

"Where are they?" Morgan asked the nurse at the reception area.

"They're in the VVIP room, miss Morgan" responded the nurse. She avoided eye contact with the young miss. She can't bear to tell her the truth...

Entering the room, Morgan immediately saw a body already covered by a white blanket. She stopped thinking then. But one thing for sure was that she was scared. She was very scared. She didn't want to lose anyone. She was rooted on the spot.

"Morgan" Alex called her.

Only did she turn around. The room was gloomy. The ambience was somber.

Seeing Alex near the door with red-rimmed eyes, she scanned the rest of the room. Near the hospital bed was Mason with his hands on his head, unmoving. He didn't even look up at her. She further scanned the room, sitting on floor with his back on the wall was Liam with tears silently falling down his face. Liam was her other bestfriend. The only person not accounted for was Brienne. Where is she? She turned her attention back to the bed. A person's body can be clearly outlined from behind the white cover.

"Where is she? Where is Brienne? Is she okay? She's okay right? She has to be..." Morgan asked no one in particular. Alex stride towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Alex" whispered Morgan.

"I'm so sorry, Morgan. The doctors did everything they could" Alex quietly said.

"No no no no no that can't be Brienne. She's okay... she's fine... we were to go shopping tomorrow" Morgan choked. "THAT CAN'T BE HER. IT'S NOT HER!"

Morgan squeezed out of Alex's embrace and walked slowly towards the bed. She stood there for a few minutes without moving then suddenly ripped off the blanket.

On the bed lay Brienne. Ghastly pale. Wounds that had been stitched up can be seen all over her. She laid unmoving. Not even a small rise and fall of her chest indicating the she is still breathing can be seen. Nothing. She's really gone... The feeling was so suffocating she wanted to join Brienne.

A single tear fell from her eyes. Followed by another and then another. Her body started shaking, her heart beat furiously, she stood beside the bed unblinking just looking at her friend for God knows how long.

The room was so quiet. No one made a sound. She raised her hand to touch Brienne's beautiful face. Her face was unbelievably cold. It chilled her to the bones. She kissed her forehead, then softly whispered to her, "I'm so sorry Brienne... I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you. I'm sorry I wasn't there at your last moment. But I'm angry too. So angry. How can you leave me just like that huh? We had plans. You had plans. You have dreams to fulfill... you were going to be my maid of honor in the future... the godmother of my kids. How can you be gone?"

The guys looked at the painful scene. Morgan did not wail. She didn't even sobbed. She just quietly cried. But one can see the immeasurable pain in her eyes. It was unbearable to look at them.

Then, Morgan stood upright. She stilled for a moment and faced them.

"Did you call her parents?" Morgan asked.

"Not yet. We don't know how to deliver the news" Liam answered.

"I'll handle it then. Any update from the police?"

"They're still investigating." This time it was Mason who answered.

"I see. What's the cause of death anyway?" Morgan questioned again.

"Internal hemorrhage. The impact of the crash was too strong. She can't be saved" Alex answered.

Morgan was asking questions and responding perfunctorily, it was eerie.

"So what happened?" Morgan finally asked.

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