
Emma is mine forever

Emma was kidnapped by human traffickers alongside her friend on their way to school. Displayed to be auctioned off, her luck shines when she caught the attention of a rich and handsome young man Martel Godfrey, who is also a vampire. Things spiral out of control when Martel suddenly finds himself taken by men of the dreaded vampire Lancelot, aka the vampire slayer, the drug trafficker. Unable to meet his demands, Lancelot directs his goons to snatch Emma, as motivation for Martel to find his partner, who is indebted to Lancelot. Things get tricky when Martel returns and finds Emma fighting for her life and needing his vampire blood for survival. Martel is torn between letting Emma die or saving her and making her a vampire.

Inneh_Faith · Fantasie
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4 Chs

chapter three

It has been three weeks and three days since Emma and Martel have been together in the hotel. All she did was eat, watch TV, sleep and go out for a walk. He always returned late due to his busy schedule at work, but he always made sure he bought her snacks every night because he knew how much she loved snacks. She always felt bored alone even though they stayed in the presidential suite of the hotel. She found herself missing Martel whenever he was away at work, he still hadn't made any sexual attempt on her which was surprising to her knowing that he paid to have her here only for one weekend, it had been over three weeks of her being at the hotel with him with. He was so nice to her, she was starting to have feelings for him and she secretly wished he felt the same for her even though she knew she would return back to Miss K any time soon. Emma heard a knock on the door and she rushed to open it thinking it was the waiter with her lunch, but she saw no one. As she was about to go back inside she looked at the floor and saw a large gift box with her name written on it. She never knew Martel to be romantic so this was a big surprise for her, she opened the box and saw a note "I will be back in three hours. We will be going out tonight baby girl. Ps- I have something important to tell you," she looked at the time, it was three fifteen p.m. She brought out a beautiful black size eight dinner gown, red heels, and a makeup purse with makeup and perfume inside. Three hours later Emma was all dressed up with light makeup on. She wondered how he got her perfect gown and shoe size without asking her about it. She was proud of how beautiful the gown looked on her while checking herself out in the mirror.

She heard the door open and stood up for a weird reason, she did not know why she felt shy all of a sudden. Martel stood still staring at her in what felt like an eternity. "Wow!!!, this gown was made just for you. You are so beautiful Emma," he said smiling sheepishly like a boy meeting his high school crush for the very first time. "Thank you. How did you know my size of gown, shoe, and the perfect color of my makeup?" Emma asked smiling. "After two hundred and fifty years on earth I know everything, my dear," he said with a straight face looking deep into Emma's eyes. "Twenty-five years you mean duh!!!," she said rolling her eyes and laughing as she turned around showing off the dress. "Anything you say my angel, let me quickly freshen up before we leave," he said as he walked towards the bathroom. He quickly had his bath and got dressed, in thirty minutes he was done and they left the hotel.

They finally got to a restaurant after about twenty minutes away from the hotel, the restaurant was a beautiful sight to behold. "Merotoro is one of the best restaurants in Mexico, and a taste of their food will leave you craving for more I bet you," Martel said. He opened the car door for Emma and held her hand to support her to get down from the car. He stared at her with longing eyes as he watched her. She always felt butterflies in her stomach each time Martel stared at her that way. Why does he always make me feel this way? She thought. " You seem distracted, don't you like this place?" he asked while leading her into the very expensive-looking restaurant. "It's a beautiful place and it looks really expensive, I have never been anywhere like this in my life. Thank you for bringing me here," Emma said smiling. She has never gone on a date before, she was super excited and nervous at the same time. She was trying so hard not to make it obvious that she was shy, she also did not want him to know that this was her first date ever. "We will also be going shopping soon, i know you only came with a few clothes because you thought you would only be with me for a few nights, i will fix a day for us to go shopping," he said. Emma thanked him for his generosity.

After dinner they talked for a while without Martel making mention of what he wanted to tell her, Emma finally grew impatient waiting for him to talk. "You wrote that you wanted to tell me something important, but since we got here you haven't said anything out of the ordinary yet," she said trying to hide her curiosity. Martel's smile faded all of a sudden, she then knew that what he wanted to say was serious. "Do you want to take me back to Miss K?" she asked. She wondered if that was why he made her dress up as tears were rolling down her eyes. "I don't want to be a call girl please, I just want to go home back to my mom and my brother." She was about to kneel down when Martel stopped her. He cleaned her tears with his hands, seeing her cry made him feel bad. "No, no, no dear, it's not that at all. You will never go back there, I want you here with me, with me is where you belong, I want to take care of you," He said. Emma took a deep breath in and out feeling better and relieved knowing that he didn't want to send her back to Miss K and the girls. " Won't they come looking for me?, Miss k told me that I would be spending just the weekend with you, but I have been here for weeks now," she said. "Don't you worry your pretty head about all that, i paid to have you here with me, I paid to have you to myself forever. You are never going back to them, you are mine now," He said. in a way that Emma didn't know if she was to say thank you or not, even if he paid for her freedom from Miss K and her boss he did not sound like he wanted to let her go which frightened her. " Thank you very much Mr. Martel, but what about my family?, will i ever get to see them again?" she asked. Even though she was free from prostitution, she also wanted to go back home so badly. "We will talk about that some other time," he said.

Martel stood up and stretched his hand out to her. "Follow me, I don't only need to tell you what I want to tell you, I also need to show you for you to believe me." Emma stood up and followed him. He took her behind the restaurant, he looked around to see if anyone else was there, they were alone." When I said I was two hundred and fifty years old, I was not lying," Martel said with a serious look on his face. Emma tried to walk back into the restaurant laughing, thinking he was only joking, but he stopped her. "Is this why you brought me here, to tell me jokes?" she said rolling her eyes. She was not in the mood for jokes or fake laughter at jokes that weren't funny. She tried to drag Martel back with her into the restaurant but he stood still. "I'm not lying babe, I am a man of my word and I do not lie. I can prove it to you right now if only you promise not to run or pass out. I have grown attached to you, so this is me opening up totally to you, hoping you won't want to leave me, even though you can't. I am tired of being alone in this world," he said. Emma could not hold back from laughing, she busted out laughing really hard. " Humans don't get that old duh, you are drunk, let's go back inside so you can relax and drink some water to calm yourself down before we think of how to go back to the hotel because I do not know how to drive," she said calmly. She tried to gently drag him back into the restaurant, but he stood stone still. " I am not drunk, vampires do not get drunk. I am a vampire and I'm going to prove it to you now ok, please don't pass out on me," he said.

He smiled and cupped her face in his hands. "Please don't freak out." Before she could say anything Martel jumped so high and landed on the roof of a three-story building behind them. Emma froze with fear, her heart started racing really fast as she was trying to comprehend what just happened in front of her. Martel jumped back down, as he walked close to her, she started walking backward without looking back. " What are you?" she asked shaking of fear. "Please don't come close to me, please don't hurt me," she said moving backward trying to get away from him. Martel kept moving towards her trying to calm her down as she looked out of breath and he knew she was very close to passing out. As he got close to her she fell on the floor and hit her head, she passed out.