1 Chapter 1, Part 1

The youth stood on the thick branch of the Great Tree, the wind rustling through his fuchsia hair, like long blades of shoga, in maroon fields. The blue sun slowly set into the orange horizon. Black clouds drifted in the white night sky, accompanied by black stars. A storm of dragoni flew above the Great Tree in a V-pattern, riding the wind as the young boy watched from below. Smiling, the boy sighed before climbing back down to the forest floor.

As the fairylights danced around him, the youth laughed with glee, spinning around and around, his grey sack dress twirling around his thighs. The joyful song of the fairylights was grand, and the youth danced to the beat like flowing water. Swinging from foot to foot, leaping and spinning into the air, then landing back on his toes. His laughter could be heard throughout the forest, and tickling those great orange leaves.

The dance carried on for an hour before the boy heard his name, boldly presenting itself against the music. Halting, he turned to make sure he heard the sound correctly, not wanting to stop the fun, but alas, the youth had heard true.

"Moro," called the voice, "It's time for Iwai!"

The youth smiled, it seemed he didn't have to stop the fun after all. The boy waved back to the fairylights as he ran through and out of the forest, and rolled down the hill to the cottage. His adopted mother, or hapu, was there smiling, waiting for him.

Patting his head when the young boy ran to hug her, his hapu spoke softly, "Come, Erewyn, you don't want to miss this."

Erewyn smiled, tan skin glowing as he held his hapu's hand. This was the first time participating in Iwai since the death of his parents twelve years ago. He couldn't wait to see all the food, and the dances the adults would do. Sure, his friends had told him stories of Iwae they had gone to, but he'd never known or remembered what it was like to participate.

The cottage was tall and brown, and you wouldn't have known anything was being celebrated until you went around to the back. Forty to fifty people had already started to dance and sing, music being played by the eldest children on paiu. The local satyr herd had joined the celebration, jumping and clicking their hooves to the beat. The sun had finally set, and the white sky was illuminated by red and yellow candlelight. A long banquet table stood against the back of the cottage, adorned with different loaves of bread, cheeses, fruits, and desserts. Erewyn nearly drooled when he saw it.

Erewyn's hapu stopped when she realized the boy had stopped walking. Turning to see why she took one glance at his starstruck face peering at the banquet table and laughed. "Come, we eat after the dance." The youth sulked a bit but perked up again when he saw his friends. Before he ran off, his hapu pulled him over to the side of the cottage. The woman kneeled so that now Erewyn was looking down at her. "Now," she spoke as she fixed his sack dress, "this is your chance to impress someone. Iwai may be in celebration of winter, but young children are often looking for a young mate around this time." She winked, smiling. Erewyn rolled his eyes, not disgusted, but embarrassed. "I know Hapu, but I'd rather wait until spring." The woman frowned a bit but then smiled. Ruffling his hair, she pushed the boy away and watched as he ran to his friends. Her little one was growing up, as she was getting older. Erewyn may not be her bloodling, but watching him with his friends still made her sad.

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