

"I will be rooting for you, but don't expect me to be waiting for you." Lienna Taylor, a nineteen-year-old, goes through a heartbreaking breakup after four long, lovely years in a relationship with Sam Christian, a 20-year-old handsome heir of one of the four families known as The Royals. Do you know about waiting? Waiting is timeless, painful, and unpredictable. Despite their unimaginable connection, their bond was ephemeral, lasting just a short while. To encapsulate their unique love story in two words: Ephemeral Eternity. It's intense because it's love. After meticulously addressing every obstacle, they are still apart. Will fate weave their stories together again, or is there love destined to be just a fleeting, ephemeral moment?

sus_gurl · Urban
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31 Chs



"I am really sorry for being so late." I say entering in the room, wearing a black plain tee and gray straight jeans. The guest turns to me, and I pause in my way.

"Max....?" I am not even sure my voice was heard by him.

"I almost thought I came to the wrong house when I saw a girl here."

I don't know how to react or what to say. I am completely baffled by his presence here out of nowhere.

"She seems...familiar. And not gonna lie, she is kinda hot."

I fist my hands and come back to my senses hearing him talk shamelessly.

"Shut up. Why are you here? How did you even get the address?"

He smirks and makes himself comfortable by sitting on the couch. He looks like he came here for some business meeting judging by his formal office attire. But again, Max is a businessman so maybe he came here after attending a meeting. Whatever it is, why is he here?

"It wasn't that hard now that you are so successful yourself. And of course, I am a successful businessman. Nothing is impossible for me. Even if it is to find you or that girl, what's her name again? Ah, yes...Lienna Taylor."

"Don't take her name from your mouth. And get lost."

"Well now that's not very nice of you, is it." I clench my jaw and it takes all my patience to not punch him across the face and drag him out of our house.

"Sam...how could you forget where you belong huh?"

"I belong right here, and you do not. So, get the fuck out when I am still being nice."

"Is it because of her? Now that she is back, you will again go against us?!" He yells but it doesn't faze me in the least.

"She never went away. She has always been here. I don't want to have any connection with you or them and I think I was quite clear about it."

"We are your true family, Sam. I am your brother. And she is just another girl. How can you abandon us for her? Is it because she is that pretty? Oh c'mon, I will give you hundreds of prettier girls."

"Fucking shut up before I lose it! She is my wife! She is the only one who matters to me do you understand?! I am trying to be nice right now because she is here, get the fuck out, or else I won't care who you are."

"Alright then." He says and gets up. He takes steps toward me and stops just in front of me. Despite being a little shorter than me he holds his firm gaze.

"Looks like we will have to do more than just burn her this time. She is a lucky one, she fucking survived that time but not again."

My breath gets stuck in my throat and my eyes widen. No....no...he didn't....they didn't. They didn't go that far...they couldn't have.

"Oh, what did you think? That was an accident?" He laughs as if something is really funny.

"That was all planned by our parents, Sam. They were angry that you left us for her. You know how far our parents can go to eradicate the cause once and forever right? But she sure is a lucky bitch."

I lose my self-control and punch Max hard across his face. He groans as he stumbles back from the impact.

"Goddamn it, Sam!" He yells while holding his bloody nose.

"I will not leave you all! I swear I will make you regret that!"

"Come back to where you belong before she suffers more. You know, we will never harm you. We need you to control the business. But we will not hesitate to remove anyone who becomes a distraction to you. Even if it's your so-called wife. You are my little brother, Sam, I don't want to hurt you so come back before she suffers. You have a week to decide; her life or her death." I know he is mocking me. This bastard will do anything that will hurt me.

I am going mad with anger and all I want to do is kill him and my so-called goddamn family this instant. I never did anything to harm them, I never did anything against their will while growing up. I was always their little puppet and the only thing I asked from them was to accept Lienna. But they didn't and that left me with no option but to build myself, so I won't be vulnerable, so she won't be vulnerable. I was even ready to take control of the business I never wanted, if they would accept her but their fucking rich ego was too much, and they left me no choice but to go my own way. And now, they are back? Back to fucking ruin it all? And the accident...it wasn't an accident. Oh my god, I don't know how I will face Lien after this. What will I say to her? How will I be able to look into her pure innocent eyes knowing the fire wasn't an accident? But was a plan set up by my cruel family.

"See you in a week, brother." He says and leaves. Well, good, if he stayed a second longer, I am afraid I would have killed him for real.

I am shaking with anger as I feel like killing everyone in this world if that's what it takes to keep her safe, to feel less guilty, and to be able to ask her for forgiveness.
