was it all a dream or a reincarnation? However, she will need to gather strength to change her tragic end.

KazeYuki · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 2

Lillian had been poisoned after drinking tea, she was unconscious for 3 days. The culprit was one of the consorts of King Orion, her father, who out of envy had poisoned her, as Lillian is the only heir to the throne. The criminal had already been found and convicted. Lillian wasn't understanding her previous memories, they were all a little confused. The assistants were helping him get ready. Meanwhile, she was thoughtfully looking at herself in the mirror.

— "Was all that a dream? But it felt so real... I still remember the feeling of everyone's eyes watching me with contempt."

A sadness filled Lillian's chest, as she still remembered all the sensations, as if they had happened yesterday, she touched her neck, while she felt chills running down her spine.

Her assistants soon noticed the change, as Lillian was quieter and had not yet yelled at them or complained about anything. However, they thought that perhaps she was weak due to the effect of the poison.

Lillian is a very beautiful young woman with wavy, soft red hair and blue eyes. Many young women were jealous of Lillian, because in addition to having a high social status, she had an attractive and charming beauty.

After breakfast, she immediately returned to her room, saying she was going to rest. Some who worked close to Lillian soon noticed the change, as she did not appear to be the same person as before. Lillian was thinking, pacing back and forth in her room.

— "What if it's not a dream? If all that really happened! I need to write down all the details, because if it's a warning not to repeat these mistakes... I'll do everything I can to stay away from that outcome. It was a very long dream, I don't remember all the details, but I must not forget some important events."

Lillian wrote down all the details she remembered, she believes the dream was a warning not to go down that path and to do everything she could to avoid the terrible ending. That's why he decided to reflect on his attitudes and change the perspective of his thinking, drawing up a plan.

The first goal would be to improve her performance as a future ruler. All pending issues and studies that were late, she tried to catch up on them. This caught the King's attention, because despite the incident, she decided to change her perspective and become aware that she was the king's future heir. However, this immediately caught the attention of Duke Gideon, who soon found candidates for concubines so the princess could stay busy and take no interest in government affairs.

A few days later, at lunch time, the ladies-in-waiting returned and were excited.

— Princess Lillian, your 19th birthday is approaching. You will choose your first concubine.

— It seems that in the last invasion of the Lynx kingdom, they captured several worthy gentlemen and selected a few for you to choose from.

— "This system disgusts me! After the invasions, the kingdom destroys the main city and dominates the people or kills them. They capture the royalty of the losing kingdom, place a spell of submission on them and force them to be concubines. They make the person have a desire that they don't really have. From what I remember of the dream, I subjected several men to my control and made them obey my desires, humiliating them in the most diverse ways to show my superiority. This makes me want to remember. But, the first concubine if I remember..."



After lunch, the assistants brought two naked boys, they were very handsome with very athletic physiques. Lillian looked them both from head to toe. The assistant informed that one of them was the Prince of Lynx and the other was the knight who served him, they had both been captured in the last incursion by King Orion. They both had a wonderful body.

— I will choose the prince after all, I prefer someone from royalty, you can discard the other.

The prince begged them not to take the knight away. Well, he would be destined for slavery. While Lillian was just admiring the scene, she activated the submission magic and ordered the prince to remain silent. He couldn't speak and only tears ran from his eyes. 


Right after lunch, Lillian was in front of the scene she had just remembered. However, she did not recognize herself as the person she visualized in the dream or the person she was known to be through rumors. She stood before the prince and the knight and thought seriously about what she should do.

— "I can't let myself be intimidated, they need to keep thinking I'm the same, until I find a way to deal with this situation."

Lillian looked at the prince's face and remembered. He was one of those in the dream.

— "So, the dream was real! He was in the dream. He was someone who didn't harm me, so should I choose him and make him my ally? However... perhaps he won't accept such a proposal, especially after being humiliated."

Lillian reflected and then said pointing with the fan.

— I will choose the gentleman on the left.

Lillian pointed to the prince, the knight Izor was going to speak, but was interrupted by the guard who was escorting him, who struck him with the club. Then, Issac, the prince of Lynx knelt before Lillian.

—Please choose Knight Izor instead of me.

— Do you know the fate of those not chosen? — asked Lillian with a determined posture, placing the fan against Issac's chin.

— I know very well.

Knight Izor did not believe that Prince Issac would sacrifice himself to protect him. Those not chosen were most often used as slaves, subjected to deplorable living conditions. Lillian opened her fan and began to fan herself.

— I won't change my choice! However... The other boy will not be discarded... He will be my knight.

— Your Highness cannot choose a warrior from another country as your personal guard! — exclaimed one of the guards who was escorting Izor.

— He is subjected to submission magic, of course he will obey me! Or do you want me to waste such talent? Besides, who are you to give me orders, do you want me to cut off your head?

— It was not my intention, Your Highness.

The guard promptly bowed. Lillian walked over to her assistant and ordered, while looking closely at Issac.

— I want you to dress Prince Issac in the best clothes. Afterwards, bring him to my room. As for the knight, grant him a place to stay properly, then I will look for him.

All the staff were commenting that the princess was no different from King Orion, she had already chosen two concubines. The assistants dressed Prince Issac in a way that they themselves were impressed by.

Issac has an athletic build, as he was also a warrior. He is 20 years old, 1.83m tall, has blue eyes and silver hair.

Lillian was waiting for Issac so they could talk. Well, she needed to establish an alliance so that somehow she could survive, when Issac entered the room she looked at him from head to toe, noticing every detail, as the clothes he was wearing gave Issac a different atmosphere. She recognized that her assistants had done an excellent job, she looked away for a moment, but Issac approached and hugged her from behind.