
Why does this keeps on happening

As the Winter comes , the longer the night becomes. The cold air that touches the skin which makes the dream more peaceful than anything. But it wasn't same for amela .

Amela begin to see beautiful creatures aswell as the creatures who sometimes predicted her future in her dream . As a child it was fun to watch but when she told her mother about her dream when she was only seven.

Her mother whose name was lucy said " Don't be silly and it's just a dream ." That sentence really touched amela very much.

Amela said with shaking voice "Mamma I'm saying the truth. The thing those creatures had said are true. They had predicted that sister was going to be ill and later she was very ill ".

When her mother heard what amela had to say . She quickly told amela to stop using her sister as an excuse and told her to not say that kind of things. Than Lucy left to take care of her sister Luna .

Later as Amela closed her eyes she saw her father dying right before her eyes . She suddenly woke up in the night and ran as fast as she could . She kept on shouting her mom's name all over the house .

When lucy came out of her room ,amela told her "dad's gonna die we have to hurry."

Lucy starts to think amela was spouting again. She she told amela to go on and sleep. But on other hand amela couldn't sleep . She only keep on watching the clock and said "why does this keeps on happening to me only? Why do I have to carry the guilt of not saving my dad ? Why god , Why?"

Amela started to have breakdown and ends up crying all night . The next morning as everyone wakes up like they always do . They got a phone call saying that Mr Cooper was dead . Lucy cry her sold out .

She couldn't find anyone to talk out the frustration . So she blamed amela for what was happening and she her witch.

Amela said" Mother I'd told you what was going to happened but it was you who hadn't believed me ".

lucy was very mad so she slapped amela infront of her father's funeral....

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