
Chapter 21: Derek Leaves

After an hour or so, Kiel saw Awenasa returning back with a stupid look on her face.

"Hehe things didn't work out too well." Ena struck her tongue out cutely.

"What happened Aunt?" Kiel was confused.

"Your father is not in the mood for any new ideas now. He is busy  making the mace for someone in the provincial government. He told me that if we can't complete the order given to us, then we can forget about new profits. "

"It seems I was too excited over your idea. We will think about it further after we finish our current project." Awenasa said sadly, as she was not able to use the brilliant idea as soon as possible.

"Come lets have our meal. Your father will be arriving soon."


Kiel and Awenasa had their meal together. Then as Derek came, Kiel waved at Ena and went back  with his father, hand in hand to their home. While walking, Derek even praised him for his ideas. Although Derek knew how deep his current situation was, he just couldn't treat his own son badly.

After returning home, Agatha was also cheerful hearing about her son's ideas. She was full of pride and planned to boast about it to the village ladies.

They planned to celebrate a little, his ideas. Kiel didn't go out of their house much, neither did he mix with the village kids, so he had no friends. He played only with his sisters at home. The family thus celebrated a little with home made sweets within themselves, without inviting anyone else.

Kiel saw how excited his sisters were because of the sweets, so he  shared some with them too. After all the enjoying, Kiel dropped down on his bed exhausted. Then remembering he had to meditate, he was even more frustrated. He just practiced for a bit and then fell asleep, as he had no more energy left.

(A/N: He is just mentally exhausted. No lifeforce crisis)

The next morning was as regular as possible for Kiel. Waking up, brushing teeth, practicing the sword, training chakra, having his breakfast and then going to the smithy with his father. Everything went on as usual.

Reaching the Smithy, Derek went to the inner smithy to work, while Kiel was outer smithy to not disturb his father and practice on himself.

Taking out his own hammer and striking agilely a metal piece at two corners as usual, wanting to bend the metal. Although he still couldn't bend any metal properly yet, he still continued to hammer the metal piece diligently

Meanwhile there was a serious conversation going inside the smithy.

"Derek, no this is not working at all. We thought that by adding Adamantine to the alloyed mace would improve its durability. The durability has increased, but now there is no swiftness to the mace."

Remmy said irritated.

"What can we do?? The order this time is tricky. We are trying right! Although it is a big catch, but how can we add both durability and flexibility to the mace at the same time?? The mace in itself is not a flexible weapon. And normal defence is not enough for this order. What can we even do??"

Derek had already had a big headache for a few days. No matter what they tried, they never came up with a solution and the three months time limit was also approaching. If they could complete this order, they could get a two year contract with the Provincial government. It would bring them new chances of business in the province and may even help expand their smithy.

Three months ago, there was an announcement in the provincial capital, that whoever could make a level 2 mace- heavy, durable and flexible all at the same time, would be given a two year contract to work with the government. This attracted lots of attention in the surrounding towns and villages. When Derek heard about it, he was also affected by the news.

It was almost like a god given opportunity.  So Derek had invested his everything in this project. He knew he had taken a big gamble on this. But as a blacksmith, he knew he had reached his bottleneck and this small village held no more chances for him. If he got more resources and opportunities, maybe he could surpass himself and advance to a level 3 blacksmith. And maybe even a master smith. So he took a big gamble knowing it's risk. Because he knew, if he wanted to reach his dreams, he had to take this risk.

"Well how about we forget this one. If we can't do it, let's forget about it.. " even Awenasa joined in with them in the smithy. Today all of them had assembled together to discuss the grave issue.

"No can't do. This is my only opportunity to advance. If I can't make use of this, then I have to stay in this small place forever. Furthermore, I had bet everything on this. I can't just abort the project halfway"

Awenasa sighed. She knew Derek had big ambitions, but she couldn't do anything about it. He was the only level 2 blacksmith in the surrounding villages and towns, and was well renowned in most villages. But that only pertained to the villages. In the capital city, he was just a level 2 blacksmith, that's all. If even those city smiths, could not come up with any ideas, then he was just dreaming.

As she planned to dissuade him again, suddenly her eyes lit up.

"I know… how about we ask Kiel about it. He may be able to give us some new ideas." she suggested.

"Pfft…. He is just a kid that just started smithing. What will he know about it!!" Remmy, who was silent till now,  just laughed off the idea.

"Who knows… maybe he can come up with something new. He did come up with the idea of dryer seeing my Amet!!" Awenasa argued irritated.

"But that and this are two different things." Remmy didn't want to back down too.

"Alright! Both of you, stop your blubbering. Lets see if he can come up with anything better."

"But… Fine call him!" Remmy didn't believe that the little kid could do something about it, but seeing the other two agree, he couldn't do anything about it.

"Kiel come here."

In the outer smithy, a thud thud sound was echoing. Kiel was doing his regular hammer practice.

Hearing Aunt Ena call him like that, he stopped his practice and came out.

"What is it Aunt Ena??"

"Kiel we want to ask you a question to see how creative you can be in smithing. This is a necessary trait for every blacksmith. So are you ready??" Derek explained wanting to hide his embarrassment.

Kiel could see that the atmosphere was tense somehow.  But didn't know what was happening. Yet hearing about a challenge, Kiel was excited as always.  So he forgot about the atmosphere.

"All right papa. Ask away."

"Hmm... you know about maces right??"

Seeing his son nodding, Derek continued "Then you must know that maces specialise in blunt force."


"Alright! Now here's the question, if you know that maces are used for delivering heavy blows, then if you further strengthen the heaviness of the weapon, how would you make it flexible?? And by flexible you have to ensure that it can attack delivering it's heavy blow, but still may have swiftness to it!!"

Kiel listened to his father's question attentively. After that, he considered the topic diligently. Although he had never made any cold weapons before, he had studied enough weapons to make his shields perfect. He searched his scientific memories, and even combined his novel memories to reach a conclusion.

But while he was deep in thought, the people around him were getting more and more nervous.

Thinking for a few minutes, Kiel had an idea. He had seen such a weapon in many of his novels before. Then he thought about the science behind it, finally arriving at a conclusion.

"Papa, how about making the head and body separately?? The body must be strengthened to reach the needed durability. The head can then be made more attack oriented."

Until now, they all came to the same conclusion. It did add swiftness to the weapon, but it didn't make it more flexible. But seeing that the little boy  could come up with the same thing with just a little thinking, while they came up with it after experimenting so much, even Remmy was intrigued somehow.

Seeing that he had not finished his explanation, they waited for him to continue.

"Then instead of directly attaching the head and the body directly, we should attach it by a chain. The chain should be able to expand and contract at will. This will add flexibility along with swiftness to the weapon. Further, to make the weapon more aerodynamic, small fins could be added to the tail base. This will make the air drag around the weapon less, improving its efficiency. How is it dad? How did I do?"

After hearing the explanation, all of them were stunned. They never thought about it in this way. Although it was quite simple on the outside, but each part seemed to complement each other.

"Kiel what is air drag and aerodynamics" Although they understood what he said, but they still couldn't catch up his last words.

Kiel was stunned. He forgot that he was not a scientist in his previous world anymore and had become a little kid in the new world. He thought he would be praised again. But seeing everyone's reaction, he understood that he did something over the top.

"They… they… are from one of the story books that I read. It sounded cool, so I added them here hehe..."

Although Ena was not convinced, she couldn't think how a three years old kid would talk about new words. So she just put it in the back of her mind.

"Well Kiel I like your idea. It's good. Very good. You passed"

"So Dad, can I use the furnace now?"

"About that, we will talk about it later."

"Just focus on bending a metal first." Derek replied dismissively.

Kiel, however was a little disappointed hearing it, but still managed to recover himself.

"Alright dad."

The next few days passed peacefully. Kiel could see his dad working out even more and Aunt Ena would be busy preparing for runes.

A few days later Kiel saw his dad and Remmy shouting inside the smithy.

"It's done. And it feels really amazing. Both durability and flexibility to a mace… is actually possible! "It was Remmy's voice.

Both of them seemed too happy. Derek had used his everything for this project. If he was successful in this one, he could achieve everything. If he lost… well he didn't want to think about it.

"Papa! Finally your project is completed"

"Ya and it is within the timeline too"

"Oh Derek!  It is even a level two weapon. Congratulations. "

Awenasa looked at Remmy enthusiastically swinging the weapon. Seeing the weapon's lustre and mana channeling capability, Awenasa figured out the grade of the weapon. She knew Derek could make level 2 weapons, but he had a very low probability of making them. So seeing one in reality, she was also happy for her friend.

" Yah Awenasa! But it couldn't be successful without your support too. "

Derek was overjoyed by his success.

"So when will you go to the city to present your new weapon?" Ena asked.

"As soon as possible. The deadline will end next week. So have to go to the city early. When I reach my destination, I will leave the smithy to you and Remmy"

"Alright! You can leave everything here to me. Go focus on the deal without any problem"

Kiel could see a grey shiny mace being held by Remmy, who was swinging it to see its durability and swiftness. Kiel could even see when Remmy channeled his mana into it, it became even faster and suddenly the blunt head separated and thrust forward. When Remmy pulled back the body, the chains came back and the head joined with the body again.

Kiel was dumbstruck. 'Isn't this my design?'

Seemingly guessing what his son was thinking, Derek looked at him and smiled. "You are right! This is your idea. Without you it would have been impossible. I'm proud of you son"

And from behind he was tightly hugged by Awenasa

"Knew it, my little Kiel is a genius."

Kiel was so surprised that even after a long time after being released, he was still dazed. After knowing this was a level 2 weapon, he really wanted to know all about weapon grades, cultivation levels and so on, but he knew no one would tell him anything now. He had to wait for a few years and grow up first.


"Well I will be back after a month with good news."

Derek said with enthusiasm. It would take a week to reach the capital city by carriage, and the same time to return. So Derek was sure in a month he could get the project.

"See you dear. Have a nice trip."

"Bye-bye dad. Best of luck."

"Bye Kiel. Bye Honey!"

And Derek turned ahead, holding a big weapon wrapped in a cloth. He started his journey for his dreams.

Well sorry for the unstable update last week. This week I will be back to stable updates.

Enjoy this one.

Krizzeircreators' thoughts
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