
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 (Reboot)

A/N: This is my interpretation of Pucci. Don't bash me ples. Also, I added slice of life. Was that the right call?


"Summer! I was so worried about you!" She gave her a tearful hug. She puts Summer's head in-between her bossom which made it hard for her to breathe as she looked like she was struggling to get out.

"M-m-mom! I Can't! Br- breathe!" She said trying to gasp for air, It was crazy how her mother could suffocate someone just from her breasts alone.

"Oh! I'm sorry Summer, I wasn't paying attention." She said as she let's go of Summer and turns around to her husband to see a stranger.

She hadn't seen many people because of their village living in seclusion. However this man was weird because why does his hair connected to his eyebrows and eyes. But it didn't really bothered her as she just finds it weird and nothing else. What really made her interested was his eye, It was the shape of a shining diamond.

When she saw that scar however, she thought he was a pitiful priest since he is half blind. "Umm... Excuse me, Who are you?" She tilts her head in a cute yet confusing manner.

"Oh right! Honey, this is Enrico Pucci. He is a wandering priest. I wanted him to live with us for the time being as a thanks so that he can get himself back up again. He had his belongings stolen by bandits, but luckily escaped with his life."

"As he was wandering in the forest scavenging for food he found Summer with a sprained ankle. He helped carry Summer all the way near the outer perimeters of our village."

"Oh my! I thank you Father for helping our daughter. I had feared for the worst if she ever encountered a Grimm in that forest. Please, let us give you a roof over your head for the time being." She bows her head down.

This was something Enrico had never experienced before. In all of his life he always had enemies, he couldn't trust anyone except Dio and himself. He had never seen strangers trusting and accepting him this fast before. Sure he had save their daughter, but couldn't they atleast be wary of him even just a little bit? All of the people in this hidden village were that way except for this family. Were they just different from the others?

"Please call me Enrico instead. Besides, its only natural for me to help someone in distress."

"I see, In that case I'll just call you Enrico. My name Scarlet Rose, pleasure to meet you. please come in our house." She said as she and her family went in.

"Ah right! Scarlet I'll be right back. Gotta fetch some ointment from the doc so that I can use it on Summer's ankle." Sieg said as he handed Summer to Scarlet so that she could carry her.

"Okay~ Be safe out there. Be sure to give him my regards." She said as she waved him goodbye.

"Alrighty, I'll be back in 30 Minutes. You need me to fetch anything?" He said as he turns back towards Scarlet.

"Yeah, we're running out of eggs and vegetables. Other than that, please inform the mayor of our guest here. We'll need him to find some jobs to earn some lien seeing that he doesn't have any."

"Got it! I'll be back then. Love ya Scarlet, Summer." He said as he ran of to do his task.

"What a lucky woman you are Scarlet. To have such a dependable husband because in all my life I have never seen someone showing that much kindness to a stranger like me." Except Dio.

"Thank you Enrico, now let's get you set up shall we? We have a guest bed room on the second floor, follow me." She said as she puts Summer down on their couch in the living room.

The living room was connected to the kitchen, which was visible if you sat down in the living room. Other than that, the kitchen that is connected to the living room has a wall which separates them and the wall is use as a counter for dining because it has a window to the kitchen.

The thing that caught Enrico's eye(s) was that the house was coloured theme red but not alot of red to the point it became an abnormal house, like someone who is addicted to the colour red.

Their house wasn't too big nor to small, so the house would never feel to big for 4 people but just enough to have a homey feel.

When they went upstairs, Scarlet left Summer on her own so that she could watch her cartoons on TV. It didn't help that like any other male Enrico had to look down on the stairs to avoid staring at her butt.

'Hmm this stairs looking mad stairy today.' What a great man Enrico is.

Fortunately it didn't take more than 10 seconds climbing up the flight of stairs.

When they arrived on the second floor there are 5 doors. He assumes that 2 of the rooms are occupied by Scarlet and her family while another is for the bathroom. While another is for guests, but he didn't know the other one was for.

"This is where we sleep, at the end of the corridor is Sieg's and my room. On our right near our room is Summer's and the toilet. On the our left are the guests room." She said as she leads Enrico to the guest room near her's.

She opens the door and surprisingly, it was clean. No dust or anything.

'Looks like this room was kept clean this whole time.' Enrico thought to himself.

"This will be your room for the time being. You should be able to get a job to earn some liens so that you can buy some necessities and clothing after Sieg informs the mayor of your predicament. But for now, we'll provide you everything you need." She said with a kind smile.

"I thank you Scarlet. Although I am indebted to you, it wouldn't take me long to get out of your hair soon and be self dependent."

"Don't worry about it Enrico, You've already saved our daughter from that Forest. The least we could do is give you a place to stay and give you something ."

"In that case, do you have some books? History books and books about Grimms? I find them interesting to read." Enrico needed this books as they hold crucial information about this world and he couldn't outright ask them since that would raise suspicion.

"We actually have some laying around unused after some time. Let me get them for you, so why don't you get some rest first."

"Thank you Scarlet, I am quite tired right now."

"Have a nice rest Enrico. We'll call you downstairs for dinner." She said as she closed the door behind her.

"Fuh... What do I do now..." Enrico said as he sits on the bed. It was quite comfortable, not to soft nor to hard. The spring of the bed is just right for him.

'I... Don't know what to do... Why am I still alive... I have already reached heaven just like I wanted but... I feel empty. I feel like I have no purpose...' Enrico pondered to himself, unsure of what he would do next in this life. He has no enemies to worry nor goals to pursue.

The best thing he could do in this world is survive like any other of it's inhabitants and be content with it. But Enrico wasn't any normal human for that matter, not even humans of this world even if they have supernatural abilities and strength. He was someone who stood at the pinnacle of all humans, he could claim to be one because he had the power to back it up. He had the ability to control one of the fundamental forces of the universe, the gravitational rotation.

Although he has reached the zenith, he has no purpose in life. How is that different someone dead? Both serve no purpose in life. What purpose does his power serve other than helping humans with their happiness. Just like Emporio said, to see one's future and know the outcome of your life is not happiness.

Perhaps he had been to absorbed with his own fantasy, too narrow minded to see things clearly. Thinking he was the messiah for humanity, thinking he was the chosen one, thinking he was the one who should guide humanity. Clearly he was not, gravity had declared that he will die in that room and to be executed by his enemy.

Enrico sighs as he lays down on his new bed as he looks up at the ceiling. 'Maybe I should get some close eye...' he thought to himself as he counts the prime numbers to calms himself and drift of to sleep.

[Back at the Living Room]

Summer was grounded, her mother refuses to give her cookies. Yep, you heard it right. She was stripped of her cookies privilege.

"No cookies for a week." Gravity and her mother declared she would not receive even a single crust of cookies. No more chocolate chips cookie.

She was sad but also happy because her saviour will be living with them for some time. Maybe he would play with her to distract her of her punishment.

'How can I survive without eating cookies... Wait! Maybe I could ask Mister Enrico to buy me some! Yes, yes... this is a foolproof plan.' She thought with an evil look as she rubs both of her hand together.

'There's no way mom will find out... Muahahahahaha.'

"What are you thinking about Summer?" Scarlet said with a not so friendly smile. It sent shivers down her spine thinking that her plan had been discovered by her mother.

"U-Uuuuh nothing! I'm just thinking about what you're gonna cook for dinner." She said as she shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

"Is that so..." Scarlet narrows her eyes on Summer as she looks at her with suspicion.

"I'm back!" Sieg shouts as he brought back some groceries and ointment for Summer's ankle.

'Fuh... You are my saviour dad.' She sighs in relief something that Scarlet notice and took note on.

"Welcome back honey. So, how what about Enrico's situation when you explained it to the mayor?"

"Well as far as I'm concerned, he's still pretty suspicious of Enrico but he'll said that he will help him in getting a job. So that's a plus."

What that translates to is, 'We are going to keep a closer eyes on him.'

"I see... It's going to take a while before the folks here accept him. I mean, he didn't give off any bad impression. I just hope he'll fit in later on." She said while thinking about Enrico pitifully before continuing. "Now Sieg come and help me with dinner."

"Hehe yes ma'am!" He gave her a salute. Before helping her he would have to take off all of his gear and take a bath to wash off all the dirt he had on him.

[Enrico's Room]

'How long has it been since I've last slept without worry?' Enrico woke up as he thought to himself

'It's been too long for me to even remember. Too many times I've had sleepless nights since Dio's death. It didn't matter how strong or cunning I was... Eventually I will also die like Dio... It made me scared... For the first time in my life I felt scared of death and Emporio was also the one who released me from my fears...' He thought to himself as he looks at his right hand.

Enrico got up from his bed and sits at the edge of it. "Made In Heaven..." He whispers to himself calling out his stand.

Using the power to manipulate the gravitational force, Enrico slowly compresses the gravity turning it into a black hole but it didn't try destroy or suck anything in the room. It was just floating there on his right index finger. He has the power to manipulate it, he had dictated that the black hole won't suck anything.

Seeing that there was no purpose for the black hole to exist, he dismissed it as if it never existed in the first place.

'So much potential when it involves one of the fundamental forces of the universe.' He pondered before his thoughts was interrupted by the knock on his door and Summer's voice.

"Mister Enrico! Dinner's ready! Mom made some chicken and rice for dinner." She said with her cute little voice.

"I'll be right there Summer, give me a minute." Enrico said as he got up from his bed, he the notices that it was already nighttime and decided to look out the window.

When he looked up at the moon he was shocked to see that half of the moon was destroyed, it's parts were floating in space. He didn't know if it was the work of a huge meteor or some powerful entity but he was afraid. Again... in less than a day arriving in this world Enrico felt afraid again.

But he quickly dismissed that feeling as he looks at his hand again. He slowly raises his hand reach out to the moon and made a crushing motion as if he wants to put the moon back together. He didn't know why he did this but it was out of pure instinct as if gravity wanted it to happen.

Made In Heaven was instinctively summoned as it too made the same movement as Enrico. Why was the question. Why was he doing it. He didn't know.

The moon was slowly put back together as Enrico made the gravitational force in the middle of the moon strong enough do that it can be put back together.

Everyone in remnant who looked up into the sky was shocked, many decided to take out their devices and started recording. Scrolls didn't exist in their time yet since this was many years before the canon.

Slowly but surely the moon was put back together, piece by piece as everyone was awed and shocked by this phenomenon, especially two people.

These two people are the oldest living being that is still alive even if a thousand years had passed. They were unparalleled in both magic and knowledge as they had lived for so long. To see the moon being put back together alerted them because they feared for the worst.

"Mister Enrico? Are you there?" Summer called out again which broke him out of his stupor. He didn't know what happened, what compelled him to do such thing. But he knew there was no turning back, he knew that someone must've noticed what had happened to the moon.

"A-ah yes Summer, I'm coming now." He knew there was nothing he could do to reverse such thing. Even if he did reverse the universe, organic life are unaffected by his time ability.

He didn't want to make Summer wait any longer since that would make Summer suspect something. 'What just happened? Why did I do that?' Enrico couldn't explain his actions, it was stupid of him to do it, it was something even he could not explained because his mind went blank.

Enrico opens the door to see Summer was waiting for him. "What took you so long Mister Enrico?" She tilts her head in a cute manner.

"I was admiring the moon Summer." He gave her a soft smile as if nothing had happened.

"The moon is very beautiful Mister Enrico, maybe we can watch it together!" She gave him a wide smile.

Which in response he took her in his arms and carries her as they walked down stair. "Maybe some day Summer, but not today. We'll watch it together tomorrow because today your mother must've made a special dinner."

"Okay! But you have to pinky promise me! It means that you can't break your promise." She said with a serious look or so she thought, because to Enrico she looked very cute.

"Then let's pinky promise. I promise we'll watch the night sky together." He said as he gave her his finger and kindly smiles at her. He started to grow fond of this child, and at that moment something also grew in his cold heart.

That thing was but a spark in a cold dark place in his heart, yet even something like a spark would grow and melt away his cold heart. He didn't like this feeling, yet he also didn't outright put that spark out. He felt comfortable yet uncomfortable of it. It was a weird feeling for him as he had spent all of his life making enemies instead of relationships. He had no friends except Dio and no family as he cuts of his ties with them when his sister died.

'This is a weird feeling... but it feels like I found something that was lost to me...' He thought to himself as he sat down on a chair at the dining table.

Although he felt something was coming back to him, he still felt that didn't have a purpose yet. So he was still searching for, but not actively as he had made a promise to Summer first.

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.