
Chapter 19: The Guild Master and Resuretia

Guild Master(?): "As the Guild Master of Florensia Town, I welcome you, Hans. Or should I say, Black Sheep?"

H: "…"

GM: "What's wrong, young'un? Is there some problem, eh?"

Lu: "Ahem. Hans."

H: "… Ah."

My mind froze from the unexpected information that just passed through my brain circuits. I returned to reality after I felt a tap on my shoulder from Lucia.

H: "It's nothing. Forgive my rudeness, Guild Master."

I immediately bowed once again to express my apology.

But still… To think that this is the Guild Master…

The person in front of me is a little girl, dressed in a frilly dress, designed with black motif with violet laces tied into a ribbon from here and there. She wears a really small hat like a hair accessory with laces and frills on its edges. Her hair, along with her bangs are pulled behind securely with two big violet ribbons, tied partway into a twin-tail. Though her hair is black and dark as it may seem, the rolls from her twin-tails shine from the lights around the room. And all the while she holds a folded elegant fan with her right hand as she seats with her legs crossed.

The slightly dim white light from the chandelier reflects her pale snow-like skin. If she didn't talk to me just earlier, I would've thought she was just a doll, matching the antique atmosphere inside the Guild Master's office.

GM: "No harm taken, young'un. Raise your head."

Her way of talking is so mellow and soft like an aged woman but still as lascivious voice as a mature lady. Yet her face is only that of a child, like an innocent student just entering middle school. Not just her face but also her body that seems only know light workout. Her petit body fails in comparison to Lucia's womanly proportions. Her lips that is now curled up into a smile, painted in a deep red, betrays the innocence of her body structure.

H: "Thank you very much."

I know my place here and I've already calculated everything in my head so I could stay composed even after this sudden reveal. I always make sure to stay compose at every sudden occurrence most importantly in a battlefield. That way, I can assess everything in an organized manner that may help me in coming up with a better solution.

After arriving to this world, surprises became the norm for me and getting used to them takes a lot of energy in me. New information like magic and stuff catch me off guard from time to time but this time, even with this kind of surprise, I'm confident in myself that I could take it easily.

Though I can't deny that my mind froze for a bit. I hope there's a skill out there that may help me with this kinds of situations.

Lu: "*whisper* I know what you're thinking, Hans. But please, this is the Guild Master. I hope you would be more careful with speaking with her."

H: "*thumbs up* Don't worry, Lucia."

Lu: "*whisper* … I'm getting worried… *sigh*"

After showing my reassuring thumbs up to Lucia, I once again face the Guild Master. But then again, no matter how much I look at her, she's really a Goth loli.

But no. I'm done with the surprises of this world. If I just talk with her without thinking much, I'm sure I won't be surprised anymore by what she will do or say.


Don't think, feel!

Come on! Come whenever you want!

GM: "Young'un."

H: "Yes!"

GM: "Want to have sex with me~?"

H: "YES! ... Ah."

Lu: "*face palm* *sigh* … Just after I told him to be more careful…"

Not good, not good. It seems like got into it too much. I forgot to analyze the Guild Master's words first before replying.

GM: "Oh~ Is that so. I see, I see. Do you want to look for another place? Or do you want to do it here with the others watching? You are quite risky, eh young'un?""

Saying that, she placed her pinky finger on her lips seductively.

H: "Ah. Forgive my rudeness, Guild Master. I didn't mean what I just said."

Right. I was just told by Lucia to be more careful. I wasn't expecting her to come at me that way, but I ought to be more observant from now on. There's a possibility that she is just testing me right now. I cannot be too lenient about this.

GM: "Hm, is that so~? That is too bad, then."

Her face showed that of a lonely expression. So I didn't let up the chance and followed up…

H: "But if you can wait until you grow up, Guild Master. I may consider it."

Lu: "*sigh* It's over…"

T: "Hm? Hm? What's happening? Ms. Lucia, what are they talking about?"

Looking back and forth between me, Lucia, and the Guild Master, Tia seems to be confused with the situation. But Lucia, on the other hand, didn't notice Tia's inquiry, it seems.

GM: "Oho~ I see I see, what an honest young'un we have here, eh? So you are saying that my body is too small to consider, eh?"

H: "Honestly, yes."

GM: "You are really honest, young'un~ Well, well. Now, I kind of taking a liking to this one. A rare find, eh? Don't you think so, eh Lucia dear? Most adventurers just stuck up when they see me or others just plainly freeze at my mere sight. I have been lonely, you see~"

H: "R-Right…"

Lucia can't help to show her distress about the situation. But still having working under the Guild Master, she just agreed anyway with a wry smile.

GM: "Nuhaha~ Alright, Black Sheep. Let us first set aside the jest."

H: "Got it, Guild Master."

Lu: ["They were joking?"]

T: ["Hm? What were they joking about…?"]

Restarting our gears, I once again faced the little Guild Master as i straightened my back.

GM: "Hmm… Guild Master is too formal don't you think, eh Black Sheep~?"

H: "But that's what Lucia is calling you so…"

GM: "Lucia is just too stiff with everything. That is one of the reason she cannot get herself a man. And she just had to make something else stiff, if she really think about it~"

Lu: "Urk… Guild Master…~?"

With that said, I saw Lucia's body jerked slightly. I guess it hit her hard where it hurts.

Lu: "I don't recall being stiff and doing my job being the same, Guild Master."

Whoa… Lucia tries to hide her anger but it's not successful. What a scary way to look at a person. She is smiling but veins are almost popping on her forehead from anger.

GM: "Hoho~ That is what I am talking about, my dear. But do not fret. I have not yet found myself a man either. I am also a virgin."

H: "… Hm? Also?"

I repeat the word that caught my attention but it seems like it hit another nerve in Lucia.

Lu: "… Yeah, that's right… I AM still a virgin… YEAH. Do you have a problem with that, HUH?!"

Hmm… Now this is bad. Atop of her flushed face like a tomato, her eyes are now moistened from tears, definitely because of embarrassment. Her shoulder is already trembling while she clutches her hands into a fist. But more importantly, finding that gap in her personality where she can be quite the shy person even though she appears to be a mature woman, it just makes her look cuter. She just doesn't understand… That's why I have to tell her…!

H: "What are you saying, Lucia?? Isn't that better?! A mature adult still not having any experience… THE GAP IS JUST WAY TOO CUTE!"

Lu: "Eh? Ehh?"

I grabbed her shoulders and express my burning passion with a serious face.

GM: "He is right, Lucia my dear."

H: "But on the other hand, Guild Master. If you're a virgin, don't offer someone to have sex with you. Lucia wins in that regards. *thumbs up*"

Lu: "I don't know what you're trying to say with those thumbs…"

GM: "Do not worry, young'un. I have asked that only to you."

Uh… Should I be happy with that or what…? But if she grow up a little bit more then that statement would definitely made me elated.

T: "I cannot keep up with this conversation… Uhm, Hans? What is v-viiirg-gin? And sex?"

H: "Oh right! There's an underaged here, Guild Master! What are you suddenly saying in front of our innocent, Tia?? Lucia! Couldn't you have done something like a censorship?? Where's the 'beep!' or 'bzzt' sound??"

Lu: "What in the world are you talking about, Hans…? As the rumors say, you're character really changes from time to time, you know that? I wonder if that's just you being adaptable or what... *sigh*"

Lucia pinched the bridge of her nose between her eyes after raising the rim of her glasses.

GM: "Nuhaha~ Right. I forgot. Forgive me, Princess Frederica Siestia Faunalia."

H: "…!"

I hurriedly pulled Tia behind me. The atmosphere instantly tensed as I intently stared at the Guild Master. It's like the light banter we just had earlier was just a simple lie, I try to emit bloodlust to warn anyone that I will do anything if they plan to harm Tia.

H: "… Guild Master."

She knows about Tia's true identity? Or did Tia say anything about her true self to the Guild Master before coming here? No. From the looks of it, even Tia is shocked from the words of the Guild Master. Can I already conclude this to be a dangerous situation?

GM: "Be at ease, young'un. Nuhaha~ I recommend you not underestimate the power and connections of a Guild Master."

H: "… Did you already know about this, Lucia?"

Lucia became serious as well even just after what happened earlier. There's no hint of embarrassment now. Just a face of business. I guess this is what the Guild Master said about being stiff when it comes to her work. Though outside she's just a normal woman who you can approach anytime.

Lu: "That's right. I'm the right hand and secretary of the Guild Master. It's not weird for me to know what the Guild Master knows."

H: "I see. I think asking wouldn't hurt but… Are we in danger?"

Lu: "No. I can guarantee you that."

I stared at her face for a few seconds to see any signs of lie.

H: "I see. Anya told me that you're a very reliable person so I'll trust you, Lucia."

Lu: "What a good thing to say, that Anya. I'll treat her to lunch some time."

Her lips formed into a smile while she fixes her eyeglass. I let go of Tia who is wary of her surrounding even now. Her eyes turned into that of a tiger that cautiously looked at the Guild Master. She still holds the hem of my shirt as she does so.

H: "It's okay Tia. Let's hear the Guild Master first."

GM: "Nuhaha~ Young'un. Just refer to me by my name."

H: "Name?"

GM: "Florensia."

Hm? That sounds familiar. Or like, that's the name of the town!

H: "Florensia? That's the same with the town's name, huh."

Flo: "Of course. It is named after me, after all."

H: "Right, right. I see. That makes sense. Wait… What?!"

Flo: "Nuhaha~ I see, you are surprised."

… It seems like convincing myself to get used to surprises in this world is just naïve thinking on my part. Then if what she's saying is true…

H: "Then, are you the witch who casted the spell and turned the town into a flower garden?"

Flo: "That is correct, is it not beautiful, if I say so myself?"

Who would've known…? To think that the Guild Master/Mayor of Florensia Town who turned out to be the witch from the story that I've been hearing is right in front of me.

From what I've heard so far from Ceres and Anya, there was a witch who casted an original spell to have all the flowers bloom in this town. Before that time, the town didn't have a name and the mayor then was great friends with the witch. They got along so well that they treated each other as sisters.

Anya liked the story since it resembles her relationship with Ceres.

When the mayor was about to die, the Witch casted her original spell as thanks for everything the mayor has done for her. But I didn't think that the witch would then succeed the position of the Mayor, and now the Guild Master.

H: "Yeah. It is. But I just couldn't believe that you were that witch from the story that I've heard before. That was centuries ago."

Flo: "Is that so? Are you not curious about my age then, young'un~?"

H: "Well I can vaguely tell already. A lady's age is a delicate matter, right?"

Flo: "Nuhahaha~ I am impressed. You're reactions are interesting and that straightforwardness of yours… Fufu… Your face does not really match your personality, eh?"

H: "I'm honored."

Flo: "And this lad even called me a lady, eh Lucia? Certainly, you are different from the past adventurers that I have met. You can be at ease with me. I personally permit you to do so."

H: "I see. That would greatly help, then."

I stopped being formal at her request but I still find it with for her to be like that with me. Am I really that interesting to begin with? Well, all I do is be just honest with my desires.

She's a great witch from what I've heard and she's probably wiser than any person in this town, much more because of her age. But for her to take up the role of the Mayor and Guild Master of this town, she must be quite the skilled and capable person in the history of Florensia Town. I really must not get careless and underestimate her just because of her appearance.

Flo: "Well then, you two young'uns. You are wondering why I know the real identity of the little one there, are you not~?"

Tia remained alarmed while staring at the grinning Guild Master. Because of her circumstances, she really need to hide her identity from anyone, much more to an influential person like the Guild Master.

Flo: "Nuhahaha~ I will appreciate it if you do not look at me like that, dear. But it cannot be helped when the throne is at risk, eh?"

T: "… You even know that much. Hans… We should get out of here."

Flo: "Wait, Tia. We have to hear her reasons. We can't leave without getting the whole picture."

I pat her head for reassurance but it didn't wash away her anxiety from our current situation.

Flo: "Do not be alarmed, my dear. I do not want any trouble occur in my town, after all. I swear to you with my name at stake, I will not tell a soul about this. Happy~?"

T: "If you say so…"

Tia relaxed her gripped on my shirt after hearing the promise of the Guild Master. But it seems like she's still bothered by it as she did not let go of my shirt even now.

Flo: "As the authority who governs this place, I have the obligation to be informed of all the people who goes in and out here, you see. Even that little rascal who kidnapped your friend. If I did not notice you taking some actions I would have done something about it personally. Since it may be something… troublesome, indeed."

H: "I see. If you know that much. I can guess, you must have called me other than the issue with the loot from the Chaos Wolf. Am I correct?"

Flo: "Nuhahaha~ I like men with brains. That is exactly right."

She laughs as she spread the fan on her hand and hid her lips afterwards. Then the tension got bit more heavier than it was before. She looked straight at me with peering eyes. The curled lips that was there before is now gone when she folded the fan right away.

I felt a shiver ran down my spine when her aura suddenly changed.

Flo: : "I'm proud of my intel when it comes to people who enters my town. But…"

She then pointed the fan towards my direction.

Flo: : "I could not get a single information about you, dear Black Sheep. Who… in the world are you…?"

H: "…"

I see. So it has come to this. I've sort of figured it out after talking with her for a while that she's knowledgeable about her residents. And of course, that goes the same for me who just recently entered her territory.

Flo: "The 'Classifier', which never had a problem before, failed to make a normal bracelet. Yours is pitch black. It could not even classify your… class. You are strong enough to take on Ground Arachnias and their Queen for a newcomer. And lastly, powerful enough to kill a Chaos Wolf."

H: "Hm. I see. I've been watched this entire time, huh."

Flo: "That goes without saying, young'un. You are one of my residents now."

H: "…"

If she's saying that, then I guess she's not that hostile towards me?

Flo: "Another note, I have been releasing bloodlust towards you ever since you entered my premise as a form of a test, but… You do not seem to be bothered by it, even at the least. A normal adventurer would already have definitely fell unconscious with their mouth foaming."

H: "So that was the shiver I've been feeling…"

Flo: "Shiver? Just a shiver, you say eh?? Nuhahaha~ I see, I see. But be that as it may, and even with the help of the little one there, it is still impossible for a single person to defeat a Chaos Wolf. Now, enlighten me, young'un. Who are you?"

H: "Hm."

Should I tell them? My life here is at stake, I can somehow tell that even if she calls me her resident. An unknown entity that barged in to your territory is something to be wary off. That is a normal response. But for now…

H: "I am…"

Flo: "You are?"

I faced the Guild Master with determination.

H: "I am a chef in Lunaria Café and a G rank adventurer."

Flo: "…"

Saying that, followed blank faces from everyone inside the room. Of course that goes the same for Tia as well. It seems like they were expecting something from me but I just really can't tell the reason how I got here. Ceres and Anya are different. But in this case with the Guild Master who is a figure of authority, I cannot freely disclose my identity to her.

Flo: "Nuhahahaha! I see, I see! You, young'un is a chef and an adventurer, eh? Is that so~ Well, I will not pry in too much. It was just a whim of mine. Forgive me."

H: "It's okay. No harm was done."

Flo: "An open minded lad as well, I see. That is making me like you all the more~"

She licks her lips while leering at me with her large, round squinty eyes. I have to change the topic before anything worse happens.

H: "Then? What is the reason you got us here?"

Flo: "Fufu. Took us long enough, eh?"

And whose fault is that?

Is what I wanted to say but the conversation won't move along so I just swallowed my words.

Lu: "There is a hidden activity that is happening recently in the shadows of the town."

As if she could not wait any longer, Lucia's the one who proceeded to explain the matters in Florensia's stead.

H: "Hidden activity?"

Flo: "That is right, young'un. You know I have a full grasp of every movements in my town. But this time, those rodents are doing something to prevent me from peering inside. I have told you that my connection is something not to be underestimated but this time… They have done it and I am not pleased…"

It's obvious that she didn't take the news pleasantly as her expression turns into that of irritation and grim.

Lu: "It happened just right after the day when you rescued Ceres. We've sent people to investigate the site and found a small letter from the room."

They've got great intel and even people to investigate. In that short span of time, they've already located the place where we were locked and even got found an important piece of information. The only thing I got in my mind that time was to get Ceres and Tia out of there so I just left it as is. But judging from the words of the robed man…

H: "… Resuretia."

Flo: "Oh my? You have already heard about it?"

H: "No. I heard the man who kidnapped Ceres and Tia say that. From what he have said, it seemed like he's working under an organization of some sort. That was the time I judged that it was not just simply a kidnapping incident but a plan that is being executed."

Flo: "… Oho~! Impressive, young'un~! I'm very impressed! It seems like I did not have to worry about this if you have already thought about that that far."

H: "It was just me putting small pieces together. I still haven't grasped the whole situation."

Saying that, Lucia hands me over a small piece of paper, battered and folded. I opened it up and an insignia was perfectly drawn inside.

Lu: "That is the insignia of the Resuretia. An underground organization with the goal of resurrecting the Goddess of Disorder, Tehalia."

H: "Goddess of Disorder… From her name, it seems like they're resurrecting one of the 12 goddesses."

I still haven't yet heard anything about the 12 goddesses. My only information about them are, first, about their names being used for the months. Second is about a goddess named Seres, who saved the world a long time ago. And lastly, is about the goddess who I heard from Tia. A Faunalian goddess who is still active for her race.

Lu: "Right. Let me brief you about the twelve goddesses first. There are twelve goddesses who governed the whole universe. The first seven goddess are those who are responsible for and created the residents of this world. Oliel is the goddess of the humans and she's the one responsible for creating the human race. The Faunalian goddess, Toraste; the Demon goddess, Theis; The Dwarver goddess, Fovien; the Ange goddess, Faisten; and the Elven goddess, Sielma."

H: "I see. Being that the Faunalian goddess, Toraste, still active and uses her blessings for her kin, does that mean that the others are still active as a goddess?"

There seems to be no reason to hide things from Florensia so I used the information that I've gathered so far to inquire more.

Lu: "As far as I know, humans, faunalians, elves, and angels have their goddesses bless their creations even now and uses their powers to make them prosper. On the other hand, the goddess of the Dwarves is still missing and the Demon goddess, is now gone."

H: "Gone? Did she die or something?"

Lu: "Yes. She was also the Demon Lord who got defeated during the Cursed Age and is now buried at the demon continent."

H: "Hm. Using the information you gave me so far, does that mean that the goddesses can interfere with the people and the world?"

Lu: "That's right. But goddess move on a whim so they can be quite unpredictable."

H: "I see."

I'd like to meet one.

Lu: "Contuining. The Moon goddess, Seres; the Earth goddess, Estra; the Sky goddess, Noires; the Water goddess, Till; the goddess of Harmony, Efolga; and lastly the goddess of disorder, Tehalia."

From what I've heard from Anya, earth in this world means the ground and what grows from it. It's different from the one in my world which is the actual name of the planet. This world here, on the other hand, is named Vaniflan.

When I first heard it, I suddenly craved for something sweet.

I listened carefully at Lucia's words and made a mental note of them inside my mind as I do so. These should help me better understand the way and logic of this world.

Lu: "The twelve goddess worked together harmoniously with their head goddess, Elfoga. Everything went well and all the races joined together as one. But because of Tehalia's nature as the goddess of disorder, she wreaked havoc around the world and ended up making all the other goddesses her enemy. After a long hard fight, the goddess of disorder was defeated and is now sealed in an ancient artifact and is considered dead. And later that ancient artifact became known as the Staff of Oblivion."

Staff of Oblivion… So the goddess was sealed in a weapon?

Lu: "But a few years ago, that Staff of Oblivion disappeared from the hands of the Kingdom and that single piece of paper was the only thing that was left."

H: "Resuretia…"

So after procuring the Staff of Oblivion where the goddess of disorder was sealed, they now plan to resurrect her.

Lu: "Their goals after the resurrection is still unknown, but their movements have become more and more apparent every time an incident will happen. It seems like they have made a base around the town and are planning something that concerns this place. They may cause a scene that will be quite troublesome if not stopped."

H: "… Hm…"

Honestly, I've already gotten the whole picture. And that this will become something big-scale. An underground organization, more like a cult, is trying to resurrect their hailed goddess and will plan to conquer the world. I've read enough fantasy books where similar cases happens and the main character will go and fight them to prevent the incoming disaster. Using the power they've got to defeat the evil and bring peace to the world afterwards.

But I'm no main character of a story. This is reality right now.

H: "So? What do you plan to do after telling me all this?"

Flo: "Young'un. … Will you help us when the time comes?"

Florensia leaned forward while supporting herself with her elbow on the desk and asked me in a straightforward manner.

H: "Hmm… Couldn't you do something about it when that time comes?"

Flo: "… You are right. For hidden reason, I cannot leave here in this room."

H: "You can't leave? You mean you've stayed here ever since you've become the mayor?"

Flo: "Yes."

H: "…"

That's awful… Not being able to go out and appreciate the things the outside world can bring.

H: "I see."

Honestly, I don't think I'm not the perfect person to leave the role to. There are other adventurers that are far more stronger than me and ranks higher than me. Just the thought of leaving a huge mission to a Rank G adventurer like me is pushing it too much.


Leaving it to… me…?

H: "Florensia. Does this case concerns me, by other chance?"

Flo: "Heeeh~ As expected of the Black Sheep. Quick on the pickup, eh~? That is right. This does concern you."

Just as I thought. This person in front of me is not someone who would move just because of what interest her, well maybe, but I just know that when it comes to her town, she will do what is best for the current situation. That's what I get from talking with her.

Flo: "The girl in your restaurant. Ceres, is their target, young'un."

H: "Wha-? What do you mean?"

Tia was also surprised by the sudden news.

Flo: "Hm… My dear Black Sheep. I think I am in no position to tell you the story. You have to hear it from the missus if you want."

H: "… I see."

It seems like a delicate matter. But if I connect the dots from here. I can already guess what this will be all about.

Flo: "So I want you to keep an eye on her every now and then."

H: "Leave it to me."

Now this has become something serious. I never thought that someone near me would be their target all along. Not that I didn't think of the possibility.

Flo: "Well! That is that for the stiff talk~ Now, there is something to confirm with the little one there."

T: "Me…?"

Flo: "That is right. I want to tell you… As long as you are here in my town, you do not have to worry about anything. I will act independently but I will not let anyone touch you in here. Remember that, you got me?"

T: "…! Guild Master…!"

Flo: "Let me see, come here."

Saying that, Florensia patted her lap as she signal Tia to come.

T: "Okay!"

Tia then happily went directly to sit on Florensia's lap.

Flo: "Umu. Now this is what I call bliss. Nuhahaha~"

Tia now, who is now sat on the Guild Master's, is having her head pat by the Guild Master. At first I thought it would be weird for two small girls to do but it seems like it's not that bad. In terms of height, Florensia is much taller than Tia, reaching that of a second year middle schooler. But for Tia, who is even for her race and age is considered small, she just fit perfectly on Florensia's lap.

If you look at them now, it looks like a grandmother doting on her granddaughter.

H: "I'm being healed…~ Don't you think so too, Lucia?"

Lu: "Y-Yeah… *slurp*"

H: "L-Lucia…?"

I looked at Lucia and found her intently staring at them while moving her fingers in a creepy way. She even drools while doing so. I found out another side of Lucia today.

Well, I can't say I don't understand what she's feeling. Seeing this splendid spectacle is sight for sore eyes indeed.



H: "Heya, Ms. Receptionist."

Receptionist: "Kyaaa! It's the Black Sheep!! He's talking to me!! What should I do?? How should I respond…? *blush*"

First, ask me why I came to the reception corner.

The receptionist wriggles on her sit while holding her blushing cheeks. Even the receptionists are like this. I guess there's no longer a way to prevent this kind of treatment. I just have to get used to it.

H: "I came to purchase a skill."

Receptionist: "Ah. Yes. I understand, please wait for a while."

Wow. What a quick switchover. She was just wriggling and swaying from left to write and now her face is that of a serious receptionist with her usual business smile. But that's really admirable. These people in the reception corner really does their best when it comes to their job.

T: "You've really become famous, huh Hans? Are you going to pat their heads too??"

H: "Well, well, now don't sulk."

T: "Pui. I'm not sulking."

Ah…~ She's cute too when she's getting jealous. I want to poke those round cheeks. But what does she mean by me patting their heads…?

Receptionist: "In what class, Sir Black Sheep?"

So she won't stop calling me that, huh…

H: "That is… Unfortunately, I don't have a class as of the moment. But I already registered."

Receptionist: "Is that so. Well then, there are skills for those who have not yet decided on what class they want. Do you wish to check them out?"

H: "That would help. Is there a skill that can make you communicate with a person without having to meet them?"

Right. I came here to look for a skill that lets me communicate even from a distance.

The case that Florensia was talking about, being Ceres their target, I can't just seat around waiting and do nothing. Florensia mentioned that they are still keeping an eye for those suspicious movements in the shadows and it seems like they won't be moving any time soon. But I still have to prepare just in case. I can't let something happen just because of my leniency.

Receptionist: "If that is the case, there is the skill, '[Telepathy].'"

H: "Hm. Alright. How much will it cost by the way?"

Receptionist: "That will be 230 gold."

H: "*cough* t… 230 gold… Ah. Can I just exchange the monster crystal from the Chaos Wolf?"

Receptionist: "Yes, it is possible. Will that be okay?"

H: "Sure. Please do."

I didn't think a skill would cost this much.

H: "Are skills really this expensive?"

Receptionist: "That is not the case with every skills. Telepathy is an exception because it is a special skill that concerns the psychology of the user. Another factor is it being a dangerous skill that can be used by those with evil intentions."

H: "I see."

That makes sense.

The receptionist then brought out something that looks like the Classifier that I used when I went to register as an adventurer and began typing something on the hologram that looks like a keyboard.


Lucia granted me the possession of the monster crystal, mana core, and the Chaos Metal after the talk with Florensia.

The monster crystal was big enough to take up a huge carriage and they had to roll it around to bring it to town, so I just planned to exchange it for money. I first thought of absorbing it but they may suspect something if something of that size suddenly disappeared and begin asking me where I put it. That would be the last thing I would want. But the crystal points that I may get from that are truly something to regret for…

I wonder just how much crystal points I will get from that…

I told them that I will be having the mana core and made an excuse like giving it to a magician friend of mine who wants it. Well, in this case, I won't mind about the monster crystal anymore. But the mana core is a different matter. That is the only way for me to gain a skill at the moment. I can't let the chance pass.

The Chaos Metal is the fur of the Chaos Wolf that hardened like a metal. I had them keep the Chaos Metal for now. I plan to have it made into an armor or a weapon but I still don't have a class and I don't know what to make it into so that will be held off for now.

Receptionist: "Well then, please place your bracelet here."

H: "Got it."

I inserted my hand into the machine that is now glowing.

Receptionist: "It will now read your bracelet and load the skill in it. The bracelet then will ingrain the skill in your body using the mana inside you."

I see. So that's why I feel like something is being sucked out from my core.

Receptionist: "Alright. Skill learning complete. You may now remove your hand. (Kyaa!! I touched Black Sheep's hand!!!)"

H: "Thank you."

T: "Muu…"

I pat Tia's head is now pouting even more. I have to make up to her for this later.

Receptionist: "Well then, I will be explaining the skill. Please open your bracelet terminal."

H: "Got it."

[Name]: Hans Alius Schmidt

[Class]: None

[Sex]: Male

[Level]: 50

[Race]: Human

[Rank]: G


Black Sheep


[Active Skill]

<Telepathy Lv. 1/1>

[Passive Skills]


I need Glow Stones! Gather me some! <Rank F Quest (Party is recommended)>


I want you to get me 20 Glow Stones from the Ground Dungeon near Florensia Town. Really need it for my experiment, ya hear me?? This is an easy quest, if you fail I'll come and find you and use your bodies for my experiment! Got it?! Just look out so that you won't be arachnia feed!

I'll give you one week to finish this quest!

Reward: 2 silver coins

Status: Ongoing

[Party Members/Raid Members]


I browsed at my bracelet terminal and noticed a new section in it. The Skill section. It's much closer now to my status display but the status numbers are still nowhere to be found. And the skills that I get from normal means like the skills I got from the mana core and from the contract with Tia were not displayed here. That should mean that only skills that I got from the Guild will show here, huh? That's convenient for me if ever I needed to show this to someone. Hm. So it's just level 1, huh.

And because of how I defeated the Chaos Wolf, even without the proper assessment of a quest or the likes, the Guild granted my level up and now I instantly got into level 50 which is the maximum level for rank G.

And now I've got a title in my bracelet terminal on top of that.

Receptionist: "The skill Telepathy is used to communicate with certain person of the user's choice. The user can register a person they want to communicate with and the registered person can call the user back anytime they want. But the registered person can only call the user and no one else."

I see. If they could use it like the user too then there would be no need to buy it. You can just ask someone with the skill and register you as a recipient of the skill and use it for yourself. If this skill is made by a person, they really know their stuff.

H: "How can I register someone then?"

Receptionist: "Just think of the person and say the word Telepathy in your mind, it will immediately connect you to that person."

What convenience. This is much better than a cellphone."

Receptionist: "But be careful. A registered person can have it removed if they wanted to in the Guild or cut the Telepathy itself. Please use it accordingly."

H: "Got it."

Somehow I now got worried about using it to contact Ceres…

H: "Let me try it."

I tried to imagine her face in my mind and…



A weird clicking sound rang inside my head.

??: "Huh? Telepathy? Who?"

The I heard Ceres voice from inside my head like there's a speaker inside.

H: "Heya! Ceres! It's me."


H: "… It got cut off…"

T: "Ahaha…"

Receptionist: "Sir Black Sheep, how will you be using the rest of your money?"

H: "Ah. Yeah. How much do I still have?"

Receptionist: "You still have 270 gold."

H: "Wow…"

I got a little bit rich in that instant…



Chapter 19 End


Name: Hans Alius Schmidt

Race: Human

Class: None


Contracted One, Black Sheep


Strength: 206(+206)/9999

Agility 82(+82)/9999

Intelligence 171(+171)(+500)/9999

Defense 15(+15)/9999


<Active Skills>

Mana Detect Lv. 10/10

Crush Strike Lv. 9/10

Beast Soul Activation Lv. 1/1

Mana Burst Lv. 1/10

Telepathy Lv. 1/1

<Passive Skills>

Status Lv. 1/1

Harden Lv. 1/10

Damage Resistance Lv. 1/10

Beast Soul Link Lv. 1/1

[Crystal Points: 0]

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