
Escaping the Tragic Ending!

Lillian fled desperately, but was captured, her fate was the guillotine, but before her end, she woke up in her room. Was it all a dream or a reincarnation? However, she will need to gather strength to change her tragic end.

KazeYuki · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 15

Issac was impressed by Lillian's gift, he was curious to know if it was present in her future. Whether they would manage to free the people of Lynx.

— Lillian, was I present in that vision?

- He was.

Lillian spoke with a saddened look, paused and then spoke.

— I'm afraid you'll hate me when you find out.

- Do not worry.

Lillian felt she was comfortable talking, she needed to get this anguish out of her heart. And she said that in the dream, they were complete strangers, she was an evil and controlling queen. He had made countless people suffer. Issac walked over while Lillian was speaking and hugged her.

— The only Lillian I see is someone willing to change this terrible reality by helping the people around her. Decided, determined and benevolent. None of these characteristics seem to be the same as the person who described it to me.

Lillian hugged Issac tightly, as she was very afraid to reveal the truth, as she was afraid that Issac would despise her. Because, in her vision, she had only experienced loneliness and betrayal.

At night, Issac and Lillian were waiting for Killan, who was surprised by Issac's presence.

— So, you found the courage to tell him your secret!

— Killan, can you know the content of my dreams?

—Impossible, only if I had a magical artifact for that.

Killan explained what they were going to do, Lillian lay down and began a relaxation and meditation session. And he slept soundly.



Lillian was surrounded by men, but she didn't feel like her heart was filled. Then, a prince came to pay a diplomatic visit, he was the prince of the kingdom of Procyon. Lillian was quickly enchanted by his politeness, chivalry and kindness. She wanted him to be her concubine. So with Gideon's help. They made him drink an aphrodisiac and due to the effect of the potion, they spend the night together. Noah is extremely upset. With the help of Duke Gideon, they enforce a political marriage to reestablish diplomatic relations with the kingdom of Procyon after the king's death in their territory. Lillian fell in love with Prince Noah, but he didn't love her and didn't agree with the dictatorial government she exercised.

—Noah, I love you. Do not leave me. — Lillian said, as Noah moved further and further away from her, while tears ran down his eyes.


Killan had left for a moment when he returned he saw that Issac's expression was a little dark, he had heard Lillian's last speech. Issac became jealous, as he had heard from Lillian's lips that she loved someone else.

—What expression is that, Sir Issac?

- Answer me something? These people Lillian is dreaming of, will she meet them in the future?

- Probably yes. However, she can change her destiny little by little.

— "So, which path should I take to prevent Lillian from suffering?"


In the morning, Lillian reported that she had not dreamed anything different from her previous dreams.

— Maybe there is something you still need to do to change your destiny. — Killan said.

Lillian noticed during breakfast that Issac was quieter than on other days. And then he questioned him.

— Is there something worrying you, Issac?

— It's nothing, I'm just a little tired.

One of the assistants handed a letter to Lillian. She had received a letter from King Orion, informing her that he would like to hold a meeting. Lillian turned to Killan.

— Killan, I want you to accompany me to this meeting.